"Nonsense! The matter of leading the army, the White City Lord is in charge, why do you need to point fingers?"

Elder Qingxue also listened to it with relish, but after reacting, he was worried that he would be responsible, so he immediately reprimanded him.

"Wait! Elder Qing don't get angry!" As

soon as the expert made a move, he knew if there was one, and Bai Jinglong's gaze at Chen Mu had a hint of respect.

"Chen Mu, I have to say, your plan is very good.

It's just that you may have overlooked one problem, and that is the complexity of human nature!"

he sighed, his eyes a little helpless.

"Garrisoning Broken Blade Mountain, facing the army of alien demons is much more dangerous than staying in the city.

Half of the elite cultivators who are now in the city are actually forcibly called to stay in the city.

It's okay to ask them to help defend in the city, but if you want to forcibly send them to Broken Blade Mountain, they will definitely not listen.

Bai Jinglong's words made several people next to him nod silently.

The reason why Broken Blade Mountain is called Broken Blade is because the mountain is steep, like a sharp blade that reaches to the sky, and half of it has been cut off in the middle.

If you want to climb Broken Blade Mountain, there are only two narrow mountain roads, these mountain roads are very steep, so they are not suitable for large-scale marches, as long as you send some strong men to hold the main road, even thousands of troops and horses will not be able to rush up.

However, the purpose of garrisoning Broken Blade Mountain is to be able to help each other with Absolute Sword City, and it is meaningless to just defend the mountain, so the troops stationed in Broken Blade Mountain must also have sufficient mobility.

If you have to be mobile, then the cultivation of the monk must not be too bad, roughly speaking, it is necessary to cultivate the cultivator above the Qi realm, so as to have enough strategic significance.

If the cultivators of the Qi Cultivation Realm were in the army, they would be at least at the level of a squad leader, and it would be impossible for Bai Jinglong to transfer these backbones in the army to Broken Blade Peak to garrison them.

If he does, his armies will be ruined.

Therefore, the people stationed in Broken Blade were mainly selected from those scattered cultivators in the city.

And there are quite a few cultivators in the city who have cultivated above the Qi Cultivation Realm, but how many are willing to go and garrison

Broken Blade Mountain? Bai Jinglong couldn't help but sigh, only a young man like Chen Mu would dare to say such a whimsical plan

! "But! As long as the troops of Broken Blade Mountain can be formed, we will be able to grasp the initiative in the war!

I think the city lord should be able to understand the meaning of this, which will be greatly beneficial to our side!" Chen

Mu insisted.

If there is no mobile force outside, the other side will be able to deal with the city with all its might, then this will become a war of attrition.

Not to mention that the war of attrition will inevitably suffer heavy losses, with the current military strength comparison, the probability of victory for the alien demon is very large.

As the city lord of Absolute Sword City, Bai Jinglong knew more things than Chen Mu, he just had a fluke mentality.

But now Chen Mu's proposal gave him one more choice.

"Okay then! I'll post an official document and go out later, and see how many people are willing to go to Broken Blade Mountain to garrison!

If enough people are gathered, then I'll carry out your plan, otherwise let's stop it!"

Bai Jinglong made a final decision.

"The city lord is wise!" Chen

Mu bowed.

"Alright, let's all disperse!"


In the evening, in Chen Mu's room.

Then he returned to the room, arranged an extremely high-quality spirit gathering array, and began to cultivate the Heart Sutra of the Immovable Ming King.

In fact, today, he could completely take out a large number of his talismans and show them to those people in the City Lord's Mansion.

If that's the case, they'll definitely have more confidence in their plans, and they'll be able to gather more people to garrison Broken Blade Mountain.

But Chen Mu didn't say that he felt that in a harsh environment, he should be able to summon more bloody warriors.

What he needs are righteous men who are truly willing to garrison Broken Blade Mountain, and those who will retreat when they encounter setbacks will only be a bunch of-stirring sticks.

Having fought a few battles with Chen Hongjie in Chen Village, he deeply understood that the more people in the army, the better.

For a team to exert its might, the will, obedience, and unity of the team members are more important.

In this dangerous realm, most of those who are still willing to go to Broken Blade Peak to garrison must be people who care about the safety of Absolute Sword City, and they are willing to take risks for the sake of Absolute Sword City's survival.

Only when such a person has courage, will, and a unified goal can such a team have real combat effectiveness.

When Chen Mu handed over his talisman to them, he would be relieved.

Now Chen Mu is also facing another potential problem, that is, whether the group of people gathered will obey him in the war.

In fact, if you have a talisman, those people will definitely admire themselves when they receive it.

But on the battlefield, only strength will give the greatest confidence to the people next to you.

Therefore, in the past few days, Chen Mu plans to do his best to break through to the True Spirit Realm.

As his cultivation became higher and higher, he found that the difficulty of breaking through the Heart Sutra of the Immovable Ming King was also increasing, and it was no longer after the breakthrough of the Divine Soul Realm, the Martial Cultivation Realm would also easily break through.

The reason why the Heart Sutra of the Immovable Ming King was able to help Chen Mu break through quickly in the martial arts stage was because when the realm of the divine soul was high, it could attract more spiritual energy to gather around him.

But Chen Mu has long been short of spiritual power concentration now, he has a lot of resources at hand, and he can completely arrange a spiritual gathering array with extremely rich spiritual energy, and the effect of attracting spiritual power from the Heart Sutra of the Immovable Ming King is no longer of much effect.

Therefore, the current improvement of Chen Mu's Divine Soul Realm could not significantly increase his martial cultivation breakthrough speed.

This was not because his martial cultivation breakthrough speed had slowed down, on the contrary, it meant that Chen Mu's martial cultivation resources were abundant, and the enrichment to the divine soul realm had no effect on his martial cultivation progress.

You must know that Chen Mu is a martial soul dual cultivator, and it is actually very difficult for a person to cultivate two paths, otherwise, other cultivators in the world will choose dual cultivation.

Chen Mu is now majoring in Divine Soul, and he spends most of his time cultivating Divine Soul every day, while the time spent on martial arts cultivation is less than an hour on average every day.

In just such a short period of time, his martial arts cultivation progress has almost caught up with the realm of the divine soul, which cannot be said to be unique in the entire cultivation world, but it is also rare.

In the early stage, it was because of the effect of the Heart Sutra of the Immovable Ming King that attracted spiritual power with the help of the divine soul, and now, it was because Chen Mu had a large number of cultivation resources.

After studying in the Wentian Pavilion, he also discovered the difference between himself and Ah Huo, although Ah Huo and himself were both at the peak of the Qi Cultivation Realm, but every step that Ah Huo broke through was extremely solid.

Therefore, although they are both at the peak of the Qi Cultivation Realm, if they only rely on martial arts to fight, Ah Huo can beat the three of them down.

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