Eternal food paradise

Chapter 97 The changed ‘excellent’ evaluation

"Take the make-up exam later. Let me see what you have learned during this year of disappearing from the world! What progress have you made!"

Xia Yan was stunned for a while.

"Are you sure about this condition?!"

He stared at the girl's serious face and actually got the answer.

"Are my words weird?" Sensing something in his eyes, Nakiri Erina said dissatisfiedly: "This is just a make-up exam for higher education. It's not difficult for you. You can probably handle it casually. The other ten outstanding examiners received more than half of the 'passing votes'!"

The subtext simply means that Xia Yan, the only make-up candidate, will most likely act inappropriately when answering questions in the exam.

Xia Yan was unable to complain.

This girl is simply more confident than him, the examinee.

I don’t even know the title!

Moreover, it was the academy commander who set the test questions, not Si Yingshi, who was the first among the top ten.

He was afraid that the old man Senzaemon would cause trouble.

Well, this urgently arranged make-up exam specifically for him must be at least one level higher in difficulty than the entrance exam for ordinary students!

Seeing Xia Yan deep in thought, he didn't reply immediately.

Nakiri Erina showed such a proud expression that I expected:

"Look, if I didn't put forward the conditions, you would definitely be a fool, just crossing the passing line, instead of trying your best to achieve a perfect score!"

"Yes, yes, yes."

Xia Yan was amused and had no intention of arguing with the girl about this. He glanced at her sizable European school and silently added in his mind -

You have big breasts, you have a point.


Xingping Soma was confused and had to ask: "I said, who is the examiner? No matter who can evaluate my dishes, I don't want to be brushed off in the transfer exam." , and then was laughed at by my dad!"

The real examiner, Erina Nakiri, turned her head indifferently.

"Hisoko, let's go to the make-up exam venue first and meet up with the others. By the way..." Glancing at Xia Yan, who looked calm, Nakiri Erina's mouth curled up slightly, "By the way, go learn the exam questions in advance and see if this guy can do it. I'll fall down hard, and it's best if I fall like a dog and eat shit!"

So she and her personal secretary left the place where the transfer students were taking the exam in a grand manner, leaving the stall to Issee Hui and Xia Yan.

Originally, any member of the Top Ten had the authority and qualifications to preside over the examination for transfer students.

Yisekhui is completely qualified.

What's more, there is a "monster" that is highly recognized by Dojima Gin and the school's commander-in-chief. Even if you take a step back, Nakiri Erina is sure that in the next few days, this "monster" will be the first to start school at the latest. In one week, you will challenge for a seat among the top ten and successfully sit in the top spot!

"Is it okay to call you Yukihira-kun?"

Yise Hui took over the title and power of the examiner with a smile and walked to the table where the candidates' dishes were served.

The finger pointed to a bowl of hot rice and a bowl of egg floss placed separately.

Isshiki Hui had seen clearly before that rice was cooked in a clay pot by Yukihei Sou, so the rice had a particularly strong aroma and the rice was in a state of being stretched out into grains, rather than an ugly mess.

As for ‘Egg Floss’.

It's nothing more than fried eggs.


Yise Hui keenly sensed that the fragrance of eggs was mixed with other strong flavors.

He grabbed the square bowl filled with broken eggs, held it in his hand, shook it, and showed a bright smile that knew the answer to the mystery: "I was wondering why the pot of broth that Yukihira-kun cooked suddenly disappeared. It turned out to be concentrated It’s at the bottom of the bowl——”

People can see through his "cooking magic" at a glance.

Yukihira Souma felt very boring.

It’s just natural intuition.

He always felt that Isekui and Kuuga Teruki, who was standing at the door with a numb and lazy look on his face, were not focusing on the transfer student exam at all.

The focus is not on myself, there is no spotlight, and I feel inexplicably unhappy, but there is nothing I can do about it.

Sighing, Yukihira Soma grabbed the square bowl in Isshiki Hui's hand.

Hanging over a large bowl of rice, the mouth of the bowl suddenly turned upside down, facing the floor.

Egg pine trees fell one after another.

The pieces of "condensed" chicken soup jelly originally buried at the bottom of the bowl also fell onto the white rice at this time. They encountered the hot air and melted visibly to the naked eye.

Ever since, the rich smell of chicken soup and chicken wings exploded in the venue hall!

"It turns out that the essence of 'Transformation Egg Bibimbap' lies in the magic of transformed meat jelly -" Isekhui marveled, seeing a large bowl of hot rice covered with a layer of fragrant chicken soup jelly, her appetite inevitably aroused.

Soon after.

Putting down his chopsticks, Isshiki Hui smiled at Yukihira Souma:

"Congratulations, Yukihira-kun!"

"My rating for your performance is...excellent!"

Dazed by the sudden enthusiasm, Xingping Soma subconsciously shook hands with Isshiki Hui, but found that it was difficult to break free from his hand and was tightly bound.

"You will survive well in Toyue."

After saying his words of encouragement, Isekhui looked at his watch.

"Time is up."

Kuga Teruki, who was always standing at the door, nodded: "The time is just right."

Seeing Xia Yan, Issey Hui, and Kuaga Teruki turning around in unison, Soma Yukihira opened his mouth and shouted: "Hey, won't you evaluate my dishes?"

Xia Yan knew that Yukihira Souma's call without a title was calling him, and he paused.

"There will be a chance!"

He turned away and waved.

Staring closely at the refreshing back of the departing figure, Yukihira Soma stood there blankly. He didn't know how long it had passed, but suddenly there was the sound of another person trying to eat at the dining table behind him.

He turned around in shock.

I saw an old man with white hair and a long, thick beard, taking chopsticks and eating the leftovers he had passed the transfer student exam one bite at a time.


Comments from an old man wearing a plain kimono and talking to himself while eating:

"The slow-cooked chicken wing stock, does the flavor completely penetrate the rice?"

"Very good, you really deserve an excellent rating!" The old man quickly put down his chopsticks and walked towards the side door and corridor that Soma Yukihira just faced.

At this time, before he could figure out who the old man was, Soma Kohei, he heard a sentence:

"There is another exam in the venue not far next door. However, it is the entrance exam. You should come and take a look. It will be a good time to see the cruelty of Yuanyue's internal admission system."


Who is this old man?

Yukihira Soma was confused and chased after him.

In another magnificent venue.


Seeing that there was finally movement at the heavy door, the top ten members who had been waiting in the hall for a while raised their heads.

They are Si Yingshi, the first ‘white knight of the table’.

In the second seat, there was a third-grade girl with long blood-red hair named Kobayashi Rgentan.

In the third seat, Tosuke Kijima is nicknamed the ‘Ramen Master’.

At the fourth seat, there was a purple-haired girl holding a doll, Akane Kubo Momo.

The fifth to tenth seats below are Saito Muneaki, Nino Kuni Nene, Isshiki Kei, Kuga Teruki, Eizan Ezuya, and Nakiri Erina.

As for Erina Nakiri, who just entered the high school this year and is a first-year freshman, she has already secured the tenth seat before school officially starts. It is simply a small miracle.

The ten heroes who had been waiting for a long time stared at the only candidate who walked in through the door.

At the first table, the chief Si Yingshi was a tough cook who didn’t want to waste time on school chores. He immediately broke the dead silence and announced:

"Then, let's get started!"

"This special make-up exam, the topic is..."

I'm going out to eat in the afternoon and evening. I don't have much time to code. The second update will be released at midnight. I'll watch it when you get up tomorrow. Don't stay up late~

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