Gu Panxia was one of the few women among the disciples of Wentian Pavilion who participated in the Sword Guard's Battalion, she was originally placed in the spear team, and her record at that time was also quite impressive.

Regarding the distribution of demon hunting merits, the Wei Jian Battalion has long discussed a perfect system, no matter who kills the alien demons, it will be distributed according to everyone's contribution, and the entire distribution plan is voted on together, which is very fair.

Gu Panxia's strength was only in the late stage of the Qi Cultivation Realm, but this time she had obtained more than 30,000 demon hunting merits, which was a windfall for him, and she jumped to her feet with joy.

Not long after Gu Panxia received the contribution value, Chen Mu's small circle had people to receive the rewards one after another, and their demon hunting achievements of ordinary members of the Sword Guard Battalion were not much different.

Now in the entire mission hall, there are still hundreds of people who have not left, and they all want to see who is the first place in this year's training task.

"Chen Duo, Demon Hunting Exploit 63525

!" "Dark Night, Demon Hunting Exploit 88452

!" "Zheng Fengdao, Demon Hunting Exploit 104851!" "Yin Zhan, Demon Hunting Exploit 118932!" "

Ah Huo, Demon Hunting Exploit 139604!".

Chen Duo spent most of his time assisting Chen Mu in observing the layout of the enemy army, and he participated in the battle very rarely, so the demon hunting merit was not very high, but it was still much higher than most of the team members, after all, his observation was very important.

Styx is good at assassination, but it's not very easy to play on the battlefield, so it's not very high.

Yin Zhan, Zheng Fengdao and Ah Huo, as the squad leaders of the Weijian Battalion, all played a strong role on the battlefield.

In particular, Ah Huo's swordsmanship is extremely efficient, so his record is much ahead of the others.

As the list on the light curtain changes, people keep going up to receive the reward, and after the reward is claimed, the name on the list will disappear, and the next disciple's exploits will appear on the list.

"Ge Yu, Demon Hunting Merit 235300!" He

Xiao's eyes widened, and he kept panting, Ge Yu's record was obtained by spending a lot of his connections.

In order to ensure that this bet was foolproof, he not only gave Ge Yu the top magic weapon before he set off, but even secretly sent a disciple from the late stage of the True Spirit Realm to help him complete the task.

In addition, he even secretly bribed the officials of the city where Ge Yu was training, asked him to contact the demon hunting group, and spent a large amount of spirit stones to let them transfer their battle results to Ge Yu.

In the entire history of the experience mission, it is not that there are no disciples with such a high record, but those are often some old students who have stayed in the Wentian Pavilion for seven or eight years, and they rarely participate in this kind of collective training mission, and they usually take on independent demon hunting tasks.

So He Xiao has always felt that this record is foolproof, but until now, he has not seen Chen Mu's name.

He Xiao still has the last bit of hope in his heart now, that is, it is possible that Chen Mu has no record at all, and if he has no record at all, his name will not be displayed on this list.

"Chen Mu, the demon hunting exploits 1281512!" As

soon as Chen Mu's exploits came out, they immediately set off a heated discussion, and the mission hall immediately became lively.

"No! How could a disciple who had just entered the Heavenly Pavilion for a year have obtained millions of demon hunting merits?"

He Xiao was emotional, walked up to Elder Lin Jin, and asked arrogantly.

"Elder Lin Jin, this is definitely a mistake on the part of your Mission Palace!

Please tell me, how many demons he has killed in order to get so many demon hunting feats?

Could it be that with his strength, he can kill the Demon King?"

Elder Lin Jin frowned at He Xiao's questioning tone, but he recognized this as the Hall Master of the Rune Palace, so he had to patiently explain it to him.

"Hall Master He, this demon hunting merit was sent by the imperial military, and I thought it was strange when I first saw it, so I went to inquire and check it in person.

According to the records of the imperial military, Chen Mu led a temporarily formed demon hunting team 'Weijian Battalion' in the battle of Absolute Sword City, and in just three or four days, he annihilated more than 40,000 demon armies before he could have such a high demon hunting feat, so there is absolutely no problem with the above data!"

Hearing Elder Lin Jin's explanation, He Xiao's face turned red and white for a while, and he was speechless for a long time.

What a lot of power is a demon hunting team that can destroy more than 40,000 demon armies?

Even He Xiao himself, it is not easy to organize this force, how did Chen Mu do it?

In fact, the main reason why Chen Mu was able to get such a high record was that in the war, there were many high-ranking generals who were killed by Chen Mu's rune gun No. 3.

Just the high-level demon general, he killed several with the help of everyone in the Sword Guard's Battalion, and here alone is already close to a million demon hunting exploits, so Chen Mu's demon hunting exploits are not exaggerated at all.

"Old man He, don't embarrass Senior Brother Lin Jin, obediently hand over your 'Purple Thunder Tongtian Pen' to me, and this matter will be over!"

Old Ming walked out, stretched out a hand and shook it in front of He Xiao.

"Hmph, old monster Ming, you play this kind of conspiracy to win the gambling contract, I don't accept it!" He

Xiao flicked his sleeves, his face gloomy.

"Oh, there were so many people in the Rune Hall who witnessed our gambling contract, you don't want to repay the debt now, right?"

Ming Lao looked at He Xiao with a smile and a deflated expression.

"It's okay for you to admit it, but I want a fair result.

There are too many things to learn about your record, and I suspect that this 'Sword Guard Battalion' is a demon hunting group that you have privately invited, just to win my bet!"

He Xiao began to argue.

"Then what do you want? Want me to find the City Lord of Absolute Sword City and confront you face to face?"

He Xiao's defense caused a lot of discussion among the people around, most of them were obviously biased towards the side of Ming Lao, and He Xiao also knew that he couldn't go too far, so he had to think of a way.

"That's not necessary! I just thought, since your disciple can obtain so many demon hunting merits, his strength must be very strong!

I think in this way, you and I are actually a battle between talismans, so let your disciple and my disciple have a battle with their divine souls.

As long as your disciple can defeat my disciple's Divine Soul with his Divine Soul, then I will admit that I lost this bet. "

Although He Xiao makes people feel a little cheating, but the strong in the cultivation world are respected, and his reason has some truth.

Ming Lao glanced back at Chen Mu, and when he saw that Chen Mu nodded calmly, he no longer hesitated.

"Okay! If you want to fight, do you want to go to the martial arts arena?"


He Xiao stretched out his hand and threw it, and dozens of spirit stones flew out of his hand, forming a powerful formation in the open space of the mission hall.

"With the protection of my formation, the attacks inside will not affect the outside world. "

At this time, in the mission hall, all the disciples who participated in the training task have already received their rewards, and the rewards of the training task have been distributed, in fact, everyone can go.

But there were many people who wanted to stay and watch the excitement, and some even called friends and called people from outside to come back to watch the battle.

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