Eternal food paradise

Chapter 92 Excessive Aromatic Ingredients


Xia Yan held a delicate and small plate in one hand and found the open door of Room 205, Zenji Marui's room.

Stand at the door.

Seeing everyone there, Xia Yan secretly felt ashamed when he realized that he was accidentally at the bottom, with the lowest and slowest efficiency.

Anyway, it’s all because “drawing cards” is too magical.

By accident, he got immersed in it, and the result was a batch of spice packets with different flavors found in the storage box in his room.

He was looking at the friends from Jixingliao.

And this group of friends were also staring at him intently.

Isekhui looked blankly at the dinner plate in Xia Yan's hand.

It took a long time to digest the snacks and snacks Xia Yan prepared for the tea party, which were what was on this plate.

"Um, Xia Yanjun, this is your cooking...?"

His expression was indescribably weird.

On the clean white plate, there are strips of green food.


Yoshino Yuki let out a strange exclamation.

It is an ingredient harvested from soybeans before they mature. Neon people call them "zhidou", but in Chinese, they are popular edamame.

It's not that Maodou showed up at the tea party at Jixingliao, it was so unpleasant and out of place.

On the contrary, it is so suitable!

To know.

‘Edamame’ is one of the classic dishes at Neon Izakaya.

The combination of beer and edamame is a wonderful combination. I don’t know how many beer geeks love it. I can’t get enough of it.

As for how to make it, it’s not difficult, just boil it in salt water.


The friends of Ji Xing Lao in the room smelled the powerful and unparalleled scent that quickly filled the room and changed the air into its own shape.

A certain thought suddenly appeared in their minds:

This, the cliff is not salt water edamame!

Isekhui sniffed her nose: "It smells strange..."

"How to describe it."

Holding his chin, some not-so-beautiful images flashed through his mind.

When Xia Yan put down the plate, Yoshino Yuki simply pinched her nose and shouted coquettishly: "It stinks!"

"Senior Xia, what weird thing do you use to cook edamame?"

The outspoken girl said something like this, but her actions were like avoiding snakes and scorpions. She moved her buttocks continuously and retreated several meters away.

Now, it's like a leader of the flock has emerged.

Everyone dispersed in the carpet area where they had just gathered.

Only the shivering Tian Suohui was left.

However, this natural healing girl also looked very ugly and looked like she was holding her breath.

As a chef and cook, Xia Yan certainly knows the power of his plate of edamame.

A few minutes ago, when a pot of spiced water was boiling in the public kitchen of Jixingliao, he pinched his nose and held back his breath. Only he knew the discomfort.

What the hell!

A packet of secret spices, boiled in water, gives off a very strong fermented smell.

The smell that went straight from the nose to the forehead made Xia Yan doubt his life.


System, don’t think that I am kind and easy to deceive.

Isn’t this the ‘Xiangwei’ spice bag?

In the kitchen, Xia Yan luckily withstood the stink bomb. When he threw a bag of edamame into the hot spice water and cooked it, he carefully peeled one open and tasted it.

All doubts disappeared instantly.

Xia Yan couldn't help but laugh secretly when he saw everyone fleeing like birds and beasts, leaving only Tian Suohui, a girl who seemed to be easy to bully, on the carpet.

"Your name is Tian Suohui, right?" Xia Yan sat down opposite her.

The girl with blue hair and double braids nodded fearfully.

"What do you think my food tastes like?" Xia Yan complained privately that he actually wanted to tease a girl with a pure heart. However, seeing the performance of Tadokoro's little sheep, he couldn't help but put on wolf's clothing. Condition.

Tadokoro was even more frightened and looked like she was about to cry:



Xia Yan knew what he was talking about and changed his subject: "What spices are the most expensive in the world today?"

Zenji Marui, the owner of the room, suddenly pushed up his glasses frame:

"Ambergris, saffron, vanilla."

“Of these three, I can’t say which one is the most expensive!”

His eyes turned to Xia Yan's dinner plate.

"However, I probably know why Senior Xia's edamame smells bad."


"Vanilla Law!"

The nickname "Dr. Taste" is indeed not for nothing.

Just listen to Marui Zenji speak fluently: "This law is my personal statement. I am used to calling the phenomenon of those fragrances that are too concentrated and too concentrated, and the fragrance turns into a stinky smell."

In the room were a group of junior college students with a solid theoretical foundation. They still knew about the spice "vanilla".

Even if you don’t understand it deeply, you should have eaten vanilla ice cream.

Yisekhui intervened forcefully:

"That's it!"

A big smile came back to his face.

"Vanilla pods contain more than 200 aromatic components, so undiluted vanilla has a very strong smell, but once it is diluted, the smell becomes rich and sweet!"


He sat down next to Xia Yan and grabbed the edamame without saying a word.

He is clearly a connoisseur of food.

Instead of chewing the edamame directly with your mouth, hold the two corners of the edamame with both hands and gently squeeze it toward the center.


A bright green bean suddenly popped out.

Isekhui picked up the beans with her mouth, and when she swallowed them, she gently sucked in the spice water adsorbed on the surface of the edamame beans.

"Don't be so impatient!" Xia Yan wanted to stop him but it was too late.


Isekhui opened her mouth to say something, but her words were already slurred and she looked psychedelic.

The friends from Jixingliao who were watching were confused and shocked.

Hold the grass.

The effect of the medicine is so rapid?

"You said it yourself just now. There are too many aromatic ingredients, too much, and the fragrance is too concentrated. It must be diluted!"

Seeing this, Xia Yan reluctantly grabbed a bottle of drink next to him.


Unexpectedly, it was a bottle of unlabeled handmade specialty products. When poured out, it was a glass of turbid liquid with a faint smell of alcohol.

Ryoko Sakaki, a girl with long straight purple hair and a big European style, said: "This is the 'rice juice' I brewed."

"It should be fine, it's all dilution anyway."

Xia Yan handed the cup to Yise Hui.

Fortunately, Yise Hui didn't fall down yet, so she took the cup and drank the 'rice juice' in one go.

As a result, panic appeared on his face instead.


Tears overflowed from his eyes.

The drink stirred in the mouth, and the two edamame beans that had just been swallowed were floating in the rapids.

The spice water that Zuoshi sucked into his mouth was actually more powerful than the power of the torrent at this time, and it turned into an absolute siphon vortex, and he looked into it with his mind.


Yise Hui stared blankly at the night.

The bright green edamame is like two meteorites and comets with long green light.

In the blink of an eye, he fell down on his head.

As a result, his dormitory and the Jixing dormitory became the most shapeless mud at the bottom of a large ruins.

"It's so explosive! It's so explosive!"

in reality.

Yise Hui suddenly stood up and shed tears.

"It was like two meteors, heavy and heavy, hitting my stomach and piercing my soul."

"This kind of captive power that will destroy even the planet..."

"Xia Yanjun..."

The white shirt and casual trousers he was wearing suddenly disappeared.

Only the apron with a bear pattern on it was left. The key was that the shoulder straps of the apron had slipped down to the arms, so the upper body was completely naked, but the lower half was fortunately covered by the apron.

Yise Hui stretched out her hands and held Xia Yan's hand tightly.

This picture fell into the eyes of the friends of Ji Xing Liao.

Naked man crying.

and the legendary senior with a black line on his face.

The second update has been sent~Continue to ask for recommendation votes~~

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