Eternal food paradise

Chapter 96 Conditions of God’s Tongue

"It's you!"

Kuga Teruki glared at Yukihira Soma.

"You are also here to take the transfer exam this year? Huh, you are like a headless fly. There are so many venue signs on the road. Didn't you pay attention carefully?"

He seemed to be naturally at odds with Souma Yukihira, and his tone was very unpleasant.

Yukihira Soma glared back unceremoniously: "This place is so big, and your school doesn't arrange any volunteers or staff. I can't find anyone even if I want to ask for directions!"

"Okay, okay."

Isekhui smiled and glanced at the time on her watch: "If it's the exam for transfer students, it will start in a few minutes."

Xia Yan nodded to him.

Yisehui continued to say kindly: "The make-up exam venue we are going to is not far away, not in the opposite direction. I will take you there on the way."

So a group of three people joined a candidate who was taking the transfer exam.

On the road.

I discovered that Xia Yan and Kuga Teruki, a boy named Yukihira Souma, actually knew each other.

Yisehui couldn't help but feel curious.

He deliberately slowed down his pace and put a few steps away from Teruki Kuga and Souma Yukihira who were arguing in front of him.

"Do you know this young man?" Yi Sehui asked in a low voice.


Xia Yan felt secretly happy.

From now on, I will still be the general of your Jixingliao territory.

But he replied seriously: "A boy with great potential! I'm optimistic about him!"

"Is that so?"

Yisekhui smiled.

"Your make-up exam is at 11 o'clock. It will take an hour. Since you are here, why not take a look at this year's transfer exam. Xia Yanjun, what do you think?"

Hearing this, Xia Yan's steps slowed down.


There was a flash of heat in his eyes, as if this was an opportunity to grab the deviation value.

This transfer exam is extremely important and critical for Totsuki, Souma Yukihira, and even for the entire world line of Shokugeki no Soma!

He clearly remembered that Souma Yukihira almost fell to his knees under the arrogant and bad temper of Erina Nakiri, the eldest lady, and was rejected by Totsuki.

Fortunately, he is a pig's trotter, and his father, Joichiro, must have informed Nakiri Senzaemon to take good care of his children, so there was this Commander-in-Chief Totsuki, hiding in the shadow of the side door of the examination venue, A shot of secret observation.

No matter what, Yukihira Soma and Totsuki cannot be separated.

So, he might as well get ahead of Nakiri Senzaemon and use his influence to change the fate of the protagonist. In this way, it can be said that he has intervened in the life trajectory of Yukihira Souma, right? Obtaining the deviation value is a high probability event!

The group of people stopped in front of a half-open door.

A loud girl's voice came faintly from inside:

"...Is everyone here? Very good. I am Nakiri Erina, the sole examiner for this transfer student exam."

"What can I say? You guys are unlucky. I have another important schedule matter in an hour! You have to be there!"

"So, in order to simplify everything in this exam, I cut off all the tedious links. To put it simply, there is only one link left. I only need to use the egg in my hand to make the tongue of God that satisfies me. 's cooking, then his performance evaluation will be 'passed'!"


As soon as the girl finished speaking, Souma Yukihira heard the sound of rushing footsteps.

Within a few seconds, the atmosphere in the venue hall was deathly silent.

Yukihira Soma, who was standing at the side door, of course saw all the candidates running away in fear.

"Why did they all run away?" Xingping Soma was confused.


Yise Hui smiled and patted him on the shoulder: "The qualifications for this exam can be said to be simple, or it can be said to be as difficult as climbing to the sky."

"You know, the girl named Erina Nakiri has the 'God's Taste'. It's very difficult to satisfy her tongue with food!"

While explaining, he watched Souma Yukihira's expression with great interest.

Seeing this young man, he was just shocked by the group of candidates who were fleeing. He was not nervous or afraid at all about the difficulty of the exam.

Watching Souma Yukihira enter the hall.

Yise Hui gave Xia Yan a thumbs up: "Sure enough, he is indeed the boy you like. His mental quality is excellent."

the other side.

Nakiri Erina watched calmly as the candidates fled at full speed, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised and a hint of amusement on her face.

"Toyuki, we don't need waste materials!"

Twisting the beautiful long hair that fell on her shoulders: "Very good, Fei Shasha, since there is no one here, we can just rush to the venue for the make-up exam in advance. I want to see that guy an hour early, and then..."

I can't help but grind my teeth again.

"Then what?"

a voice asked suddenly.

But it was not the crisp and capable accent of Nito Hisakusa, nor was it a girl's voice, but a male voice with a smile.

Nakiri Erina suddenly turned around, "There is another candidate? Hey, you, you, you,'s you!"

I don’t know why, but the eldest lady, who was originally very impressive and had a reputation as a top ten, suddenly became slurred in speech and her tongue was almost tied.

A figure was clearly reflected in her clear eyes.

"Long time no see, Miss Erina." Shadow waved to him in greeting.

Nakiri Erina was stunned for a moment, then came to her senses, bit her lip and replied stiffly: "Yes, long time no see!!"

So the conversation ends here.

Late last night, the two people chatted openly on mobile social software, but when it came to the real face-to-face meeting, they suddenly looked like autistic orphans.

The atmosphere is changing towards an unknown weirdness.

Nito Feishako stood nearby, looked at the eldest lady he was serving, and then followed Xia Yan's concerned gaze to a kitchen table and workbench in the venue.

The last candidate is focusing on cooking.

She found Souma Yukihira's copy among the thick stack of information forms and read out in a low voice:

"...Eh? Your family runs an ordinary civilian restaurant?"

As for Yise Hui, Jiu Wo Zhao Ji.

"Those two people, don't you think it's strange?" Kuga Teruki faced in the same direction and pursed his lips.

"Ha, maybe this is youth." Isekhui sighed.

Soon, the fragrance of cooking quickly spread in the hall of the venue.

"it is done--"

Soma Yukihira presented his test dishes, took off the white scarf on his forehead, and introduced himself: "One of the signature dishes of my restaurant, 'Transformed Egg Bibimbap'!"

Witnessing the examination room where he was presiding, a test paper was finally submitted.

As the examiner, Erina Nakiri showed a lack of interest.

See this.

Xia Yan secretly smiled and said: "Your appetite and mood are not very good today, Erina, do you need me to help you evaluate this dish? You can also let Isshiki-kun come. He is one of the top ten, and he is completely useless as a guest examiner. question!"

These words made Nakiri Erina raise her eyebrows in surprise.

She is not stupid and has an above-average IQ. Knowing that Xing Ping Souzhen came with Xia Yan and his party, there is a high possibility that they will know each other.

I originally wanted to continue to utter such beautiful words as "Yuanyue doesn't need useless materials" and then kill this candidate as a routine.


My mind suddenly turned around here.

Nakiri Erina said: "His results can be decided by you and Isshiki, and in exchange, you must agree to a condition."

"What conditions?"

"Take the make-up exam later. Let me see what you have learned after disappearing from the world this year! What progress has you made!" She said with a sullen face. This girl obviously had no interest in Xia Yan's disappearance this year. I felt aggrieved when I ignored her.

Happy New Year!

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