Miao Min did not panic, but sneered, and then disappeared in place like a ghost.


The night fell from mid-air, and Miaomin's knife was pressed against her back again.

"Do you think I will do it easily if I am not prepared?" The

space dagger of the dark night is not a secret at all in the Heavenly Pavilion, many people have seen her ability to shuttle through space, as long as Miao Min inquires a little, she will naturally think of a way to deal with it.

In order to deal with the space dagger, Tuoba Rong also paid a great price to borrow this 'Tianluo magic cover' from an old friend, which can isolate space, which is the nemesis of space shuttle magic weapons.

Styx's face was ruthless, like a desperate hungry wolf, and he turned to kill Miao Min.

Under the attack of the dark night, Miao Min was at ease, like a leisurely walk, resisting and chattering.

"I've taught you everything, how can you be my opponent!" After

a moment, Miao Min kicked Styx to the ground.

The kick was so hard that Nightshade spat out a mouthful of blood, and was already seriously injured.

"Tell me! Why did you betray? Is it because... That talisman boy in the next room?"

No, it's because they want to refine my soul, and I have no choice but to tell them the news of Chen Haoran

! Master, you also know how the clan deals with betrayed people, and if you go back to the tribe, you will die! It is better to die outside!"

At this time, Styx finally spoke up to defend himself.

"Do you think that no one in the clan knows how to refine souls?" If you do this, you will only die a worse death

!" "But I want to live!" Hearing

Styx say this, Miao Min felt a little more relieved in his heart.

Although the shadow guard is a killer, he is not a dead soldier, Miao Min and the Tuoba family are actually a cooperative relationship, and she helps the Tuoba family train killers, which is essentially for profit.

It's actually a good thing that the killer has a desire to survive, which will make it easier for her to control.

"Okay! Then I'll give you a chance to kill the rune boy next to you!

As long as you kill him, I'll give you a guarantee, and the Tuoba family won't pursue your defection this time!

Miao Min let go of the dagger around Night's neck, took two steps back, and looked at her with interest.

Just now, Miao Min had already secretly tried the lock spirit buckle, but there was no reaction to the dark night.

She was actually very surprised, the combination of the lock spirit pattern and the lock spirit buckle was an ancient secret inheritance she got in an adventure, there should not be many people in the world who can crack this magic pattern, but she didn't expect to be able to encounter it in the dark night.

After Styx was released, he glanced back at Miao Min and nodded.


"Don't play tricks, or I'll take you back to refining your soul.

After finishing speaking, she stretched out her hand, and the 'Tianluo Law Cover' in the air immediately shrank, turning into a small gauze and flying into her palm.

She grabbed the night, her body like a ghost, and scurried through the window next to her to the next room.

Although the martial cultivators are not strong, they have spiritual sense, and they can also sense the information of the surrounding creatures, so they instantly sensed Chen Mu who was meditating on the bed.

She threw out the 'Tianluo Law Cover' again, since the Tianluo Law Cover can isolate space, it can naturally isolate sound and light, so no matter what happens here, the outside world will not be able to detect it.

After the Tianluo Law Cover was arranged, Miao Min was relieved.

With the strength of her in the late stage of the True Spirit Realm, she didn't care at all about Chen Mu, who was only in the late stage of the Qi Cultivation Realm, and after the Tianluo Law Cover was arranged, she felt that no matter what happened, it was completely under her control.


Miemin let go of the night's restraints and pushed her forward.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred, and a seven-colored light curtain waved out from the hand of the dark night, sweeping towards Miao Min.

"I don't see the acacia curtain!" Miao

Min was about to laugh, but found that this light curtain exuded a frightening aura, and she hurriedly raised her hand to resist.

Just now, I was not sure to break out of the Tianluo Law Cover, so I didn't dare to use the Colorful Heavenly Skill, after all, the Colorful Heavenly Skill was her most important hole card.

Now with this long-planned move, how can it be easy to block.


Min cried out in pain, and the colorful light curtain was like the light of annihilation, corroding her hands into a blur of flesh and blood.

"You're looking for death!!" she

was furious, and her hands formed two huge spiritual power handprints, which slapped forward.


The white light on Styx's body flashed, and he teleported to dodge the two giant palms.

As soon as Miao Min entered Chen Mu's room, Chen Mu had already noticed it.

As a talisman master, it was already instinctive to arrange a simple warning formation when cultivating.

Because Elder Qingxue was in the inn, in fact, he never thought that he would fight with people here in the inn, so he didn't make too many arrangements.

After he felt the strength of the comer, he did not act rashly, until he found out that the night was moving, and he did not make a bold move.

Under the scorching of the heart flame, Miao Min lost his mind for a moment, Chen Mu seized the opportunity and pulled the rune gun No. 3 in his hand.


The powerful spiritual power bullet rushed towards Miao Min's chest like a roaring dragon.


The spiritual bullet pierced through two protective shields in succession, pinning Miao Min to the wall.


Miao Min spat out a mouthful of blood, and his breath withered a lot.


curtain of colorful light swept towards Miao Min, but Miao Min's figure flashed and disappeared in place.

"You're good! Night, I'll come back to you—

" Boom!

Chen Mu fired a shot into the air, but was blocked by a transparent film.

He secretly said that it was a pity, just now the time was in a hurry, and he only used the spiritual power bullet of the rune gun No. 3, if he used the rune bullet he made, it would be enough to kill this person just now.


transparent film in mid-air turned into a small net and flew away into the distance, Chen Mu did not chase, this kind of high-level magic weapon is not so easy to stay, although Miao Min is injured, but if he is desperate, he is also very dangerous.

"Night, are you alright?"

Nightshade's face was a little pale, and she sat down, the magic pattern on her back glowing faintly.

After a few moments, her injuries finally stabilized.

"I'm much better!" The

recovery magic pattern on the back of the dark night was transformed by Chen Mu, and he naturally saw that the dark night was fine, and nodded.

"The one just now, it's someone from the Tuoba family again?"


Chen Mu fell silent.

In the middle of the night, the two of them were a little emotional for the rest of their lives.

"Actually, why did you follow me when I left Chen Village?"

"Actually, I was trying to kill you!" she

paused, as if in thought.

"After you let me go, I wandered around Chen Village for a long time.

Ever since I was sensible, I was the killer of the Tuoba family, and I really didn't know where I could go.

In the end, I can only think of going to you for revenge. "

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