"Then I'll prove it for him, he is the disciple I asked Tiange, do you still have doubts?"

Ming Lao raised his voice.

"There are old seniors as a guarantee, so naturally it is no problem.

Snapdragon belongs, you guys are about to release Chen Mu!"

The sixth prince gave an order, Chen Mu was let go, and then Chen Mu hurriedly walked to Ming Lao's side.

"Then I won't disturb you, goodbye!"

Ming Lao was too lazy to talk nonsense with these people, so he rolled up Chen Mu with his soul power, rose to the sky, and left the City Lord's Mansion.

The sixth prince looked at the back of Ming Lao's departure, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he let out an unwilling cold snort.


Elder Ming took Chen Mu all the way to the inn, and saw Elder Qingxue and some other disciples of Wentian Pavilion.

"Master, why did you come to Absolute Sword City?" Chen

Mu asked curiously.

"Many of the disciples of Wentian Pavilion sent out this year have been trapped in the city because of the war, and recently the frontline battles have been lost one after another, and the pavilion master is worried about the safety of the disciples, so he ordered the elders to bring the disciples back to the sect.

I heard that you are also trapped in the Absolute Sword City, and you have nothing to do, so I came out to look for you.

Ming Lao explained with a smile.

Chen Mu was secretly moved, knowing that it was not so simple, Ming Lao had not left Wentian Pavilion for decades, and the reason why he came out now was probably because he was worried about his safety.

"Alright, now that the danger of Sword City has been resolved, there is no benefit in staying here.

Ah Xue, you gather the other disciples, and let's go back to the Heavenly Pavilion together!"

Elder Ming obviously recognized Elder Qingxue, and his tone was very casual.

"Yes! Elder

Qingxue replied and turned to leave.

"Master, I'm going out for a trip, and I have something to explain. Be back soon. "

Well, then you can go!" Chen

Mu explained to Ming Lao and went out.


The City Lord's Mansion, in the barracks where the Weijian Battalion rested.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is the reward that has just been handed down from above, and I will divide it equally among you now.

Chen Mu took out a large number of spirit stones, and distributed eighty percent of them to the members of the Absolute Sword Camp according to the value of the spirit stones issued to him by the Six Princes.

The number of people in the Absolute Sword Camp is not large, even if it is evenly distributed, it is a huge wealth for everyone, many people have never seen so many spirit stones in their lives, and they are all excited, and they thank each other again and again.

"Those who died in battle, please bother Brother Kong, you to follow up and distribute these spirit stones to their families.

Chen Mu handed over a bunch of spirit stones to Kong Yu, and he still trusted Kong Yu's character.

Kong Yu didn't shirk it, put it in the ring, and then asked quietly.

"Brother Chen, are you leaving?"

"Yes! I'm going to ask Tiange.

Chen Mu smiled, turned around and arched his hand to everyone.

"Everyone, as the so-called green mountains do not change, green water flows forever, I want to ask Tiange back, everyone has a fate to meet again.

The disciples of the Heavenly Pavilion can leave with me, and Elder Qingxue is already waiting for us at the inn.

After Chen Mu finished speaking, more than a dozen men and women walked out of the crowd and came to Chen Mu's side.

Zheng Fengdao and Yin Zhan were also here, and when these Heavenly Pavilion disciples started, they chose to participate in the Broken Blade Mountain Project just because of their enthusiasm.

But these days of fighting with the alien demons, each of them has been reborn, and their eyes have become much more resolute.

"Chen Mu, do I still have a chance to kill the alien demons with you?" Kong

Yu said with some reluctance.

"There will definitely be a chance, but I still need to stay in the university and study, and if I graduate in the future, I will definitely come to visit you.

Chen Mu swore solemnly, and then seemed to remember something, and his expression became solemn.

"By the way, I want to tell you something, there are already more than ten cities in the vicinity of Absolute Sword City that have been captured.

Now that Absolute Sword City is isolated, it should soon be attacked by the demons again, and if you can, it is best to move out as soon as possible during this time. "

What? More than ten cities have been captured?" Kong

Yu was surprised, apparently he had not received the news yet.

"Yes! This is what the Sixth Prince said just now.

Kong Yu was silent for a long time and asked.

"Chen Mu, if we want to defect to you, are we going to ask the Heavenly Pavilion?"

Chen Mu thought for a moment and understood Kong Yu's intentions.

"No, my hometown is in the wilderness, but it is very primitive, and it is not suitable for your development.

"It's okay, give me the address, and I'll discuss it with the others."


Chen Mu didn't hide it, took out a map from the Na ring, then drew a few times on it with a pen, marked the location of his village, and then handed it to Kong Yu.

"This is my hometown of Chencun, I should go back in two or three months, and if you want to find me, you can wait for me there.

"Okay! If I have a decision, I will contact you with the communication jade card.

Kong Yu put away the map, and his mood seemed to relax a lot.

"Well, then we'll get in touch again, goodbye!" After

finishing speaking, Chen Mu led Stygian, Ah Huo, and a dozen other Wentian Pavilion disciples to leave together.


After Chen Mu returned to the inn, all the disciples of Wentian Pavilion had been gathered.

Under Elder Qingxue's arrangement, all the disciples got on the spaceship, and the spaceship lifted off and slowly left the Absolute Sword City.

Arimei Lao pressed on the bow of the ship, and their departure went very smoothly.


After returning to the Wentian Pavilion, Stygian, Ah Huo, Chen Duo and others all comprehended during this time, and they all gained their own insights from retreat.

Chen Mu went to Ming Lao's residence, and Ming Lao said that there was something new to teach him.

"Xiao Mu, it's been more than a year since you entered my door, I only solved your doubts, but I didn't teach you other things, will you have a grudge against me?"

Ming Lao looked at Chen Mu with a smile and made a joke.

"Hehe, the disciple doesn't dare, in fact, the disciple still has a lot of contribution points, you can redeem what you want, the master doesn't have to worry about me."

Chen Mu patted his chest proudly, not caring about Ming Lao's jokes.

Ming Lao was speechless for a moment, Chen Mu's ability to earn contribution points even sighed to himself, and he really didn't need to worry about it.

Originally, I planned to pass on this inheritance to you after you broke through the reality realm, but you happened to be going to participate in the training mission again, so in order to prevent you from being distracted, I had to wait until you came back. As

he spoke, Ming Lao took out two pieces of jade from the ring that looked like mutton fat and white jade.

The jade piece taken out by Ming Lao, also known as the inheritance jade slip, is a very suitable precious material for storing divine thoughts, and cultivators with strong divine souls can store their knowledge in the jade slip, and the efficiency of imparting information is much higher than that of books.

At the beginning, Chen Mu obtained the inheritance of the Fu Ancestor, and he also used this method of divine thought inheritance.

Inheritance jade slips are very valuable, and generally only one knowledge can be passed on, and after the inheritor uses the jade slips, the jade slips will be broken.

Therefore, since Ming Lao used the inheritance jade slip to impart knowledge to Chen Mu, this shows that the value of this knowledge is extremely high, and it is a top secret, and Chen Mu can't help but look forward to it at this time.

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