After about a stick of incense, all the officers arrived, and Bai Jinglong stood up.

"We fought hard for several days, and finally all the demons that came to us were annihilated, and everyone here has contributed a lot.

Today, on behalf of the imperial court, His Royal Highness the Sixth Prince rewarded all the soldiers for their meritorious deeds.

After speaking, Bai Jinglong saluted the six princes beside him and returned to his seat.

The Sixth Prince stood up, glanced around with a smile, and then stopped his gaze on Chen Mu.

"This battle can be won, the Weijian battalion led by Chen Mu has repeatedly turned the tide of the battle and annihilated countless enemies, and it should be the first credit!" Chen Mu

was stunned for a moment, but quickly reacted, immediately got up, walked to the center of the hall and saluted.


Sixth Prince!" Although the Sixth Prince's first credit was given to him, Chen Mu was not happy, but a little uneasy.

According to his understanding during this time, the sixth prince has a great personality and is insatiable, normally speaking, how could he give up such a great credit?"

"Chen Mu, now I reward you with ten five-grade spirit stones, thank you for your contribution to guarding the border." As

he spoke, the six princes waved their hands, and ten spirit stones that emitted a rich green light floated in front of Chen Mu.

The exchange of spirit stones, although in the official statement, each product is exchanged for a hundred times, but when it comes to the fifth grade, it is impossible to exchange a hundred fourth-grade spirit stones for a fifth-grade spirit stone.

The higher the grade of the spirit stone, the rarer it is, and the greater the effect on cultivators, and when it reaches the fifth grade, it is a watershed.

The spirit stones of the fifth grade and above are basically monopolized in the hands of various big forces, if you want to exchange them for them, it is generally possible to exchange them for two hundred or even more four-grade spirit stones, and they are often in a state of no market.

Therefore, the move of the six princes can be described as extremely generous, Chen Mu was flattered and put away the spirit stone, but the uneasiness in his heart was even stronger.

"The grass people have thanked the six princes!" Seeing

Chen Mu put away the spirit stone, the six princes' eyes narrowed, and their smiles became even brighter.

"Chen Mu, I rewarded you like this, are you still satisfied?"

"Your Highness Longen, the grass people are very satisfied!" Chen

Mu felt a pimple in his heart, knowing that the true purpose of the Six Princes was about to come out.

"In this case, the court treats you well, if you have something that can help the court, shouldn't you also sacrifice yourself for others and make selfless contributions to the great cause of resisting foreign demons?"

At this time, Chen Mu had to pretend to be stupid and pretend not to understand.

The sixth prince frowned dissatisfiedly, how could he not see that Chen Mu wanted to shirk, but at this time, he had no choice from Chen Mu.

"I heard from the White City Lord, you have a batch of very strong talismans, which are easy to move and have amazing killing power, I wonder if you can lend them to me to use in the Snapdragon Army?"

Chen Mu sneered secretly, just ten fifth-grade spirit stones wanted to take the talismans that he had painstakingly studied, this abacus was really good.

"The six princes, please forgive me, these talismans are given by the family teacher, and without his permission, I will never dare to dispose of them privately. The

expression of the sixth prince immediately became extremely gloomy, and he snorted coldly.

"Chen Mu! I remember that you have made great contributions to the Absolute Sword City, so I am very polite to you, you don't want to toast and not eat and drink!" A

powerful coercion pressed down on Chen Mu's head, Chen Mu gritted his teeth and tried desperately to resist, and a cold sweat broke out on his head.

"Sixth Prince, otherwise, how about I use the communication jade card to contact the family teacher now and ask the family teacher for his life?"

So Chen Mu had no choice but to use a delaying tactic to see if he could delay it.

The sixth prince knew that Chen Mu was from the Heavenly Pavilion, and he was also a little jealous of the people behind him, so he hesitated for a moment, but still withdrew the coercion on his body.

"Chen Mu, as the so-called matter is urgent, now that the alien demons are attacking the empire's territory on a large scale, more than ten cities have been destroyed, and I am now anxious.

If you help our army today, your name will be on the top of history in the future, why should you be so stubborn and self-respecting.

Chen Mu sneered in his heart, with your virtue, you can only deal with your own people, and you still want to leave a name in history?

However, he didn't dare to refute the other party in person, so he could only nod frequently, pretending to hesitate, but in fact he was thinking of a way to get out.

After half a pillar of incense, Chen Mu didn't think of a way, but the six princes were already impatient.

"Chen Mu, if you don't hand over the talisman, take your sword guard battalion to the prison together!

I believe that after you calm down, you will make the right choice.

After speaking, the sixth prince gave a look, and someone from his personal guard immediately walked out and picked up Chen Mu.

"White City Lord, is this the attitude of your Absolute Sword City towards meritorious people?"

Chen Mu looked coldly at Bai Jinglong who was sitting behind, but Bai Jinglong lowered his head and pretended not to hear, and did not dare to look at Chen Mu at all.

Chen Mu's heart completely cooled, he didn't expect that the Haotian Empire would be so corrupt that even the generals who defended the border did not dare to fight against the powers, how could such an empire be prosperous.

At this moment, outside the City Lord's Hall, a powerful figure flew in the air and landed heavily at the door of the City Lord's Hall.

"Hmph, the Sixth Prince is so majestic!

Since you want to arrest my disciple, why don't you notify me and ask Tiange?"

The person who came was dressed in a gray robe, with his hair tied in a bun, and his face was resolute, it was Chen Mu's master, Ming Lao.

"Master!" Chen

Mu was overjoyed.

Although the Haotian Empire is the ruler of Middle-earth, they mainly manage mundane forces, and generally cultivators who exceed the Yudan Realm are no longer bound by the royal family of the Haotian Empire, not to mention the Wentian Pavilion that has been inherited for tens of thousands of years.

The Sixth Emperor had a wide range of knowledge, and he felt a powerful soul fluctuation from the old man who flew in, and knew that this was a cultivator who majored in divine soul.

When he heard Chen Mu's call again, he immediately knew the identity of the person who came.

"It is rumored that the 'Heavenly Crafts Ghost Fu' Ming seniors have not left Wentian Pavilion for decades, but I didn't expect to see me today, this king is really honored.

He arched his hand and saluted Ming Lao.

The cultivation world respects the strong, even if he has a noble status, when he encounters a powerful cultivator, he must treat him with courtesy.

Ming Lao nodded to Chen Mu, and then looked at the Six Princes with dissatisfaction.

"Sixth Prince, I don't know what my disciple has done, do you need to escort him like this?" The Sixth Prince's

face changed, and then he patted his head and laughed.

"It turns out that Chen Mu is a senior disciple of the old Ming seniors, misunderstanding, a big misunderstanding! Ming seniors

, I just wanted to borrow talismans from Chen Mu, but he shirked a lot and didn't understand the righteousness.

I suspect that the identity of the disciple he asked the Heavenly Pavilion is fake, so I want to catch him first and investigate, but there is actually no malicious intent. "

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