Eternal food paradise

Chapter 86 Return to Shiji

A week passed.

Recently, Xia Yan's life has become very regular. He gets up early every day and runs a real Chinese restaurant from morning to evening.

This is to accumulate [system funds] and prepare to bleed krypton gold to connect with the world of Shoji.

Because of the 50% deviation value, it can be said that the original world must be completely different. Xia Yan can only predict the collapse, but does not know where the collapse will occur. Simply put, it is like a game. He does not know what kind of data will be loaded. piece.

What's more, the rules of the world itself, such as eating halberds and food first, are distorted.

Therefore, it is very necessary to make money. Even if the connected and fixed world of Shoji is not what Xia Yan wants to see, it can still be restarted with krypton money.

"Walk slowly——"

Xia Yan waved at the bar and sent away another customer. Hearing the ding-dong reminder of increased funds, he was in a beautiful mood.

In the past while, the business of the small shop has improved. It is not as deserted as last month. Xia Yan, the chef and shop manager, felt physically tired after operating until late in the day.

It's just that the "bad reviews" don't seem to be getting better.

If you open some food selection APP software, you will see negative comments from customers.

The spiciness is trippy.

Ugh, what's going on with this white thick soup ramen? It has a strange texture!

Fresh seafood is pretty good, but why are there so many weird ingredients? Cod roe, tuna eyes, geoduck fillet...

"Manager Xia, Manager Xia!"

In the evening, Aono Sumiko returned from get off work at the maid cafe in the port area. Instead of returning to the high-rise apartment building on the other side of the river, she jogged all the way to Xia Yan's restaurant.

"Look, your restaurant has been published in famous food newspapers and magazines." Aono Sumiko put the backpack full of cat and Shiba Inu accessories on the bar, took out a magazine and opened a few pages. Point to the tasting column above.

Xia Yan swept away, the corners of his eyes twitching.

The title is, the famous dark cuisine expert takes you on a tour of a specialty restaurant that you can’t miss.

He moved the magazine in front of him, turned a few more pages, and said a long "Oh" to Aono Sumiko:

"Sumiko-chan, this is not something to be happy about, is it? This magazine specializes in collecting those weird and dark restaurants. Having a column is equivalent to being marked. Uh, let me think about the foodies we have entertained in the past few days. …”

Aono Sumiko said with a smile: "No matter what, there will be more customers, which is a good thing!"

Just as he was about to ask this girl about her experience working in a maid cafe, a system prompt suddenly popped up in her field of vision:

[Twisted Tree (halberd-eating spirit), growth value 70/100. 】

[There is a 10% deviation value for the target world. 】

[Congratulations, the accumulation of deviation value has reached 50% (Spirit of the Halberd Eater). You can choose to turn the target world into your main paradise, and you will have a fixed login channel from now on...]

[Please confirm, Y/N! 】

Xia Yan didn't hesitate at all when facing the pop-up inquiry window and clicked "Yes".

at the same time.

In the world of China, players who were running around Shuzhou City heard a mechanical and cold voice:

"System announcement: The park is undergoing maintenance and upgrade, and online players will be automatically disconnected."

"With this maintenance upgrade, all areas and maps south of the Yangtze River will be opened at once. The maintenance is expected to take one hour."

Although it is not online, the forum is still open.

So players gathered in the forum to talk excitedly about this update.

They undoubtedly yearn for the broader and freer world of ancient food. However, some people also posted to express doubts. Just the map of 'Land of Abundance' can make newcomers dizzy. To be more precise, in Shuzhou City There is no navigation or map. The huge city generally makes people feel that they are as small as a headless fly.

If the map south of the Yangtze River is opened at once, then players will be born in various states and cities. If players want to take a trip, will it take at least ten days and a half?

In short, players are immersed in great joy, and of course there is a happy worry that the paradise world is too real.

Xia Yan didn't have any worries.

He held his breath, focusing on docking and fixing the log.

【Docking. 】

[Should we set the world we are about to connect to as an ‘open world’? 】

"Uh, what is an open world?"

"Allow the existence of guest mode and player templates, and the system will randomly launch another batch of login windows..."

"Open or closed, can't you change the mode if you choose? Even if it is open, I still want to have the power to choose independently, so that I can decide who can enter my world and my paradise!"

The system was silent for a few seconds before typing out a message: "Every time you switch modes, you need to restart the world."

“It is recommended that the host choose ‘open world’ and fully take over the guest channel.”


Xia Yan agreed after hearing that he had the freedom to manage "visitors".

[Successfully connected to the world. 】

[It was detected that there was an abnormality in the timeline during the last advent, and it has been automatically corrected. 】

Finally, a crisp sound of "ding" echoed in my ears.

On the personal panel, the [Login] option branches off from the second route——

1. "Zhonghua Ichiban".

2. "The Spirit of the Halberd Eater".

In the real world, Xia Yan sent Aono Sumiko away and hurried to close the door.

"Finally home……"

Under another dim Tokyo sky, Xia Yan's figure gradually took shape on an overpass. At this time, people were coming and going on the bridge, but the passers-by turned a blind eye to the man who appeared out of thin air and walked calmly from the side. passed.

It was the peak traffic period after get off work, and there was a serious traffic jam under the bridge.

When Xia Yan smelled the stench of exhaust, he realized that the login was completed, and quickly raised his hand to look at his body.


Compared with the last time, the shrinkage in height and weight is not obvious, and it is very close to the real self.

As for the daily casual clothes he wears, the system has not changed at all this time, unlike the last time he was in Toyue, where he was forced to wear the Toyue uniform.


Xia Yan walked to the railing of the overpass and keenly discovered that the cherry blossom trees on both sides of the road were actually in full bloom.

The wind blows gently, bringing a light fragrance.

The weather is still a bit cold, and passers-by wear long sleeves and long trousers.

His eyes fell on the middle school girls after class. They were still wearing short skirts, socks, and their upper bodies were shirts, sweaters, and uniform jackets. When they discovered that the length of the short skirts were all above the knees, Xia Yan finally breathed a sigh of relief:

"The mini skirts in the Tokyo metropolitan area are really easy to spot!"

He raised his head and looked at a road sign not far away from the height of the overpass——

Violet Avenue.

This discovery made Xia Yan's lips twitch.

"I go!"

"It's really a very accurate 'teleportation'!"

"Suddenly, we were near Yukihira's house and Yukihira's restaurant..."

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