Eternal food paradise

Chapter 88 Alien Species

"Ah, Dad!"

Hearing the sound of the door opening suddenly, Yukihira Soma looked over at the dining table.

As for Minenosaki Yaeko and the mazi she brought, they were already immersed in the delicious taste of his 'imitation crispy barbecue'.

Yukihira Soma opened his mouth and was just about to briefly describe the cause and effect of the incident when he saw his father opening the door. He didn't even care about the fact that his house was damaged by splashing paint, and strode straight to the bar.

Familiar bar location.

Yukihira Joichiro's footsteps visibly paused.

He also recognized the boy who was using the kitchen of Yukihira's restaurant.

"It's you?"

A look of astonishment.

"It's me, I'm back." Xia Yan looked up and saw that it was 'Shura', and the corners of his mouth opened slightly.

"Haha, just come back."

A smile was written all over Yukihira Joichiro's face: "You don't know, in the year when you dropped out of school and disappeared, Gin didn't know how many times he said that he was afraid that you would disappear from the world. Totsuki lost such a shining treasure. !”

Silver, of course, is Dojima Gin.

Xia Yan said funnyly: "When I return to Totsuki and go through the student registration procedures, I need to trouble Mr. Dojima."

Yukihira Joichiro nodded.

He couldn't help it anymore and immediately changed the topic to the pot of mashed potatoes that Xia Yan was stir-frying:

"What kind of food are you doing?"

Before Xia Yan could reply, Xing Ping Soma came over with surprise.

Especially when he discovered that Xia Yan had thrown in chopped onions and diced king oyster mushrooms and stir-fried them with mashed potatoes.

Yukihira Soma stared: "Hey, is this my recipe?"

"So he cooks the same dish as you, Souma." Joichiro Yukihira showed a look of surprise, turned his head in the direction of Minezaki and her mazai, and took a deep breath.

So the chef, who was known as 'Shura' and 'Medicine Daddy', looked even weirder.

"This is no longer your recipe."

Say this to your son.

"Wait a minute, you'll know when the food is ready."

In fact, Yukihira Souma also realized some differences. Although his sense of smell was not as sharp as his father's, he could easily capture that strange and delicious smell as long as he had a nose and a sense of smell.

Xia Yan carefully wrapped these mashed potatoes with large slices of bacon, shaped them into the shape of a rugby ball, and sprinkled some rosemary leaves on the surface.

He turned to Souma Yukihira, who was surprised by the delicious smell that permeated the store, and said:

"Sorry, my hands were itchy and I couldn't help but do it myself."

Well, Yukihira Souma scratched his head and vaguely realized that this guy was more proficient in the "Counterfeit Crispy BBQ" recipe than he, the developer.

How should I put it, that weird feeling, as if he is not the original author, and this recipe is not the first time it has appeared in the world of food and cooking. Others have been practicing it for a long time.

"It's obviously a recipe created on the spot!" Xingping Soma muttered in his heart.


On the other side, Minezaki Yaeko raised her hands and shouted.


Yukihira Soma glanced over and said sharply: "I just presented the 'tender and juicy meat dishes', and you should be satisfied. Therefore, the agreement comes into effect, and you should never have any ideas about Yukihira's restaurant from now on!"

Cough, cough.

Minezaki Yaeko had just come out of the drugged state, her eyes were still moist, and the blush on her cheeks had not faded.

I don’t know why, but the rich umami flavor permeates the store.

With the great magic power to completely pry open the door to appetite, Minezaki felt a plate of 'imitation crispy barbecue'. Deep in his stomach, his stomach pouch again let out a cry of hunger. With that restless appetite, Minezaki felt that his body suddenly A naughty little devil lived in her house and kept teasing her mood.

"I, I'm not satisfied yet..."

Minenosaki Yaeko bit her plump lips.

"Please give me more food! Please!" This powerful real estate queen suddenly clasped her palms together and begged.

Something is wrong!

Xing Ping Soma's pupils suddenly contracted.

It can be said that he has almost never encountered such a situation.

The normal situation is that after the guests eat his dishes, no matter what their intentions, they should be immersed in his culinary kingdom. Then he takes off the white scarf on his forehead and shouts "bad hospitality".

He touched his forehead blankly, but the scarf was still there.

He opened his mouth, facing the sincere and unsatisfied guest, how could he shout that mantra?

A palm suddenly rested on the bewildered Yukihira Soma's shoulder.

"Chuangzhen is actually because..."

Yukihira Joichiro's words were interrupted by an electronic sound effect.


The sound of the oven reaching its peak.

"Are you ready?" Xia Yan glanced at the system information in his field of vision. This time he also saw the plot of the original work reappearing. He made a sudden attempt and achieved acceptable results.

[The "Counterfeit Crispy Barbecue" was successfully improved. 】

[Added ‘Darkness Index’ to the recipe. 】

[You can rename this recipe. 】

"The recipe has been upgraded to a star. The problem is, there is no deviation value gain!" Xia Yan secretly thought it was a pity. If it were not for the deviation value, he would prefer to take the tram directly back to Yuanyue to see if his room in Jixing Lao is still there. .

Yukihira Souma was curious and opened the oven.

The baking pan and the baking pan were brought directly to a table, so attracted by the smell, Minezaki, her horsemen, and Yukihira and his son all gathered around the table.

After Xia Yan said goodbye and left, the Xingping restaurant did not return to silence.

This woman, Minenosaki Yaeko, was like a puddle of soft mud, lying directly on the dining table. Her limp and short breathing appearance inevitably made people think.

Yukihira Soma was also sweating profusely and getting wet.


After a long while, he broke free from the terrifying jungle of tentacles.

But the smell of "tentacles" cannot help but be deeply ingrained in my mind.

Thick bacon is the skin.

After biting into it, it turned out to be tender and juicy mashed potatoes.

Moreover, every chew and every bite was like breaking off a tentacle.

Layers upon layers of accumulation, layers upon layers of wonderful taste.

"This is not my recipe at all!" Xingping Soma smacked his lips, feeling a strong umami taste still spreading between his lips and teeth.

Yukihira Joichiro exhaled and said: "It is indeed not your recipe anymore, Souma."

"Compared to your processing, the mushrooms and mashed potatoes absorb juice easily, and they absorb more than just the bacon gravy!"

"Also, that whole pot of stock!"

There was something strange in his eyes, and he put the soup pot that Xia Yan had just used on the bar.

In a pot of soup stock, only a little clear soup water remains.

The whole pot was poured out, and about a mouthful of soup was found on the sauce plate. Yukihira Joichiro drank it without any hesitation.


His eyes suddenly widened.


In an instant, it returned to the previous food scene, but this time the tentacles wrapped around it were stronger and more powerful.

What you eat in that bite is simply the concentrated essence of all the fresh aquatic products in the deep sea.

"Is this kind of food..."

Yukihira Joichiro was inexplicably reminded of the strange news that had been reported one after another over the past year.

For example, fishermen caught huge seafood that far exceeded the world record.

For example, the water and soil on land also undergo strange changes.

In a certain land, strange watermelons grow. When cut open, juice as rich as blood will flow out.

Some tomatoes are as big as a human head, and their original sweet and sour taste turns bitter.


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