Eternal food paradise

Chapter 87 Butterfly flapping its wings

A small restaurant called 'Yukihira Public Cafeteria' is located in the shopping street of Violet Avenue.

It’s just the right time to come and pay a visit and find out the timeline of the world of Shoji at this time. If the door of the restaurant is closed, there is no doubt that King Yao has gone to Yuanyue, and Dad Yao has also gone to the United States. .

With this thought in mind, Xia Yan got off the overpass and walked to the shopping street.

"No way……"

When I saw my destination, I saw a single-family house. The shed and signboard at the front door had been splashed with a thick layer of paint. The words "Xingping Public Canteen" were all covered in paint.

When Xia Yan saw this scene, the opening scene of "Shiji" flashed in his mind.

Developer, a certain real estate queen.

Oh, that woman’s name is Minezaki Yaeko.

He came to the house and wanted to acquire real estate, but was successfully drugged by the 'drug king' Yukihira Souma with "Counterfeit Crispy Barbecue". He was left gasping for breath, his legs were weak, and he had to give up the development plan.

"That's right, the timeline has been corrected, it's no longer the last time I came here!"

He stood there for a few minutes.


A confused whisper came from behind.

Yukihira Soma is still dressed in the same outfit, black and blue high school uniform, black and blue T-shirt, and the red-haired hedgehog hairstyle has not changed at all.

There is still a white band tied around the wrist of his left hand.

When this belt is taken off and tied around his forehead, this young man who was confused when he saw his restaurant being splashed with paint will perform magical transformations and become the well-known ‘King of Medicine’!

"What's going on..."

Yukihira Soma found that the rolling shutter door in front of the store had been pulled up, and the door of the food storage room next door was opened, and he rushed in quickly.

The place was a mess.

The condiment bottles were thrown to the ground, with their mouths open and the juice flowing on the floor.

All the meat stored in the refrigerator was torn out of the crisper boxes, discarded on the floor and trampled to pieces.

"Who did it?"

After a while, Yukihira Soma returned to the main entrance and saw that the guy who looked like a guest he had just come back was still standing there without moving.

"Hey, have you seen the murderer?" Xingping Soma asked depressedly.

He didn't lose his mind. He pointed at this innocent passerby and said that he was the culprit or something.

You can tell with just your toes that the guy who did the bad thing has run away long ago, and there is a high probability that the person who stayed at the scene is an innocent passerby.

As a result, I took a closer look at the face of this male passerby.

Yukihira Soma's pupils shrank suddenly, and his surprised expression was even more shocking than having paint thrown at his own house.

"Ah! It's you!" He recognized who it was.

Normally speaking, Yukihira's restaurant has been operating for a whole year. One year has passed, and it is difficult for Yukihira Soma to have a clear impression of a certain customer during this year.

But this guy is different.

Yukihira Sou said sincerely.

I still remember the fire and the overwhelming control that my father showed him, and he kept praising it as the "legendary fire".

It won't work if he doesn't remember it deeply.

Besides, ever since the guest came to Totsuki, his father mentioned it every now and then. He made Soma Kohei know him. What do you mean by someone else's child? How strong other people's sword skills are and how terrifying their ability to control fire is. A lot of it.

"Long time no see, Xingping-kun." Xia Yan smiled.

"You guy, you disappeared for so long, I heard dad said you suspended school..."

A burst of engine roar interrupted Yukihira Soma.

A black car slowly stopped behind the two of them, and a beautifully dressed woman opened the door and got out.

"Oh my, the eye-catching sign has finally been covered up, what do you think, kid?" A beautiful woman named Minezaki Yaeko took off her sunglasses.

Behind her was a tall and fat man in black.

Minezaki Yaeko regarded Xia Yan as a guest or a passerby. She glanced at Xia Yan for a second, then walked into the restaurant on her own and sat on a chair. She wore a women's fashion suit with a tube skirt and sat down on her butt. When she crossed her legs, the length of her skirt seemed to be shortened again, and her two thighs covered with stockings were almost completely exposed.


The woman pointed the finger at Soma Xingping, her face full of sarcasm and sneer:

"Didn't you tell me last time that you said that the restaurant you were guarding, the meaning of Yukihira's existence, is that no matter what time, no matter what kind of food the customer orders, it will be served with sincerity and the customer will leave satisfied. "

"What if, there is no way to satisfy the guests."

"You will choose to close your doors!"

Xia Yan said that he stayed out of the matter and after listening to a few words, he felt that it was very boring. This was the background of the birth of Yaowangliu's recipe "Fake Crispy Barbecue". As expected, Minenosaki Yaeko punched Yukihei in one meal. Chuangzhen made a request for hospitality:

"...Can you still make a meat dish with tender and juicy meat?"

Bah, bah, bah.

The sound coming from the open kitchen made Soma Yukihira feel strange.

He turned around and found Xia Yan taking down a clean soup pot. With a meaningful smile on his face, he asked, "Xingping-kun, is it okay for me to use your kitchen to make a pot of soup?"

"Okay, whatever you want!"

Xing Ping Soma answered readily, and saw Xia Yan put his hand into his pocket and fumbled for a long time before taking out a small piece of squid leg.

I thought it was my squid leg.

"Ah, this is my ingredient? What, it turns out that you also have a special liking for squid feet. Come on, come on, wait until I send this woman away, let's discuss and study the dish 'Peanut Butter with Squid Feet', and There are more..."


An unbearable slap on the table.

Xingping Soma was very unhappy and glanced at the woman who slapped the table:

"Would you like to order just one dish?"

"Haha, one dish is enough. How can you make 'tender and juicy meat dishes' without ingredients?" Minenosaki Yaeko said calmly.

Bang bang bang bang bang.

Soma Yukihira, who had a white scarf tied on his forehead, chopped onions and king oyster mushrooms with a knife.

He peeled a few large potatoes and was about to put them into a pot of water to cook for 10 minutes when he heard a voice reminding him: "Hey, Yukihira-kun, do you want to try using this pot of seafood soup to boil potatoes?" "

Xingping Soma, who was disturbed, did not get angry. Instead, he thought about it, stopped, and looked at the man standing next to him seriously:

"This is your train of thought, your recipe."

"not mine!"

He shook his head in refusal.

"And I am confident that my recipes are enough to deal with them!" Casting a sharp and confident glance at Minezaki and her two black-clothed men in the store, Yukihira Soma continued his cooking.

Xia Yan didn't want to force himself to intervene. He put his hand on his chin and watched Souma Yukihira perform the recipe "Counterfeit Crispy Barbecue" at close range.

The process and system are completely consistent.

However, the same recipe, made by different chefs, will naturally have different "characteristics" and "quality".

Yukihira Joichiro stood in front of his restaurant, looking at the sign that had been splashed with paint in surprise.

"It seems something happened."

Before he opened the door and went in immediately, Yukihira Joichiro was still thinking about something on his mind.

What should I say to Chuangzhen?

Restaurants are closing for two or three years.

He should also go to high school, go where he should go, and compete with those talented people.

At this time, a trace of deliciousness leaked out from the unclosed lattice door, floating in the fragrance of cherry blossoms in the shopping street. Not only did it not fade at all, it became clearer to the nose.


Yukihira Joichiro suddenly opened the door.

In the store, his son Yukihira Soma had already served his own dishes to a table of customers.

In the bar counter and open kitchen opposite the door, another boy was also cooking a dish. He put the mashed potatoes in the pan, seasoned it with freshly ground black pepper, and later added In the small soup pot next to it, scoop a spoonful of broth and pour it into the pan.

"Bah, bah, bah."

The umami flavor comes right out of the pan!

I’ll give you more updates, please continue to ask for recommendation votes~~~

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