Chen Mu glanced at the dark night and sighed faintly.

"Actually, I think it's worse than we thought.

In the afternoon, I went to the City Lord's Mansion to take a look at the garrison of the Absolute Sword Army and the City Guards.

Generally speaking, the strength of the soldiers of these two armies is still good, but the military discipline is lazy and extravagant, which is really embarrassing!"

Chen Mu said, poured himself a glass of water, and took a sip.

"Although I have not led many troops, I have personally been on the battlefield.

There is no problem for this kind of army to fight a good battle, but it is basically impossible for them to rely on their own achievements.

Although I don't know how many troops the demons will send, if they dare to come to Absolute Sword City, their troops will definitely not be less than that of Absolute Sword City.

Once it gets to that point, I will definitely not feel at ease when I pin my hopes on the Absolute Sword Army. "

The reason why Chen Mu made the plan for Broken Blade Mountain is actually another very important reason, that is, the bet between Ming Lao and He Xiao, the hall master of the Rune Palace.

Although he didn't know what He Xiao's disciple's grades were, Chen Mu would never allow himself to lose.

When the Absolute Sword City encounters war, it is both a danger and an opportunity, if it is dealt with well, the records here are simply endless, but if you retreat in the city to assist in the defense, the records you can obtain are undoubtedly very few.

After all, the main force in the war is the army, and it is difficult for these scattered cultivators to get the opportunity to face the alien demons.

"Okay, since Amu has thought it all out, then I will definitely support you.

Ah Huo took the lead in speaking.


!" "I support it too!" Styx

and Chen Duo continued.

"Okay, then I'll go to the White City Lord now!

Also, try not to be alone these days, Miao Min doesn't know if he will come back, don't let him seize the opportunity to deal with you." "

When I was eating in the morning, Chen Mu told Ah Huo and Chen Duo what happened last night, and now everyone is very vigilant.


When Chen Mu came to the City Lord's Mansion again, it was already dusk.

"Brother Guard, I have something urgent to find the city lord, please help me pass it through.

Chen Mu handed over the nameplate of the Wentian Pavilion to the guards of the City Lord's Mansion, and after the guards saw it, they sent someone in to spread it.

After a stick of incense, a guard walked out and led Chen Mu into the Chengwei Mansion.

When Chen Mu entered the hall of the Chengwei Mansion, he found that there were already five powerful figures sitting inside.

Among them, Elder Qingxue was also here, and she sat on Bai Jinglong's right hand, and it seemed that her status was not low.

"Chen Mu, you came just in time, we are discussing the matter of the spies of Chao Shifeng.

It's something you found out about, and you can help come up with ideas.

Bai Jinglong beckoned and asked Chen Mu to sit in the back.

Chen Mu bowed and sat down in the last seat.

He felt it carefully, and found that he couldn't see through three of the five people here, they should all be cultivators above the Yudan Realm, and the other two were also in the late stage of the True Spirit Realm, it seemed that these people were the top combat power in Absolute Sword City.

"The wind customs were broken because there were spies among the human race.

Now that the human beings and the alien demons have also been found in the Troubled Stone Peak, if it is said that the alien demons of the Chaotic Stone Peak have nothing to do with the matter of the Wind Pass, presumably everyone will not believe it.

So we are running out of the spotlight and we must find out as soon as possible the humans who are in collusion with the demons.

In this way, we can take the initiative in this battle, otherwise the enemy will be dark and we will be clear, and we will already lose half of this war.

Bai Jinglong glanced at the people sitting down.

"I went to Rocky Peak last night, and I did find the aura of a strange demon there.

But since the other party is a demon king-level powerhouse, as long as he deliberately hides it, I can't find him.

Now that the war is urgent, if there is really someone colluding with the demons, they will definitely meet during this time.

So I asked you to help me think about how to arrange it so that I could find someone who colluded with the demons without startling the snake.

After Bai Jinglong finished speaking, everyone looked at each other, all thinking hard about how to deal with it.

Talismans such as human communication jade plates cannot be used by alien demons, so if they want to transmit information, they must meet and communicate, and this is indeed a good opportunity to find the collaborators.

"White City Lord, I have a magic weapon that can solve this problem!" Chen

Mu stood up and said after pondering for a moment.

"Magic weapon?"

Bai Jinglong looked happy, stood up and walked in front of Chen Mu.

"Dare to ask what kind of magic weapon it is?"

Chen Mu took out the long cylindrical front sight from the ring and handed it to Bai Jinglong.

"This thing is called 'clairvoyance', and when there is no obstruction, you can see objects dozens of miles away.

Its biggest feature is that it does not have any spiritual power fluctuations, no matter how high the cultivation is, it is difficult to detect, but it is a divine object passed down to me by the family teacher, and the white city lord has used it up, but he must return it to me. "

There are no spiritual power fluctuations?" Bai

Jinglong was taken aback when he heard this, he picked up Chen Mu's crosshair and looked at it carefully.

"How do you use this?"

Chen Mu smiled and helped Bai Jinglong adjust the angle, pointing one side of the crosshair to his eyes and the other to the distance.

"White City Lord, you just need to rotate here to adjust the viewing distance.

Bai Jinglong studied it for a while and couldn't help laughing.

"If it's really a fetish!, in this case, it will be much easier to find the traitor!" he

carefully put away the crosshair and patted Chen Mu on the chest.

"Chen Mu, don't worry, there are so many people here, I don't dare to covet your treasure.

And now that the war is imminent, I dare not chill the hearts of the soldiers.

You've done a great job, but now that the war is urgent, I'll report to the court to reward you after the demons have retreated. "

Thank you, Lord Bai. "

Chen Mu actually doesn't care much about this crosshair, there is a self-designed anti-cracking rune in the crosshair, if anyone tries to take it apart and imitate it, it will cause its structural loss.

It's just that he still doesn't want to spread this crosshair, maybe one day, he will be used against him, and it will be too wronged.

"Okay! Since the spy has found a solution, then everyone will disperse!

If there is any new news, I will inform you again!" Everyone

listened and was about to stand up and leave, but then Chen Mu spoke.

"Wait a minute, I have a battle plan I would like to talk about, and I hope you can give some advice.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then turned their eyes to Elder Qingxue.

As a disciple of Wentian Pavilion, Chen Mu subconsciously naturally thought that the plan he was going to talk about was instructed by Elder Qingxue.

Elder Qingxue was stunned for a moment, looking a little dazed, so he had to sit down again.

"Chen Mu, everyone is very busy, what are your plans?" Elder

Qingxue said this, and everyone had to sit down.

Chen Mu probed out, took out a map from the Na Ring and unfolded it, and then saw a wooden board next to the hall, so he hung the map up.

"I plan to organize a team of elites to deploy defenses on Broken Blade Mountain, you see this terrain, easy to defend and difficult to attack.

If we can occupy this position, we can attack and retreat, and we can defend it, and we will be at odds with the Absolute Sword City..."

Chen Mu said as he drew a line on the map with a pen and said all the problems he had in mind.

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