Chen Mu's original plan was that once he encountered danger, he would abandon the Weijian Camp and escape on a spaceship.

But when it really came to this time, he found that he couldn't do it at all, and these people sincerely obeyed his orders and entrusted their lives to their own hands.

He held the rune gun and shot desperately, breaking the rising ghost hands one by one.

Ah Huo and Styx both seemed to feel Chen Mu's determination, and neither of them fled, and cooperated with Chen Mu to block the attack of the ghost hand, hoping to create more opportunities for the rest of the Weijian Battalion to escape.

Although Chen Mu and the three of them are not the strongest people in the Wei Jian Battalion, they have the most hole cards, and the weapons, equipment, etc. on their bodies are the top, and the rune paper is even more inexhaustible.

The ghost hands kept popping up, as if there was no end to it, but even if they were exhausted, they didn't want to give up.

Just when Chen Mu and the three of them were about to exhaust the last trace of strength in their bodies, a powerful power fluctuation suddenly rose in the distance.

"It's... Spiritual power, such strong spiritual power fluctuations!" "

Chen Mu was overjoyed, it must be humans who use spiritual power, and it seems that human reinforcements have finally arrived.



sudden appearance of the aura of a human powerhouse surprised Bo Mu, and he didn't care about chasing after the Sword Guard Camp anymore, and immediately turned around and fled.

"Haha! Where to go!" A

hearty laugh sounded in the air, and a figure broke through the air, faintly surrounded by the phantom of a golden dragon, and the speed was a lot faster than Bomu, and it caught up with Pomu in a moment.


golden figure was incomparably powerful, and even Bomu, who had taken medicine, was completely invincible and was suppressed at a disadvantage.

Bo Mu was anxious in his heart, how could there be strength in this world, he just took an elixir to forcibly improve his strength, although he could temporarily increase his strength, but it would not be long before he would enter a period of weakness, and then his strength would only be two or three percent of his usual strength.

Originally, even if there were two or three percent left, he was sure to escape from Bai Jinglong's hands, but he didn't expect that a master who was several times stronger than Bai Jinglong suddenly came.

He was sad in his heart, he didn't expect that he was cautious in his life, and the only time he acted rashly would cost him his life.

Sure enough, after a stick of incense, Bomu's aura dropped rapidly, while the golden figure became more and more courageous.

Pomu tried desperately to resist, but in the end, he was blasted through the chest by the golden figure, taking out his demon core.

"The subordinate City Lord of Absolute Sword City, Bai Jinglong, see the Six Princes!" As

soon as Bo Mu died, Bai Jinglong knelt on one knee and saluted the golden figure in the air.

"Haha, the White City Lord doesn't have to be polite!" The

six princes have handsome faces, are wearing golden armor, and they walk with dragons and tigers, looking majestic and extraordinary.

During the battle between the Six Princes and Bomu, a team of gold-armored warriors entered the forest and scattered the demons, and the crisis of the Sword Guard Camp was solved.


At night, inside the palace of the city lord of Absolute Sword City.

All the people with heads and faces in the Absolute Sword City gathered here tonight, because Long Xiang, the sixth prince of the Haotian Empire, came to the Absolute Sword City in person today.

"Haha, the prince personally led the Snapdragon Army to annihilate the alien demon army today and kill the alien demon general, which is really the blessing of my Absolute Sword City.

A glass of humble respect to the prince!" On the

wine table, Bai Jinglong respectfully toasted to Long Xiang, his face full of compliments.

Chen Mu also sat at the banquet in the corner of the City Lord's Mansion, sitting with the senior generals of Absolute Sword City.

Although Bai Jinglong ordered a celebration banquet to be held, Chen Mu could feel that the entire City Lord's Mansion was still filled with a suppressed aura of sadness.

Of the 80,000 sword troops and the more than 30,000 city guards, less than one-third of them have survived now.

The wounded barracks outside the city lord's mansion were full of wailing wounded soldiers at this time, as well as doctors and alchemists who were so busy that their feet did not touch the ground.

In this context, apart from the Sixth Prince's Son Long Xiang and the Snapdragon Army he brought, who else would be interested in eating this banquet?

Chen Mu didn't want to participate in tonight's banquet, but Bai Jinglong vaguely mentioned that if he didn't give the Six Princes face, it would be easy to cause trouble.

If it's just for himself, but now Chen Mu represents the Wei Jian Battalion, and many people in the Wei Jian Camp have families and rooms in the Absolute Sword City, and he doesn't want to involve other people.

"Brother Chen, I, Wang Hong, rarely serve people, but your Broken Blade Mountain Guard Sword Battalion is the strongest force I have ever seen, and I sincerely admire it.

This cup is my toast to you, and I hope that I will have the opportunity to see you again in the future. "

Although the protagonist of this banquet is the Six Princes, the soldiers who participated in the battlefield know very well in their hearts who is protecting the Absolute Sword City.

There were constantly generals who came to toast Chen Mu, and Chen Mu did not shirk it, and he did not refuse to come to toast and drank it all.

After three rounds of drinking, the six princes stood up and said a scene, and finally let everyone feel free, if they have something to do or are not strong enough to drink, they can leave early.

Chen Muru was granted amnesty and left the banquet early.


The next day, in the morning.

Yesterday, after the six princes wiped out the alien demon army, Bai Jinglong arranged all the Wei Jian battalions to rest in the military camp in the city lord's mansion.

There is a shortage of medical resources in the city, and although Wei Jianying is also equipped with a doctor, it is a drop in the bucket.

Chen Mu had no choice but to take matters into his own hands and build a living healing array to send all the wounded inside, which stabilized their injuries.

After yesterday's final battle, although there were still more than 260 people in the Weijian Battalion, a third of them were seriously injured and had to recuperate for at least several months.

More than 20 of them have become disabled, which can be described as extremely tragic.

At the critical moment, Guo Tao, who burned blood and qi to help the Weijian Battalion break through, has now lost all his skills, but fortunately, his life was saved.

"Master Mu, the city lord and the six princes have asked all the generals who participated in the battle to gather at the city lord's hall, please go quickly.

Ye Yunxin came to Chen Mu early in the morning, and compared to before, this time he looked at Chen Mu with a little more admiration in his eyes.

"Okay, dare to ask the Commander of the Profession if he knows what is going on?"

Ye Yunxin laughed and patted Chen Mu on the shoulder.

"Master can rest assured! In my opinion, it should be rewarded for meritorious deeds in defending the Absolute Sword City.

Chen Mu nodded clearly, tidied up his clothes, and left with Ye Yunxin.


In the city lord's hall, there were already more than a dozen officers and generals at this time, and when Chen Mu came in, he attracted everyone's attention.

"Chen Mu, come here, sit here!"

After Bai Jinglong saw Chen Mu, he enthusiastically arranged a front seat for him.

"Thank you, City Lord!"

Chen Mu bowed, and then sat down.

On Bai Jinglong's right hand side was now a tall chair, on which sat the Sixth Prince, Long Xiang.

Long Xiang looked at the officers below with interest, and when Chen Mu looked over, Long Xiang happened to be looking at him too, and then Long Xiang nodded to him very kindly.

Chen Mu responded with a smile, and then quietly waited for Bai Jinglong to preside over the meeting.

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