"These two pieces of inheritance jade slips, one records the fate rune, and the other is the time rune, which are the most important inheritances of my lineage.

Now I'll teach them all to you, you can absorb them now!" Ming

Lao pushed two jade pieces in front of Chen Mu, urging him to absorb them.

With Ming Lao's divine soul cultivation, it would take half a year to a year to make these two inheritance jade slips, so in order to ensure the smooth completion of the inheritance, he had to watch Chen Mu absorb the knowledge in the jade slips face to face.

"Master Xie!" Chen

Mu stretched out his hands and respectfully took the jade piece.

He first set his eyes on the jade slip of the first Destiny Rune, invoked his divine soul, and began to comprehend the knowledge above.


A huge amount of information rushed into Chen Mu's mind, and he felt his head swell uncomfortably, and it took a long time for his consciousness to recover.

Only then did he understand why Ming Lao wanted to pass on the fate rune to himself after the real realm, if the divine soul realm was not enough, he was afraid that this knowledge would have broken his sea of knowledge.

The knowledge of the Destiny Rune Dao has now become a point of light in Chen Mu's Sea of Knowledge, but this point of light is much smaller than the point of light formed by the inheritance of the Fu Ancestor, and they are suspended together in the sky of the Sea of Knowledge, just like the sun and stars.

In just a short period of time, Chen Mu felt the vastness of the Dao of Destiny, it was like a river, pushing all living beings forward, no living beings could get rid of them, they could only sink in it.

Although he had accepted the inheritance of the Destiny Rune, he didn't know how many years it would take to really master this knowledge before he could touch a trace of it.

He was not in a hurry to comprehend the fate rune, but picked up another piece of jade slip, invoked the divine soul, and absorbed the knowledge inside.


This time, Chen Mu lost consciousness for even longer than the last time, because the knowledge contained in the Time Rune Dao was even more vast than the Destiny Rune Dao.

Time and fate are one of the most basic rules between heaven and earth, in fact, in Fu Zu's [Rune True Solution], there is also relevant knowledge.

For the interpretation of runes related to time and fate, the [Rune True Solution] is no worse than the two inheritances that Chen Mu has just received.

However, in these two inheritance jade slips, there is a corresponding knowledge of the use of high-level runes, and there are even soul skills that match fate and time runes in them.

"The Prophet's Eye, Time Freezes. This... This is too strong, isn't it!" The Prophet's

Eye and Time Freeze are the two soul skills that Chen Mu can learn so far.

The Prophet's Eye comes from the Destiny Rune, and after use, it can predict the enemy's movements, anticipate the enemy's opportunities, and strike first, which is extremely powerful.

And time stagnation naturally comes from the time rune path, which can freeze an area for a short period of time, and only the caster can act freely, this trick has already involved the realm of the gods.

These two soul skills were so terrifying that Chen Mu couldn't even digest the content of the introduction at once.

Ming Lao, who was sitting on the side and waiting, saw that the two pieces of jade slips in Chen Mu's hand had been shattered, and knew that he had absorbed the inheritance, so he asked with concern.

"Xiao Mu, how do you feel, are you uncomfortable?" Chen Mu

opened his eyes, looking a little tired.

"Master, I'm fine, I should have absorbed too much knowledge at once, and my head is still a little swollen.

Ming Lao nodded, smiling.

"It's very good that you're doing this!I accepted the Jade Jane inheritance back then, but it took you a day and a night, and it took you more than an hour to absorb them all, which is really amazing!" Ming

Lao looked at Chen Mu carefully for a few moments, and after making sure that he was fine, he continued.

"Chen Mu, the knowledge of fate and time is as vast as smoke, and it is extremely difficult to cultivate.

You don't need to rush to comprehend the high-level runes above, but you should focus on those basic runes, only when you have a firm grasp of the basics, it is possible to learn higher-level use in the future. "

Yes! The disciple carefully follows the master's teachings.

Chen Mu could also feel that although the two paths of fate and time were incredibly powerful, if they wanted to master and use them, it was more difficult than any rune path they had learned before.

Among the rune paths he mastered, only the space runes he had comprehended on the space dagger before were barely at the same level as these two paths.

But after all, the space rune was only found by Chen Mu himself, and he actually knew nothing until now, although he could use some of it, it was almost impossible to make a breakthrough in the future.

But the two inheritances that Ming Lao has now taught him are very complete, as long as he can comprehend the mysteries, he will definitely be able to become the pinnacle of this world.

"Do you remember the chess endgame that was used to test you as a teacher?"

Chen Mu's face was full of doubts, not knowing why Ming Lao suddenly mentioned the past.

"Of course, I remember that at that time, in order to solve the endgame laid by the master, the disciple also deliberately built a rune machine.

Ming Lao smiled, knowing that Chen Mu often tinkered with some small inventions, but he felt that those were all small ways and didn't care.

"The reason why I will use the chess game to test you is actually because the chess game contains the truth of fate and time, which has great benefits for cultivating fate and time.

Ming Lao looked up at the sky, with a hint of awe in his expression.

"The so-called fate is actually the choice made by living beings at this moment, which affects countless changes in the future.

And if people want to control their destiny, they must take into account all future changes, and the factors involved are so all-encompassing that it is almost impossible to completely control them.

However, as a cultivator of the Dao of Destiny, he can slightly affect the River of Destiny.

The process of changing your fate is actually the same as when you solve the chess endgame, you need to calculate the countless changes in the future.

In the process of cracking the chessboard, fate and time still have many things in common, and time also has many truths reflected on the chessboard.

So Chen Mu, if you want to make a breakthrough faster on the two paths of fate and time, it would be a very good way to study and crack the chess game.

Ming Lao's words benefited Chen Mu a lot, he was originally very vague about fate and how to cultivate the way of time, but now, he had understood what he should do.

"You can stay with me for the next few days!

When you have a certain foundation of fate and time, go back.

"Yes! With

the personal teaching of Ming Lao, Chen Mu couldn't ask for it, so he quickly agreed.


A week later.

After Ming Lao's day and night guidance, Chen Mu has made rapid progress in fate and time, and has mastered a lot of basic runes.

In the morning, a message came from the mission hall, asking all the disciples who participated in the training task this year to gather in the mission hall, which should be to give rewards to the disciples who completed the training task.

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