Eternal food paradise

Chapter 91 Meeting Ceremony (Part 2)

"Task - 'A meeting gift for the juniors and juniors'."

Xia Yan's eyes twitched.

No doubt causing trouble.

Look at this mission requirement, any index/trait, at least a high concentration.

He returned with empty hands. If anyone asked, Xia Yan had already thought of the reason and said that a piece of luggage was being shipped internationally. So, even if there were no restrictions on specialties such as pickled mustard and hot sauce, it would be impossible to take them out and use them out of thin air. Yes, otherwise it would be a headache to explain to a group of curious babies.

Moreover, the mission description clearly requires him to use the "secret spice bag"!


Due to the existence of a wonderful advanced passive.

Unless he had to, Xia Yan really didn't want to use such materials that he couldn't control.

"Ha, the mission requires it, so there's nothing we can do about it." Xia Yan sighed lowly, not sure whether he was sighing for the immeasurable quality of the dishes, or for the uncertain future of a group of junior students.

Draw cards, let’s begin!

Xia Yan spent a sum of system funds, locked the corresponding specialty products, and silently said: "Buy!"

Ding, a spice bag suddenly appeared on the desk in the bedroom.

Unwrap the overlapping bags.

Soon, on the flat paper, there was a ball of spice dust with a net weight of about 100 grams.

No system identification is required.

Xia Yan sniffed. The last time he opened the silver treasure chest, he got a wonderful nose that developed his olfactory potential. He immediately distinguished the most obvious smells:

"Panthoxylum bungeanum, cinnamon, clove, grass fruit, angelica..."


While smelling the information about the spice packet, my mind also made a judgment about the best use of the spice packet.

"Probably, a kind of all-purpose spice package for stew?"

Although the big fish and meat at the tea party after dinner are a bit unseemly and unseemly, if there are no suitable casting materials, we can only bite the bullet and use them.

As for the matching and combination of spices, as well as the inner mysterious spice formula of adding one point and subtracting one millimeter.

All in all, it is the secret of using spices.

Xia Yan was not worried at all.

Since the system indicates that it is "special" quality, it is guaranteed to be absolutely untrue.

But what he was worried about wasn't quality.


Unpredictable taste!

His sense of smell is not [Super Smell] or [God's Smell], so it is difficult to distinguish some subtle spice ingredients, and here is often the elusive key!

"Put this pack aside for now and continue drawing cards!"

Xia Yan rubbed his hands. A 100-gram package of mixed spice powder costs one thousand dollars. He bought ten or eight packages at a time. He didn't feel any pain at all. Anyway, if they are properly stored, these spice packages can be kept until the end of time. The day when there is an opportunity for reasonable use.

Second pack, I sniffed it.


"Parsley, thyme, bay leaf, uh, this weird buttery flavor, is it the rind of some kind of cheese, grated?"

Full of European and Western style!

Xia Yan paused and continued to take out the third bag.

The shining stars and moon hang high on the black night curtain above Ji Xing Lao.

Zenji Marui's room is on the second floor, room 205.

Ever since these first-year students moved into Jiexing Residence, Marui Zenji's room has become a regular gathering place for tea parties.

Zenji Marui, who is nicknamed "Dr. Taste", has a culinary prowess that should not be underestimated.

He joined Professor Takao Miyazato's research group.

This is a professor at Yuanyue School who is as famous as Roland Chapel.

In addition to having an extraordinary understanding of taste, this glasses geek is also an encyclopedia of classical food documents, as well as related papers and research.

Although he was a deep homebody, the bookshelves in his room were crowded with all kinds of books, but there were no books or magazines with exposed covers.

Or maybe Marui Zenji was too good at hiding.

Otherwise, with the frequency of gatherings in his room of Ji Xing Lao, those books and magazines that were not suitable for children would have been dug out by the two brothers Daigo Aoki and Shoji Sato, and they would have made fun of them in public.


Zenji Marui opened the door.

"Hello, I didn't expect that I was the fastest -" Yoshino Yuki smiled, and when she entered the door, she didn't forget to slap Marui Zenji on the shoulder.

Zenji Marui grimaced in pain.

His face was originally gloomy and depressed, but now he looked even worse.

"What's wrong, Marui-kun, you don't seem happy?"

The second dormitory member came, also a girl.

Ryoko Sakaki is the most European person in the dormitory. She has a proud figure and a gentle personality. She is the dormitory's confidant sister. She cast a concerned look at the glasses man.

Zenji Marui pursed his lips and said after a long time: "How can I be happy?"

I smelled the smell of snacks floating in the air of the originally clean room.

His eyes fell on Yoshino Yuki, who had just sat down on the carpet.

Seeing the quirky girl put down a small plate, Guhehe took out a bottle of carbonated drink, poured a glass, drank it all in one go, and then hummed an unknown tune while holding a disposable paper cup in his mouth.

"Marui, where are your tea party snacks?"

Sato Shoji and Aoki Daigo also arrived.

The two of them simply sat on Marui Zenji's bed.

The snacks they prepared for the tea party were a bowl of steamy Oden and a plate of fried vegetables.


Zenji Marui protested strongly: "Don't sit on other people's beds without permission!"

Someone touched the remote control and turned on the TV. The volume was suddenly turned up very loud, covering up the protest voice of Zenji Marui, the owner of the room.

About ten more minutes passed.

Tadokoro Kei arrived late and looked anxious, sitting next to Yoshino Yuki.

"Hey, Xiaomei, your cooking is very much in the style of your hometown in Hokkaido." Yoshino Yuki said with interest.


Isshiki Hui entered the house, wearing a kitchen apron and a white kitchen hat.

Seeing the gathering of people, the leader of the Jixing Lao couldn't help but be moved and spoke in a high-pitched tone, like a lyrical speaker: "This is youth! This is the memory of my school days!"

"Under the same roof, sharing delicious dishes with each other, and getting happiness from each other's craftsmanship, this kind of boarding life is really amazing..."

Everyone had black hair or sweating.

Senior Isshiki.

It's okay to have a tea party, but please don't climb up from the ceiling to notify me next time, or use the dormitory's unique sound-transmitting ventilation ducts, buzzing like a fly and bothering you.

Everyone in Ji Xing Lao started to complain in their hearts.

After singing and reciting for a while, Yi Sehui looked around the room, and suddenly said "uh", and his whole body was stuck.

He found that something very important and crucial was missing.

"Where is Mr. Xia Yan?"

He couldn't help scratching the side of his face in distress.

Yise Hui felt strange: "Isn't it just snacks and snacks for tea parties? It's not a complicated dish. Does Xia Yanjun need such a long time?"

The other members of Ji Xing Lao did not dare to comment.

After all, it was the first day we met, and we still didn’t know the character of this legendary senior.

Thump thump thump thump...

At this time.

There was a sound of footsteps coming from the main staircase adjacent to Marui Zenji's room.

Following the footsteps, there was a subtle smell, like an approaching dark storm. Before anyone arrived, everyone in the room was vaguely aware of the danger, and everyone swallowed their saliva.


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