Eternal food paradise

Chapter 73 Liu Maluu of Empty and Nothingness

"It's you!!"

Xia Yan was shocked and couldn't help complaining about this inexplicable ape excrement.

Fate is a bridge.

Ah, no!

Damn it, whoever wants to get too involved with this king of the dark world, players may hug his thigh without thinking, regardless of their camp or position, but Xia Yan doesn't want to be labeled as a "dark cuisine world" , even if you jump into the Yellow River, you won’t be able to clean yourself.

Yan Xian discovered that the chef who prepared the "treasure sauce" was actually an acquaintance.

"It turns out it's you..."

He gave a meaningful low laugh.

"Now, I have two doubts!" ​​Yan Xian raised two fingers.

Xia Yan could only shrug his shoulders.

Their eyes met in mid-air, exchanging looks that only each other could understand as if no one else was watching.

I noticed the undisguised interest and curiosity in Yan Xian's eyes.

Xia Yan sighed secretly.


Since Yan Xian was here, and looking at Liu Keling who came with him, he roughly knew that Yan Xian was not an uninvited guest, but a guest coming downstairs from Ju.

In this case, the fish he just asked Liu Keling to bring out was like a meat bun beating a dog...

To be precise, he threw a fat carp into the mouth of the giant man-eating crocodile.

The flavor of the ‘Blue Heaven’ directly points to the fact that he possesses the ‘Arhat Crystal Slash’.

This should be one of the doubts that Yan Xian mentioned.

As for that other doubt...


Xia Yan pointed to the little boy next to him who was busy preparing the sauce.

"Shh!" He raised his finger to his lips to tell Yan Xian and Admiral Li to stop talking. "If you have any questions about the process and methods, just read on and you will know."

Liu Pleiaxing seemed to have entered his own cooking world, and he was dealing with some remaining ingredients on the table.

Hawthorn fruits are washed, cored and pitted, and chopped into pieces.

Tomatoes are boiled into thick juice.

Then Liu Maoxing broke an egg, took only the yolk, put it into a small bowl, sprinkled some sugar granules in, and kept stirring with chopsticks.

After that, a kind of fat is slowly injected and continued to be beaten.

Witness this scene.

Admiral Li was shocked: "What kind of oil is this? It can be used directly to make sauces and eaten directly."

Yan Xian clicked his tongue: "Most fats and oils cannot be eaten directly and need to be heated at high temperatures. However, there are several fats and oils that are suitable for cold dishes and salad dressings."

"Tea oil is a kind of tea oil. It is made from pressed tea tree seeds."

"Sesame oil is the second ingredient, and the main raw material is sesame."

Seeing that they were talking about directly edible fats and oils, Xia Yan wanted to say that it didn't matter what kind of oil it was, it was a 'salad oil', as long as it was of better quality among edible oils, there was nothing to discuss.

Xia Yan himself was also enjoying watching Liu Pleiaxing recreate his sauce.

The more I watch it, the more interesting it becomes!

The focus is not on imitation and learning, but on Liu Pleiades.

Unexpectedly, the first time I met Liu Pleiades, the first time I saw this luminous protagonist cooking at close range, it was the sauce that closely surrounded him.

In this way, he can be regarded as exerting his influence on Liu Pleiades' growth.

At the very least, before embarking on the journey to learn cooking skills at Yangquan Restaurant in Guangzhou, Liu Pleiades may have a stronger culinary foundation than the original.

"Lemon juice, ketchup."

“Any white pepper at the end?”

Yan Xian and Admiral Li were not surprised by the appearance of ‘tomato’ and ‘white pepper’.

The land of China in the background of "Chinese Ichiban" has all the modern ingredients that should appear on the scene. Even if we insist on tracing back to the roots, the history of pepper consumption in China is much earlier than that of peppers and tomatoes. Going back a few dynasties, Pepper is undoubtedly a luxury product, but with the development of the times, these spices and seasonings, which were once comparable to gold and silver, have also entered ordinary families and appeared on people's tables.


After making the same sweet and sour sauce himself, Liu Pleiades scratched his head, still looking confused.

"It doesn't smell like that!"

Liu Pleiax was turning around to ask Xia Yan if he was missing any process, or if he didn't do any step well enough.

I found two tall guys standing behind me.

Their eyes were burning.

However, it was not him who caused the burning, but the sauce he had just prepared in his hand.


The next second, the sauce was in Yan Xian's hand. Liu Maoxing didn't see clearly how Yan Xian reached into the bag to get something. He only reacted suddenly when he saw Yan Xian take his sauce plate.

Yan first dipped his little finger into some sauce, put it into his mouth, and said, "It really doesn't taste like that."

Admiral Li was thoughtful and focused on Xia Yan.

"An inimitable 'trait'?"

Xia Yan found that his clothes were being pulled by someone. He lowered his head and saw a young boy whose height was no higher than his chest. He looked at him with a face full of unwillingness to admit defeat and asked, "Sir, why do I Is the sauce you make not as 'smooth' and 'delicate' as in heaven?"

Hearing this, Xia Yan was happy.

He couldn't help but give Liu Pleiades of this age a slap on the head.

"Because that's what I smell like."

Looking into Liu Pleiades' eyes full of inquisitiveness, Xia Yan discovered that the protagonists in the food series, whether it was the Medicine King or Liu Pleiades in front of him, were indeed decent characters full of exploration and endless progress.

"The recipes and procedures can be copied perfectly."

"But personal characteristics and the taste of the chef are different for everyone. Subaru, don't think about my paradise. Try to create the paradise in your own mind. That is the 'characteristic' you give to the food. ah!"

Liu Pleiades seemed to understand and nodded.

Liu Keling watched silently, feeling touched by this scene, especially when she glanced at the faint smile on the man's face.

Suddenly, the gentle face of his father named Liu Maliu appeared in his mind.

There are some similarities.

Main building, in the lobby.

Admiral Li stood at the door: "I still have a lot of official duties, so I'll take my leave now."

His eyes passed over Liu Keling and Liu Pleiades, and finally landed on Xia Yan, the guest chef, who was hesitant to speak.

Yan Xian, who was drinking in front of a round table, had a hint of sarcasm on his lips: "What, Li Hongyue, you, a high-ranking member of the bright food world, want to warn the outstanding juniors not to fall into the wrong path of my dark culinary world?"

The lines he wanted to say were blocked by Yan Xian.

Admiral Li raised his eyebrows and shouted: "Mr. Yan, I can ignore this matter, but accordingly, you are not allowed to interfere in the cooking competition two days later. The sacred duel that determines the chefs downstairs will not be tainted by you people." !”

He revealed his biggest worry, which turned out to be that he was afraid that the dark cooking world would forcefully intervene in the cooking competition.

"Oh, I just came here to pay my respects to Fairy Bei as an old friend. I have no interest in any duel."

"I hope so!"

Admiral Li left with his hands behind his back.

After watching this unsightly opponent walk away, Yan Xiancai turned his attention to Xia Yan and asked leisurely: "By the way, where did the "Arhat Crystal Slash" on your body come from? "

Xia Yan simply followed his words and said, "Oh, that's actually the case. I once met a strange man when I was traveling and studying. He could erase his own existence and transform into "emptiness" and "nothing". At that time, I had just caught a plump crucian carp and was about to cook it. This man came over and taught me how to cook it correctly to create the delicious taste of heaven..."


The large wine set fell heavily on the table.

Yan Xian's mouth opened wide again, and the drink that had not been swallowed yet seeped out from the corners of his mouth.

He didn't think about it. You can imagine how the king of darkness was feeling in his heart at this moment.

A long while.

He then spoke with difficulty: "Did that man tell you his name?"

Seeing Xia Yan shaking his head, Yan Xian sighed.

"Also..." he murmured, "it would be better for him not to show his face until he has enough confidence and accumulation to completely destroy that group of people."

Xia Yan also sighed secretly.

Sometimes, after telling a lie, you have to fill the hole with several lies in a row.

No, just now I was talking to Liu Pleiades about being from the same school as his father, and now I am saying that the apprentice is actually Liu Maliu.

There is no doubt that when he accurately stated the characteristics of "emptiness" and "nothingness" in his incarnation, Yan Xian was convinced of his story.

If you read the original work well, you can do whatever you want!


Seeing that Yan Xian's interest was greatly reduced, he drank alone there.

Xia Yan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

so far so good!

I was afraid that Yan Xian would personally invite him to join the dark cooking world, shout slogans, and create a new prosperous era in the cooking world with a group of us.

It's not a matter of refusal. If you are vague, you will be more afraid of being followed by Yan Xian.

However, one thing Xia Yan didn't grasp was when he told the story of his encounter with the man and talked about his "empty" and "nothing" qualities.

The little eyes Liu Keling glanced at him were indescribably complicated and difficult to understand.

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