"This is the rune trap I made, and I call it Talisman Puppet No. 1.

Don't look at its small size, its attack power can fully reach the level of the True Spirit Realm.

And it has a strong ability to hide, making it ideal for acting as a sentry agent.

If it's captured by the enemy, I can control it to self-detonate, which is several times more powerful than his attacks.

After finishing speaking, Chen Mu took out another thing about one meter and a half, long and tube-like.

"This is a hand-held rune cannon, which can fire long-range cannonballs, and the cannonballs are made of my improved explosive rune paper, and the power of the explosion center can probably reach the early stage of the True Spirit Realm, and the power of the surrounding shock wave will gradually decay with distance.

Actually, I'm still improving this explosive rune paper, and I think its current lethality is still a little worse, especially the explosion coverage is not large enough. "

Although Chen Mu's divine soul is already in the real realm, this does not mean that the rune paper he makes can reach the power of the true spirit realm, some runes themselves have structural limitations, even if they are made by a powerful talisman, its power will not be able to improve after reaching the limit.

For example, the explosion talisman is probably the limit of its power in the late stage of the Qi Cultivation Realm, and the cultivators in the late stage of the Qi Cultivation Realm correspond to the talisman masters in the late stage of the Void Realm.

If the talisman master's soul power is insufficient, it will limit the power of the rune, but if it exceeds the talisman's master in the late stage of the Void Realm, no matter how hard he tries to make it, its power can only reach the late stage of the Qi Cultivation Realm.

To increase the power of the runes, unless the structure of the runes is modified, and the transformed runes should no longer be called explosive runes.

For example, there is a sect in the Haotian Empire that is good at making rune paper, and they have invented a new kind of explosive talisman, which they named the "Five Thunder Bombardment Talisman".

The power of this rune paper was enough to threaten the cultivators of the Yudan Realm, and it was the treasure of their sect.

Generally speaking, runes that can pose a threat to cultivators above the True Spirit Realm are all mysteries of the various sects, and they are rarely circulated in the outside world.

Therefore, it was very difficult for Chen Mu to learn those runes, so he could only improve the runes he wanted by himself.

"In addition to these, I have also improved the production of the Rune Gun No. 3!" Chen

Mu continued to take out two brand-new Rune Guns from the Na Ring.

The new Runic Gun is blue-black in color, with finer runes on it, and it's made entirely of a rare form of cold iron.

"These two guns, each of which I spent almost tens of thousands of contribution points, even the special bullets that were equipped with it, each one was worth at least hundreds of contribution points, and using this gun to kill people was almost the same as smashing people with money.

If you use the special bullets I made, although I dare not say that I can kill the Demon King, it will definitely bring a threat to the Demon King.

Chen Mu swore that there was endless pride in his eyes.

Styx and Ah Huo watched Chen Mu come up with various inventions continuously, and they were so shocked that they didn't know what to say.

And Chen Duo and Chen Mu live together, although they know that Chen Mu has some new inventions, but they have always been ignorant, and it is the first time they have heard Chen Mu explain these talismans.

"Then Amu, how much have you prepared for this rune cannon or talisman puppet?

Ah Huo couldn't help but ask.

Chen Mu smiled and stretched out his palm, which was full of rings.

"I built fifty rune cannons in my hand, sixty rune puppets No. 1, and rune guns No. 3, although there are only 2 rune guns, but I have prepared sixty rune guns No. 2. There is also rune paper, and I have prepared thousands of various rune papers in the ring.

In fact, these are all that I am going to bring back to Chen Village, my father is still in the Zhuyan tribe, and sooner or later I will have to go to the trouble of the Zhuyan tribe, so I will prepare more. "

The rune-level rune printer, Chen Mu has already made it, but he doesn't dare to take out the rune paper and sell it again, and now he basically keeps it for his own use.

After Chen Mu finished speaking, everyone suddenly realized that they had to admire his foresight.

"However, there are two problems at the moment, one is that I don't have many spirit stones, and I will soon be exhausted to drive so many talismans.

The second is that we are too few to unleash the true power of these rune guns. "

Among these talismans, only the talisman No. 1 does not need to be manipulated by humans, and the others need to be operated by humans.

Now there are at least hundreds of thousands of people in the city, and people don't have to worry.

But Chen Mu was reluctant to give people what he had researched casually, and if he wanted to allocate weapons, he must give them to people he trusted enough.

"Amu, let's go find

Elder Qingxue first! Although most of the disciples of Wentian Pavilion don't want to see us, at least they know the roots, if we can talk about Elder Qingxue, the nearly two hundred disciples of Wentian Pavilion can help us.

Chen Mu pondered for a long time and nodded.

"It's true that the disciples of the Heavenly Pavilion are better than the people in the outside world, but I still don't worry about them.

The news of the breaking of the Fenghai Customs will not be hidden for long, at most two or three days, Bai Jinglong will definitely announce this matter, and then we will observe the reactions of these people and then make plans.

"Okay! Actually, when I came out this time, I also met a few senior brothers from the Overlord Palace, they are all very good, and they should be able to help when the time comes.

Chen Duo proposed.

"Well, in the past few days, we can contact some familiar people first, hoping that they can advance and retreat with us, and I want to think about the specific arrangements.

After some discussion, the night was getting deeper, and everyone was tired after a day of running, so they went back to their rooms to rest.


At three o'clock in the morning, in the dark room.

"Who?" Styx

shouted as he awoke from the beam, jumped off the ground, and shouted.

Not sleeping soundly in bed was already her instinct, and she was always on her toes wherever she was.

She has been killing people since she was sensible, and he knows that one day, he will also be the one who is killed.

But she wants to live, so she must kill more people, and only by becoming the sharpest knife of the Tuoba family will she be irreplaceable and live longer.


a cold laugh sounded behind the night, she was startled, and just as she wanted to jump away, a cold touch had already touched her neck.


a wave of despair welled up from her heart, and this nightmare woman actually took action herself.

The one who restrained the dark night was the master who taught the killing skills of the dark night from childhood to adulthood, the killer leader of the Yanzhu tribe, Miao Min.

In the heart of the night, Miao Min was a woman like a god and a demon, and she had seen her alone slaughter the entire village, killing them one by one as if she were playing.

"Boom... I thought you could learn some good skills in Ask Heavenly Pavilion.

But you have weakened! You dare to make a noise when you wake up, don't you know that this will reveal your location?, have you forgotten everything I taught you?"

Styx didn't answer her words, and her body flashed, turning into white light and disappearing in place.

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