
! A silver-white light flew towards Yin Zhan with an incomparably sharp momentum.


I saw Ah Huo pinching the sword trick in his hand, and the long sword was like a silver dragon, surrounding Yin Zhan and constantly rushing back and forth, suppressing him so powerless.

"Swordsmanship, it turned out to be swordsmanship!" There

was no shortage of knowledgeable people in the audience, and they immediately recognized what kind of moves Ah Huo used.

"To control the sword with qi and move the sword with your heart, to reach this point, you must have a deep understanding of the way of the sword.

How old is he?

Even if he has been cultivating since his mother's womb, it is impossible to reach this point, right?"

said a sword cultivator in the audience.

The comprehension of the Dao is more difficult than the cultivation to improve, and the Imperial Sword Technique is not a secret technique, on the contrary, its cultivation method is almost semi-public.

However, if you want to practice the art of swordsmanship, you must comprehend the way of the sword to the realm of controlling the sword with qi.

Generally, people who practice kendo can comprehend the realm of controlling the sword with qi only after the realm of knotting, and the deeper the realm, it will be easier to appreciate the essence of kendo.

Like Ah Huo, a person who can comprehend the ability to control the sword with qi at the beginning of the True Spirit Realm is one in ten thousand in sword cultivation.

What's more, Ah Huo is still so young, which is why it will cause so many people to be shocked.


Huo trapped Yin Zhan in place with his swordsmanship, and he couldn't rush to Ah Huo's side to hurt him.

After some time, Yin Zhan finally reluctantly put away his weapon.

"I admit defeat!" Ah

Huo recalled the long sword back into its scabbard and retreated to Chen Mu's side.

Chen Mu secretly gave Ah Huo a thumbs up, and then walked up to the high platform.

"Brother Yin Zhan, I can see it.

Your fighting style should be matched with your mount to get the most out of it.

But defeat is defeat, if you have the opportunity in the future, you can challenge us again

!" "Okay! Refreshing, I will fully cooperate with you in this war! I hope we still have a chance to fight!"

Yin Zhan finished speaking and jumped off the high platform.

"Who else wants to challenge? Come on!" Chen

Mu shouted.

This time, the audience was much more silent.

Those who will come to participate in the Broken Blade Mountain plan are not trying to fight fiercely, the reason why they wanted to challenge Chen Mu before was just that they were afraid that his strength would not be good and drag down the entire team.

But Ah Huo's strength has won the respect of most people, and with him, Chen Mu as the commander is actually not so unacceptable.

After a while, a sturdy figure jumped onto the high platform.


"Is it you?" Chen

Mu recognized, this man turned out to be the man with a burned face on the street when he first came to Absolute Sword City.

At that time, he was just wandering around casually, and Chen Mu didn't release his spirit to spy on the strength of others.

It was only at this time that he discovered that the scar-faced man actually had a mid-stage cultivation in the True Spirit Realm, and it seemed that he had underestimated him at that time.

The scar-faced man touched the back of his head, looking a little embarrassed, and hesitated for a moment before speaking.

"That's... I'm sorry last time, it's my mouth that owes!"

Chen Mu was stunned for a while, and then realized that this was an apology for insulting himself last time.

"It's okay, it's all over!" the

scar-faced man breathed a sigh of relief, thought for a moment and continued.

"I didn't want to challenge you, but I'm grateful for your plan for Broken Blade Mountain, which gave me the opportunity to kill more demons.

But this battle is too important for me and my family!

The demons killed my mother, and my face was also given to me, and I have a bitter enmity with them.

So I'm hoping to have a stronger Commander to lead everyone

! If you're not strong enough, let my friend be the Leader!

He's a Reality Triple Array Mage, and I think he's more suitable than you to be the Commander.

After listening to what the scar-faced man said, Chen Mu subconsciously glanced at the position where the scar-faced man came up just now.

Sure enough, next to the position, a man with an elegant temperament smiled and beckoned to him.

This man was the one who apologized for the scar-faced man at that time.

"Yes, can you tell me your name, and what do you call your friend?" Chen

Mu still has a good impression of the elegant man, after all, as a formation mage of the Triple Realm of Reality, he is willing to apologize to a stranger for his friend, obviously his character is still very good, and he doesn't mind making friends with the other party.

And he didn't know in advance that there was actually a Reality Triple Formation Mage in this group of people, and a Formation Mage of this level was very beneficial to his plan, so he naturally had to win it over.

"My name is Guo Tao, and my friend's name is Kong Yu. "

Okay, then the person you want to challenge is me, right?"


Chen Mu waved his hand and let everyone else get off the high platform, leaving only Guo Tao and Chen Mu on the stage.

"Alright, come on!" Chen

Mu took out the magic baguette and shook the ground, with a terrifying momentum.

Guo Tao may not have enough space to accept the ring, and his weapon is carried on his back.

At this time, he pulled out, and it was two blood-colored giant axes that were one meter long.

"Look at the move!" Guo

Tao lifted the giant axe, and his body was like a huge mountain, crushing towards Chen Mu.

Chen Mu didn't dare to be careless, after all, the other party was a small realm higher than himself, and he immediately used the Divine Soul Secret Technique.

Guo Tao's face sank, his expression was faintly painful, and his momentum towards Chen Mu slowed down a lot.


skin on Chen Mu's body turned pale gold, like King Kong's angry eyes, extremely domineering, and Guo Tao made a few moves, and he was not inferior at all.

"Blood Shadow Axe!" Guo

Tao's swing of the double axe suddenly accelerated, forming countless blood-colored axe shadows, shrouding towards Chen Mu.

World-honored Dharma Protector, King Kong is not bad!

Chen Mu's whole body lit up with golden light, his long stick swirled and waved, and his defense was so dense that the blood axe could not advance at all.

Guo Tao's face was extremely ugly, and he found that the heart-burning inflammation in his mind made it difficult for him to concentrate, and in the long run, he would only become weaker and weaker.

At this time, he couldn't attack for a long time, he became more and more irritable, and decided to condense the spiritual power of his whole body and fight hard.

"Blood axe is in the sky, nothing is broken, kill!" He

raised his double axes, and the giant axe lit up with blood-colored light, and finally formed a three- or four-meter-high blood axe phantom on his head, slashing towards Chen Mu's head.

Just as the Blood Shadow Void Talisman was about to slash at Chen Mu's head, Chen Mu's body turned into a flash of white light, and it actually appeared behind Guo Tao.


Tao's face changed drastically, he hurriedly defended, and was immediately beaten to the left and right, embarrassed.

"I admit defeat!" Guo

Tao jumped off the high platform directly, no longer entangled.

In this battle, Chen Mu seemed to win extremely easily, Guo Tao was suppressed from beginning to end, except for the stronger spiritual power, his performance in other aspects was extremely bad.

But in fact, this is all the credit of the Heart Burning Flame, which has a powerful suppressive effect on those cultivators whose Dao hearts are not firm enough.

Under the influence of the Burning Heart Flame, Guo Tao couldn't respond calmly at all, which made Chen Mu easily win the battle.

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