"How is it, is there anyone else who wants to come up and challenge?" Chen

Mu swept around the audience, and finally set his eyes on Kong Yu.

The people on the field, he had already swept it with his divine soul, and the strongest person was only at the peak of the middle stage of the True Spirit Realm, and there was no one in the late stage of the True Spirit Realm, so he had so much confidence that he felt that he could deal with everyone.

However, the Triple Formation Mage of the Reality Realm, Chen Mu is still very jealous, if the other party has cultivated a strong Divine Soul Secret Technique, even if the martial arts cultivation realm is not high, there is still a great chance of defeating the three of them.

However, Chen Mu waited for a long time, but he didn't hear that anyone else was going to come up to challenge.

And after Kong Yu took Guo Tao back to his side, he only cared about Guo Tao and had no intention of going to power.

"Well, since there's no one to challenge, there's no need to wait.

Let's go now! After

Chen Mu made sure that no one wanted to challenge, he issued his first order as the commander.


Broken Blade Mountain, the whole mountain is a hard black stone formation, the grass and trees on the mountain are sparse, and few creatures will go up.

For thousands of years, it has stood here, through the changes of the years, rain or shine.

The surrounding area of Broken Blade Mountain is densely forested, so it is very unfavorable for the movement of large troops.

Chen Mu commanded more than 300 cultivators of the "Sword Guard" Battalion, escorted more than a dozen carriages, and more than 500 low-level cultivators, and marched towards Broken Blade Mountain with difficulty.

These more than 500 low-level cultivators were all summoned by Chen Mu separately, some of them were Liang Yu's guards, but most of them were carpenters, builders, blacksmiths, and so on in the Absolute Sword City.

These people Chen Mu were paid very well, let them go up the mountain to do things, they didn't need to participate in the battle, they only needed to do some chores in the rear of the station.

After all, there are many things, and these workers will do even better than cultivators, while high-level cultivators only need to be well prepared for battle.

When they arrived at the bottom of Broken Blade Mountain, those low-level cultivators couldn't go up at all with the carriage, and with the help of the Weijian Battalion and many monks, they slowly climbed up.

After reaching the top of the mountain, Chen Mu carefully surveyed the terrain, looked at the small Absolute Sword City in the distance, and nodded secretly.

The environment here was even better than he expected, the mountains were high enough and very hard enough not to collapse in the heat of the war.

"Alright, let's start building fortifications, let's do it!" Chen

Mu gave an order, and nearly five hundred low-level cultivators all started to move down the things on the carriage one by one, and transformed the top of the mountain according to the prior design.

The summit is about two kilometers in circumference, and the terrain is flat, so it is not too troublesome to arrange.

"Ah Huo, you come to train the people of the Sword Guard, you don't need to say that the order is prohibited, you can achieve unity of action. "

Ah Huo helped Chen Hongjie train for a period of time, and he is also experienced in this, so Chen Mu arranged such a task for him.

Chen Mu didn't think that this group of people could become a real army, after all, the time they could train was too short, and in five or six days, the alien demon army would kill them.

As long as they cooperate a little and don't drop the chain when they act, Chen Mu is already very satisfied.

As for himself, he went to Kong Yu and discussed with him the arrangement of the defensive array on the mountain.

In the Weijian Battalion, there are also some people who are minors in talismans, formations, and even alchemy and refining, but the level of these people is too low to help much, and only Kong Yu, a threefold array mage in the real realm, has an important role.

Although the level is not high, Chen Mu has also built a material room, where some of the more common alchemy, refining, and talisman materials are placed, and they can also give full play to their strengths if necessary.

From the perspective of the array alone, Kong Yu's level was not weaker than Chen Mu's, but Kong Yu's understanding of runes was far worse than Chen Mu's.

Chen Mu simply handed over the defensive formation of the entire mountain of Broken Blade Mountain to Kong Yu to arrange, and then adjusted and optimized the formation after Kong Yu arranged it to enhance the local power.

After the formation was handed over to Kong Yu, Chen Mu himself became much more relaxed, and he officially started the research of the magic nuclear bomb in the talisman room that had just been built.


Three days later.

An explosion sounded in Chen Mu's talisman room, but the runes on the walls of the talisman room flickered, blocking out the aftermath of the explosion.

The people who were building the fortifications outside took one look at the talisman room, and then continued their work without pausing.

In the past two days, Chen Mu's talisman room would explode every hour or two, and everyone was already surprised.


Chen Mu walked out of the talisman room, his coat was tattered, his body was black, his hair was scattered, and he was embarrassed.

"Amu, are you okay, has the experiment succeeded?" Ah

Huo stood outside the door, concerned.

"It's not bad, it should be successful soon!" At

this time, Chen Duo came over with a wooden basin, a towel, and a set of clothes.

Chen Mu smiled, wiped his face and body with a towel, and changed his coat by the way.

"The people in the 'Weijian Battalion' have been very cooperative these days, and the training effect is better than I expected.

So I think it's almost time to get them familiar with those talismans, otherwise I'm afraid they won't be able to use them.

Chen Mu thought for a moment and nodded.

"You have a point! Okay, I'll go over now and hand them out. "


In order to prevent the layout of the Broken Blade Mountain from being destroyed when testing the talisman, Chen Mu led the people of the 'Weijian Battalion' down the mountain and found an open mountain to test.

"This is a 'hand-held rune cannon', the limit attack distance is three kilometers, I'll try one now, you can feel it.

Chen Mu held the rune cannon on his shoulder, and he could pull out a dial in front of his shoulder.

"This scale is to control the attack distance, which can help you get started quickly, how far you want to attack the target, you can control the spiritual power on the value indicated on this scale.

The farther the attack distance, the greater the error of the shell, so if you are attacking an unexpected target two or three kilometers, you must be careful of accidental damage, but within two kilometers, the possibility of error is very small.

Chen Mu said as he showed his scale to the cultivators of the Sword Guard Camp behind.

The cultivators of the Sword Guard Camp saw such a strange talisman for the first time, and they all looked at it intently, silent.

"Alright, then I'll fire a 500-meter shell now.

Chen Mu controlled the spiritual power in his body, and the scale on the barrel of the gun stopped at the value of five hundred, and then released the spiritual power.

Bang.... Sou.... Boom!

A deafening explosion sounded in the distance, startling many people.

"That's it! That's how the rune cannon fires.

If any of you want to give it a try, you can raise your hand and sign up. "

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