Eternal food paradise

Chapter 78 I refuse!

Xia Yan doesn't believe in whitewashing. The reality is not that fairy tale.

At least Shao An's rebellion directly caused Bei Xiannu's death, but he didn't have any position to say that Shao An was the one.

Ignoring Shaoan, he asked Yan Xian:

"I can only cook one dish tonight, and only one dish. Do you want to eat it?"

Hear the words.

Yan Xian frowned slightly.

No matter how good his cooking skills are and how delicious the food is, this time he went to the store not to satisfy his cravings. He could also see that Xia Yan chose to avoid and ignore Shao'an. In fact, he was giving himself a hard time, hoping that there would be no conflict over this and the boat of friendship would capsize.

He himself is not willing to have a bad relationship with the "precious jade" in his mind and become hostile from now on.

Shaoan's original intention of letting him take action again was beaten back by a Tai Chi hand.

Now, Yan Xian had to make a new calculation.

what can we do about it?

The king of the dark cooking world also felt distressed.

Unexpectedly, Shao An, who was deliberately ignored by Xia Yan, suddenly said in a cold tone: "Actually, just outside the door, King Yan asked me to initiate the second cooking showdown today..."

"The target?"

"It's you!"

Well, Yan didn't expect Shaoan to directly repeat his words, and subconsciously rubbed his eyebrows.

On the other side, Chen Zhiyuan was simply dumbfounded.

When Xia Yan heard this, he was unmoved. Looking into Shao An's eyes that showed no emotion, he was secretly amused.


In other words, it's "food halberd".

There should always be a name for people to fight to the death.

"What's the reason why we have to decide the winner between you and me?" Xia Yan said with a smile.

"Strong and weak!"

Shao An said: "Wen Wu is the first, Wu Wu is the second."

"The level of cooking skills can only be understood through actual practice!"

Xia Yan simply spread his hands: "I am willing to call you a super strong person, at least better than me. Is this statement enough?"

Shaoan: "(/=_=)!"

Yan Xian: “…(“▔□▔)! "

It is indeed Shao Anqiang.

Others are famous special chefs, the kind who have passed the special examination.

As for himself, the strongest recipe so far is only 4 stars, which is still far away from the nine stars below the special level, not to mention that there is still some kind of sublimation bottleneck between the nine stars and the special level.

However, strength and weakness are never constant and unchanging!

Chen Zhiyuan also had a series of speechless question marks in his heart.

This novice village hides the old man, and the character is too carefree and carefree, without any competitive mood. After all, you are also a super boss!

Therefore, Shaoan took the initiative to exchange a questioning look with Yan Xian, looking quite helpless.

"King Yan Tian, ​​since he doesn't want to drink toast, we can only treat him to drink fine wine."

The blatant display of evil spirit is nothing more than a statement that force is the last resort for this group of people in the dark cooking world.

"Are you going to drink as a penalty?"

Xia Yan was speechless.

The best option is to click the [Offline] button in the personal panel, but if you do this in front of Chen Zhiyuan, your ability to hide the BOSS will naturally be broken, and you may be regarded as a strange player in the future.

Of course, this is also his reservation method.

Unexpectedly, when the atmosphere turned solemn, the system popped up a task again:

[Mission—No! I reject! 】

[Requirement: Use your dark cooking to tell Yan Xian and Shao An that you don’t need to join the dark cooking world at all (darkness index - high level, luminous index - high level)! 】

[Reward: 30 points of growth value of the ‘Twisted Tree’. 】

Directly reward growth value...

It’s still the ‘Twisted Tree’!

Xia Yan was surprised.

In the past two days, the forum has been online, and with convenient photo and video communication functions, player activity has suddenly increased. The tree icon on his panel and the irrigation information inside are not just the pitiful one a while ago.

The growth value quietly increased to 10/100.

However, reaching full value is still far away.

"So I can irrigate it myself?" Xia Yan said with a dark face, "It seems that if the leeks don't work hard and don't work hard, I, an old farmer, will have to cultivate and fertilize them myself!"

And I took a rough look at the mission information.

Xia Yan couldn't help but murmur again.

Hold the grass!

The difficulty is extremely high.

The mission requirements are: Darkness Index - High, Luminous Index - High.

Isn't this the same as asking him to compose an article on the spot, where darkness and light coexist...

The ultimate powerful and enhanced version of the "must-hit" recipe?

He wanted to bitch at the system and roll his eyes.


For this difficulty, let me have a showdown with Shao An, a super chef!

Complaining is all about complaining, and a duel with Special Chef Shiji, isn't it just to execute him in public?

No matter what, in order to turn the world of Shokuge no Spirit into a permanent paradise as soon as possible, this vote must be fought for.

"I said, do you want to order food?"

After accepting the task, Xia Yan looked at Yan Xian and Shao An sitting in front of the bar.

Yan Xian's face changed, and it was obvious that he really loved talents and was entangled. He sighed and said, "From your eyes, I see confidence. I hope your cooking can tell me the answer."

"And you?"

His eyes glanced at Shao An.

"Actually, I don't mind taking action immediately after a defeat." Shao An said with a deep look, "The premise is that I know that my opponent is not worthy of the name and is in vain. At the special level, the cooking skills are not that A type of unrivaled strength.”

Being able to talk about bullying the weak and fearing the strong in such a literary way made Xia Yan understand Shaoan more deeply.

"You'll see!"

Xia Yan shouted to the waiter huddled in the corner: "Bring the flour here."

Chen Zhiyuan brought the flour bag, quietly focused on the inside of the bar, and turned on the player recording function that was launched recently.

"What a great video that you can't miss!" he thought to himself.

"Mr. Xia, what else do you want?" Chen Zhiyuan saw that Xia Yan only poured out half a bag of flour and did not make any requests or instructions for other ingredients.

Xia Yan shook his head.

Ginger and green onions are all there on the kitchen table.

He glanced at the pot of stock that had been simmering for about an afternoon.

This is a pot of seafood soup.

"Kombu and kelp can add freshness and flavor to the base soup stock. Do you want to use it?" Xia Yan was planning the recipe that was about to be presented under the gaze of several people.

The framework is already there.

The next step is to fill this frame with appropriate materials.

Taking into account the recipe framework and the ingredients for cooking the seafood soup, Xia Yan secretly said: "At this time, the simpler and refreshing the combination, the higher the success rate. After all, it is an on-the-spot creation. I want to kill it with one hit." , One hit!"

He decided not to use kelp, but the seasoning was still essential.

"Well, bring me some big tomatoes."


Chen Zhiyuan responded.

The familiar steps of kneading and waking up the noodles quickly moved on to the next step.

I saw Xia Yan put the initially risen dough into a copper basin, filled it with water, and kneaded the dough in the basin with both hands.


Chen Zhiyuan felt that this step looked familiar.

Yan Xian let out a sigh and looked intently: "Huh? Why does it feel like you are rubbing gluten!"

Suddenly, I remembered that late at night two or three days ago, I had been in this small shop, right inside this bar, in front of the young chef, kneading, washing, getting gluten and frying it in the same way...

Gradually, Yan Xian's expression became strange.


No way!

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