Eternal food paradise

Chapter 77 Shaoan’s second attack (Part 2)

"Go in first and then talk..."

Seeing Yan cross the threshold first, the afterglow of the setting sun shone on the waxed wooden floor of the store.

Shaoan looked up again and found that this was really an ordinary restaurant.

There is no eye-catching signboard outside the store, with words such as "Century-old Brand" written on it. Based on Shaoan's understanding of the group of special chefs, in the field of cooking, only a handful of chefs who have achieved such achievements would choose to remain anonymous. Continue to hide in small restaurants in small streets and alleys like this.

So, in response to Yan Xian's words, here is a young special chef...

Shaoan couldn't help but have some doubts.

However, he did not take it lightly.

After all, they are in the same class.

Before there is a real life-and-death showdown, the outcome between the special chefs is unknown.

"Be cautious."

"Not a young boy like Liu Pleiades."

With cautious thoughts, Shaoan also followed Yan Xian into the store.

The store turned out to be empty.

There were no customers dining, and there was no chef or waiter at the open bar.

"Is no one here?"

Yan Xian, who was already familiar with it, walked through the store, went to the patio and rooms at the back, and walked around for a while before returning.

Shaoan put down his baggage and kitchen utensils box and was about to find a seat to sit down.

At this time, there was the sound of boiling water coming from the direction of the bar.

Steam rushed to the top of the pot lid one after another, and at the same time, bursts of strange umami flavor leaked out from the cracks in the pot lid.

"Such a smell!" Shaoan couldn't sit still.

"Some kind of seafood?"

He saw Yan Xian standing in front of the bar, and his eyes were fixed on a pot of stock simmering on the stove inside.

Yan Xian's expression showed little surprise.

"Are you cooking seafood soup? What are the ingredients?" Shaoan squinted.

Unexpectedly, Yan Xian just shrugged: "I also asked the guy about this question yesterday, and he said that there is no complicated combination of soup base ingredients."

"He said that one ingredient is a pot of high-quality stock."


Shao An shook his head.

"The umami flavor of the ingredients alone cannot reach this level anyway! There must be a recipe for the soup base!"


Yan Xian just smiled softly without saying a word to refute, with a look of distant memories in his eyes.

According to legend, the legendary kitchen utensil "Lingzangku".

It can impart freshness to any water, a deeper umami flavor than that of 'Blue Heaven'. If you simply think that this legendary kitchen utensil can only be used to keep ingredients fresh forever, then you are underestimating the legendary kitchen utensil.

"You are……"

A surprised voice came from the door.

Yan Xian turned around and found that it was the waiter. He wrinkled his eyebrows before calling out the ID: "Reach?"

Chen Zhiyuan had obviously just returned from a mission, holding a heavy bag, which contained ingredients for the mission, including potatoes and onions.

"Where is your store manager?" Yan Xian asked this question, and immediately found Chen Zhiyuan stunned and looking at Shao An next to him.


"I am Shaoan!"

Chen Zhiyuan's heartbeat accelerated. He did not underestimate this special chef because of this defeat.

In his opinion, Shaoan was killed by plot.

To be more precise, it was the taste of being defeated by Fairy Bei.

Shaoan himself is undoubtedly an important supporting role in "Zhonghua Ichiban". When he appears again later, he is a small boss in the dark cooking world. His status is the same as that of Xiang En. This is enough to prove that his qualifications and cooking skills are in this hell. You can also live a comfortable life in the jungle-like headquarters of the Dark World.

He just went to the Provincial Association at noon today to watch the cooking competition, and also ate the "Magic Mapo Tofu" cooked by Liu Pleiaxing.

Now one afternoon has passed, the location has changed, and I see Shaoan again in the small shop.

Inexplicably, Chen Zhiyuan felt a kind of distortion and deflection!

Hey hey!

The original novel does not have this plot!

"Damn it, I really want to take a full-body photo of the character Shao An and post it on the forum so they can watch this miserable little bit player!"

He pretends to be calm on the outside, but he is actually roaring on the inside.

Chen Zhiyuan did not use the updated "photo and video" functions.

Because, as an official 'trainee moderator', if he created a special post with this screenshot of a character, a group of players would instead post and reply to black people's questions.

They may have heard of the name Shaoan, and those who follow the main plot closely may also understand that this character is the key to the upcoming chapter of the Shu story.

However, it is impossible for them to know the story behind Shao An.

It is impossible to predict in advance at which plot point Shaoan will appear again.

"This is the loneliness of being the only one who knows the truth about the world!"

Chen Zhiyuan sighed.

What's even worse is that, just like witnessing the dramatic turn of events in Shu, he is so weak that he is not even qualified to cause trouble.

Reality, a small shop in Tokyo.

Xia Yan waved goodbye to several guests.

"Oh, I didn't expect that a travel promotional video could help speed up the process of my mission."

Miura Yuka brought several more customers. They were obviously influenced by the promotional video and wanted to try the weird "black cuisine" of this notoriously bad-reviewed restaurant through the introduction of the street manager.

Of course, Xia Yan happily entertained the guests' requests for dark cuisine.

As a result, the progress of the task that was "full of bad reviews" suddenly became 6/10.

He thought, probably, to take advantage of this wave of east wind to arrange the updated dark menu as soon as possible.

The appetizers are simple, related to sashimi fish fillets, and Arhat crystal chop, so I can handle any ingredients with ease.

On the contrary, the main dishes are "roasted tofu with bean paste", "darkening - shredded pork with persimmon and green pepper" and "stuffed bitter melon with bean paste"...


Why are they all spicy and bean paste?

Too little variety!

As for snacks/snacks, "Spicy Thousand Layer Pancakes" can serve as the mainstay. So far, he has not successfully darkened "Yulong Gluten".

"Having said that, it's time to learn the "Magic Mapo Tofu" recipe from Liu Pleiades. Strictly speaking, this is Fairy Bei's recipe. The star rating and luminous index should not disappoint!"

Thinking of this, Xia Yan closed the real shop and logged into the paradise world.

Since Chen Zhiyuan was stationed in the store and acted as a waiter, Xia Yan fixed the offline location in the dark alley outside the store. He walked a few steps, turned a corner, and stepped into the store.

But he found ‘Zhiyuan Star’, running up and down, serving tea and water to the guests.

He knew Yan first.

And the other...

Xia Yan narrowed his eyes slightly and heard the footsteps. Shao An also turned his head from his seat and met his eyes.

"Are you here at closing time again?" Xia Yan walked around to the bar and put on his kitchen clothes.

"Tonight may be our last meal." Yan Xian grinned slightly, his teeth shining coldly under the lantern and candlelight.

"Are you really going to stop thinking about it?"

Yan Xian said: "Come back with me. There, with your potential, you can learn any stunts in the dark world you want to learn!"

"Feel sorry!"

Xia Yan crossed his arms and didn't feel that he needed any organizational training.

Yan Xian, who had become accustomed to his attitude, fell silent, but Shao An raised his eyebrows and said unhappily: "This is an invitation from the prodigal son Yan Xian, what are you worried about?!"

"Wouldn't it be better to join the dark cooking world like me?"

"Although I don't know how you passed the special examination, if you continue to hide in such a shabby place, sink yourself, be trapped in a small pond, and open a mediocre shop with no customers, your life will be ruined. The achievement will always stop at the special level!"

Obviously, Shaoan has regarded himself as a member of the dark cooking world.

From his behavior of rebelling against his master, we can know that this person is indifferent to emotions and only cares about his own fame and fortune.

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