Whoosh! Whoosh!

In an instant, almost all members of the Weijian Battalion raised their hands.

"I!" "I'll come

!" "Let me try!" Under

the enthusiasm of the crowd, Chen Mu simply didn't

draw people up, and directly took out the fifty hand-held rune cannons in the Na Ring, and divided the three hundred and fifty-nine people into eight groups to take turns to experience.

"Now there are too many people, you will first use virtual ammunition for experiments, except that virtual ammunition will not explode, other characteristics are the same, you can test at will!

Later, I will allocate a quota of live ammunition to each of you for testing, and you can decide when to use it yourself."

After Chen Mu finished his order, the cultivators began to experiment.

Boom, boom, boom!

Even with the virtual bomb exercise, the power of the fifty rune cannons in their hands was still extremely strong, and the demon beasts and birds in the distance were frightened and scurried around.

"This hand-held rune cannon is somewhat similar to the Thunderbolt cannon equipped by the Imperial military, but the Thunderbolt cannon is heavy and huge, and it is difficult to move, so it is simply not so easy to carry.

Moreover, although the firing range of the Thunderbolt artillery is also about three kilometers, even if it is a long-trained artillery, the accuracy of use is extremely poor, but with the help of the scale on it, this talisman almost refers to where to hit.

This design is so ingenious, the talisman who invented this talisman is really a ghost!"

"Yes, and the Thunderbolt cannon consumes an amazing amount of spirit stones, and the military is reluctant to use them in normal times.

Like this talisman, we have tested more than a dozen cannons, and we feel that the spirit stones on it have only consumed less than half.

Another old man also exclaimed.

"Hey, I can already imagine the aliens fleeing under our bombardment.

I've decided, I'll use this hand-held rune cannon!, no one wants to rob me!"

a young man shouted loudly.

"Hmph, you don't look at your cultivation, are you qualified to use it? If you want me to see, only those of us True Spirit Realm cultivators are qualified to use such a powerful talisman.

Another man complained.


It took more than an hour, and all eight groups of people tried the hand-held rune cannon once, and everyone felt good.

"Alright, now I'll introduce another talisman!" Chen

Mu took out the No. 2 rune gun from the ring.

"This weapon is called the Rune Gun, which is mainly used against a single target, and the range is the most powerful within six hundred meters, and the farther away it will begin to decay, and the accuracy will become lower.

Chen Mu held the rune gun and aimed at a large tree in the distance.


The tree in the distance snapped, and a huge gap appeared in the place where it was hit.

"I have sixty rune guns, you are divided into six groups, let's try them all!"

After speaking, Chen Mu assigned rune guns to the people below.

This batch of rune guns No. 2 Chen Mu has been slightly upgraded, and can directly use spiritual power as bullets, and the power is related to the strength of the user, but at least it also has the power of the middle stage of the Qi Cultivation Realm.

Chen Mu also left about 300 No. 2 bullets of the rune gun, which were used well and could kill opponents at the demon general level, which was the killer weapon that Chen Mu kept.

After another hour or so, everyone tested the Rune Gun No. 2.

After the test, the people of the Wei Jian Battalion looked at Chen Mu with admiration in their eyes, and there was a trace of fanaticism.

The Rune Gun is obviously more ingenious than the hand-held Rune Cannon, and with this weapon, they have a much better chance of winning.

"Alright, I'd like to introduce you to one last thing, my puppeteer.

Chen Mu took out a small Fu Shame Trap and showed it to everyone.

"Fu Shame doesn't need you to manipulate it, it has a certain amount of intelligence of its own, and I will use it as a sentry, fire suppression, or aftermath.

When you see it later, don't attack it. After

the display of Fu Shu No. 2, Chen Mu didn't say much, and directly withdrew the ring.

"Alright, you can continue to familiarize yourself with the rune weapon here today!

I will leave the rune cannon and the rune gun here, and Ah Huo will lead you to experiment.

Tomorrow afternoon, I'll come over and group you according to your experiments, and determine which groups of people will use these talismans.

After Chen Mu finished speaking, he patted Ah Huo's shoulder beside him, and turned around to go back to Broken Blade Mountain.


After returning to Broken Blade Mountain, Chen Mu found the dark night.

"Styx, I'm going to trouble you to run this time!

The demon-level demon cores I bought in the city last time have been almost consumed by me.

You help me go to the city and buy some more, and try not to attract other people's attention. "


Styx was very straightforward, and after accepting Chen Mu's instructions, he set off immediately.

The mass production of the magic nuclear bomb is Chen Mu's secret, and he doesn't want too many people to know about it, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

Although the talisman that Chen Mu showed to everyone in the Weijian Camp today was powerful, it was not too exaggerated, and in the army of the Haotian Empire, there were weapons that were stronger than the talisman he invented.

What he was afraid of was that the Haotian Empire knew the cost of these talismans he made.

The powerful weapons of the Haotian Empire basically rely on the material of the weapon itself, as well as the strong divine soul strength of the maker.

But Chen Mu's is not, his talismans are all in a different way, using clever physical structures to increase their power.

With the same material, the talisman he made was much more powerful than the talisman made in the traditional way.

Of course, this has to exclude some special cases, after all, the Panhuang Continent is vast and vast, there is no shortage of capable people, and there are some rune designs that even Chen Mu finds esoteric and difficult to understand.

And the reason why he was able to do this was because of Fu Xin's powerful computing power, and also on his way of thinking from another civilization.

All the talismans he made were added with his own encrypted runes, and anyone who wanted to disassemble or crack them would damage the structure inside, so he didn't worry about others seizing his talismans.

The only thing he was worried about was the process of making the talisman himself, which attracted the attention of those who cared about it.

This batch of talismans now assigned to the Weijian Battalion only needs to pass the credit of these talismans to his master Ming Lao in the future.

Anyway, he also showed Ming Lao the talisman he invented, and Ming Lao was very happy at that time.

Now if the magic nuclear bomb is made, Chen Mu has also thought about it, and it can be said that Ming Lao gave it to him in the future, so that he can save a lot of trouble.

Otherwise, once the technology for the mass production of demon nuclear bombs is leaked, there will definitely be many forces in the entire continent who regard themselves as fragrant buns, and they don't know where they can escape when they want to.

"Duoduo, you help me change the spirit stone in the talisman room, I will have to do an experiment later. "


When there is something serious, Chen Duo is very obedient.

She immediately took action to replace the spirit stones in the talisman room to prevent the explosion in the talisman room from affecting the outside world.

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