Eternal food paradise

Chapter 89 Exploration

On the train back to Totsuki.

Xia Yan held his mobile phone and planned to read the current news and analyze the 50% deviation value of the world of Shoji and where the main collapse was.

This is not the era of limited information as in the context of "Chinese Ichiban".

The Great Collapse cannot be covered up by the official level at any cost.

However, as soon as I opened the phone that the system automatically converted to, before I opened the browser, the social software beeped and popped up messages like crazy.

Unread messages exploded immediately.

Each of the friends he added to each other had their real names noted.

Nakiri Erina, message 99+.

"Damn, you sent so many messages?" Xia Yan was shocked when he saw the number of 99+ messages displayed next to the profile picture of the first friend.

When he clicked on the message interface, his face gradually became weird.

[I heard that you dropped out of school? 】

[(Knocking on the window), Hey, reply when you see it! 】

[What's going on (grinding teeth). 】

[Suspension of study does not mean that you have disappeared from the world. You must be using your mobile phone or social software. Did you automatically block me? 】

【You are dead! ˙︿˙! ! 】

He is getting increasingly irritable and does not hide his true nature in his messages.

He turned to the latest news and found that it was not from last year, and the time showed that it was just a few days ago.

[Let me tell you some good news. I asked someone to buy a very spicy, mutated chili pepper. Hum, the spiciness is finally close to that strange local sauce of yours. Your article "Spicy Thousand Flavors" I have almost restored the recipe of "Layer Cake", and it has been recognized and praised by my grandpa. It will definitely surprise you when you come back...]


It was a photo of a girl and Chili Pepper.

In a kitchen in the background, brightly colored chili peppers are placed in a basket to dry.


Xia Yan clicked his tongue.

So, in this way, the peppers that Nakiri Erina calls "mutations" are the 50% deviation value and Honkai value...the tip of the iceberg?

"Huh, there's still help, don't be in a hurry to restart."

At the very least, the chili pepper doesn’t directly turn into the taste of meat.

His curiosity was aroused by the news about Erina Nakiri, and he kept reading the news. Of course, he also visited well-known forums in the industry, such as the Totsuki campus forum.

From this, Xia Yan came to a simple conclusion:

Dramatic changes in water, soil and environment are obvious.

The ingredients may be enlarged or reduced, the spicy ones may be spicier, and the bitter ones may be more bitter.

There are also cases where sweetness turns to bitterness.

But overall, it's not too exaggerated.

"Fortunately, it's not a world collapse like the 'Prisoners of Delicious Food'." Xia Yan secretly sweated.

how to say.

If the 'Captives of Food' expansion pack was loaded, Xia Yan would definitely choose to restart the world on the spot. Why? The collapse of the cliff is not limited to the world of food and food. The rules of the world have also changed drastically. From the plane of low magic and low martial arts, To the shocking eye-catching style of the food prisoner, who punches the planet...


If the Shiji world becomes like this, Xia Yan can't accept it.

"Obviously, the scope of Honkai is limited to water, soil and environment, but secretly suppressed and unreported Honkai may also exist. These Honkai, the group of 'Late Night Cookers' should be the ones who know best."

Xia Yan found it interesting. He was about to transform into an explorer of a new world.


A call request suddenly popped up on the phone.

Caller ID: Gin Dojima.

"Well, it must be 'Shura' Saiba Joichiro who tipped off his good friend." Xia Yan complained and answered the phone.


"Hold the grass!"

His voice was heard over there, and it was just a curse word that destroyed his character.

Then, there was a distinct sound of breathing.

Take a deep breath.

"I thought Joichiro was playing a silly joke on me again, but I didn't expect it to be true...are you back?"

"Well, I'm back."

Xia Yan said: "President Dojima, my student status must still be there. I think I will trouble you about resuming my studies."

"Ha, these are all small things."

The voice on the other end of the phone was very cheerful.

"As for the courses of 'Nutrition', 'Cooking Theory', and 'Public Health', if you want to make up the course, I can arrange a dedicated teacher for you. If you don't want to take the theory course, it's no problem. You only need to pass it once. The entrance exam emphasizes practical practice. When you come back this year, you will be a true second-year student."

Hearing this, Xia Yan thought about it carefully.

"Forget it, Chief. You just have to look at the arrangements for the entrance examination that emphasizes practical practice. As for those theoretical classes, I don't want to skip them directly..."

He feels that what he currently lacks is, in the final analysis, basic things.

Yeluzi still has to go to the regular army.

Totsuki Saryo Cooking School is, after all, a well-known culinary school, and its courses and training in this area are the best in many gourmet paradise worlds.

Next, I chatted with Gin Dojima about what he missed this year.


Xia Yan made some insinuations and inquired about some visions that had not been disclosed in the news.

As a result, when he asked about the words "grapes with caviar flavor," "lemon with strong almond flavor," and "beef with alcohol content," Dojima Gin made fun of him.

"I seriously suspect that you haven't heard from me this year. You went to practice in the mountains! You turned into a savage!"

"These things you mentioned subvert the rules of biological life. If they exist, I think we humans have also begun to evolve into supermen. In fact, they have not."

After ending the call, Xia Yan returned to Yuanyue Campus.

School had not officially started yet, so he walked slowly along the tree-lined avenue until he saw a Western-style European-style villa covered with ivy in his field of vision.

Ji Xing Lao!

A year later, this student dormitory still maintains the gloomy style of the old days.

The iron gate outside the wall was ajar. Just as Xia Yan was about to push it open, the entrance door of the dormitory suddenly opened. A majestic big rooster made a cooing sound, flapped its wings, and rushed out at a fast speed. Fly up.

"Ah, don't run-"

A girly voice full of vitality and sweetness.

A girl with a bun and orange hair ran out after the big cock.

"Hey, this rooster..." Seeing the poultry running directly towards him, Xia Yan grabbed it and found that it was a little difficult to lift the rooster with his own arm strength.

Good weight.

He was secretly shocked and looked at the cock that was struggling in his hand.

The red comb looks like a red hat.

The feathers on the tail are spread out like colorful umbrellas, one by one, very eye-catching and beautiful.

"sorry to bother you."

The orange-haired girl quickly bowed her thanks and held the rooster tightly in her arms. She didn't mind the poultry being dirty at all.

"Are you here as a guest?" The girl stuck out her tongue, her green pupils were clean and clear.

Yoshino Yuki.

The name of this orange-haired girl with a steamed bun appeared silently in Xia Yan's mind.

A girl who specializes in raising chickens. Her specialty is cooking various game meats.

Have the new students in this semester already moved into Ji Xing Residence Hall?

At this time, the window of a certain dormitory room on the first floor of Ji Xing Residence opened.

"Yuji-chan, didn't I suggest that you build a cage specifically to raise these large poultry? Look, if you hadn't been watching all day long, this old rooster had slipped out again. I remember you just went looking for the chicken and found it yesterday. Late at night..."

The girl with beautiful long straight purple hair was lying on the window sill, speaking in a soft voice, with helplessness written on her face.

Ryoko Sakaki.

"No!" Yuki Yoshino, a bun-headed man, shook his head and said seriously, "The quality and taste of meat between captive animals and wild animals that can run freely are not on the same level!"

Xia Yan looked up at the setting sun that was almost sinking into the horizon.

"It's almost night at this time, no wonder all the members are here."

Snap, another window opened, but it was on the second floor.

"Everyone, let's have a tea party in Marui-kun's room tonight. Prepare your cooking and snacks——" A warm and sunny voice.

The man wearing only a naked apron waved to Yuki Yoshino outside.


Spotting the figure standing at the fence gate, Isekhui thought he was hallucinating and rubbed his eyes hard. When he saw the man waving to him, he couldn't help but exclaimed:

"Xia, Xia Yanjun!!"

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