In front of everyone, Ge Yu smiled confidently and took the lead in entering the formation arranged by He Xiao.

Chen Mu followed Ge Yu and entered the formation.

On Ge Yu's head, a divine soul phantom turned from virtual to real, white skin, and its appearance was exactly the same as Ge Yu.

"Reality Spirit! It's already a reality at such an age! It's amazing. "

White skin, this divine soul should have experienced the white yang fire, that is the sixth level of yang fire, Ge Yu's talent is really amazing. "


Ge Yu's divine soul caused a lot of discussion among the onlookers, and they were all surprised by Ge Yu's strength.

Divine soul is much more difficult to cultivate than spiritual power, Ge Yu is only nineteen years old this year, and he can reach the realm of reality, and it has been many years since such a talented disciple appeared in Tiange.

Hearing the surrounding discussions, He Xiao touched his beard with satisfaction, looking very proud.

The previous year, he would make a bet with Ming Lao in full view of everyone, how could he have no confidence?

Ge Yunai was the most gifted disciple he had ever seen in recent decades, and he had a strong personality, and his parents were also very powerful cultivators.

This year, under his guidance, Ge Yu absorbed a lot of heavenly and earthly treasures, and his spirit improved by leaps and bounds, and he broke through to the reality half a year ago.

After breaking through the reality realm, he taught Ge Yu a ground-level soul technique, and now that he has a small success, he believes that even if he encounters a cultivator who has two realities, he has the power to fight.

He knew that Chen Mu was a soul martial dual cultivator, and Ge Yu was definitely not Chen Mu's opponent in terms of comprehensive combat strength, so he deliberately let Chen Mu only use the divine soul to fight with Ge Yu, and if he used the divine soul alone, he felt that Ge Yu would definitely not lose.

"Chen Mu, don't you release your divine soul?" Ge

Yu waited for a long time, and when he saw that Chen Mu was just standing there, he couldn't help but ask.

"No need to deal with you!

Chen Mu glanced at him and hooked his fingers indifferently.


Ge Yu raised his hand angrily, but immediately woke up, sneered, and put his hand down.

He has been thoughtful since he was a child, and he feels that Chen Mu deliberately wants to provoke himself and expose his flaws.


Ge Yu pinched the magic trick in his hand, and a strong fierce aura rose from the divine soul body on his head, which was extremely powerful.

Under Ge Yu's control, the evil qi on his body condensed into a sharp scythe, which was held by his divine soul.

"Chen Mu, I admit it, you just managed to

provoke me!, then, let you know now, what will happen if you provoke me!"

The divine soul aura holding the scythe skyrocketed and rushed towards Chen Mu.

He Xiao, who was watching the battle from the side, nodded with satisfaction, very satisfied with Ge Yu's response.

As the so-called lion fights rabbits with all his strength, Ge Yu used his strongest soul skill as soon as he appeared, and the other party definitely had no way to take advantage of it.

When Ge Yu's spirit rushed over, Chen Mu didn't seem to react, just looked ahead in a daze.

"It's over! Chen Mu's soul doesn't dare to release it until now, it can't be that the realm is too low to dare to see people, right?"

Among the onlookers, there are also a few people who support Chen Mu, they mainly can't get used to He Xiao's usual bullying, and they can't help but worry about Chen Mu at this time.


Between the lightning and flint, a purple fist came out of thin air and met Ge Yu's scythe.


Under the bombardment of the purple fist, Ge Yu's spirit was like paper paste, shattered by a punch, and even the sharp death sickle was scattered together, turning into a cloud of soul mist, floating in midair.

One punch! With just one punch, Ge Yu was defeated.

Ge Yu let out a terrible scream, holding his head and curling up on the ground, wailing incessantly.

"Xiaoyu!!" He

Xiao was shocked, and a flash appeared beside Ge Yu.

When he found that Ge Yu was fine, he turned around and angrily sent a soul power blast at Chen Mu.

"Hmph! I knew you old guy was going to be shameless.

Ming Lao seemed to have known He Xiao's next move, and appeared by Chen Mu's side in advance to help Chen Mu block this soul power impact.

He Xiao knew that he had no choice but to pick up Ge Yu and rise to the sky.

"Old man He, for the sake of a six-grade magic weapon, don't you even want the face that has lived for more than a hundred years?"

Elder Ming didn't stop He Xiao from leaving, but just squeezed loudly.


A purple lightning emitted a furious aura of destruction and flew towards Ming Lao.

I saw that the old man Ming raised an obscure and complicated pattern, and the momentum of the purple lightning immediately slowed down, and the aura of destruction on it was gradually wiped out.

After that, Ming Lao stretched out his hand, and the purple lightning flew into his hand, turning into a talisman carved with purple lines.

"Old monster Ming, I've already given the bet! A

voice came from near and far, and He Xiao's figure disappeared at the end of the mission hall in a moment.

"He actually defeated Ge Yu at the realm level with one move

, Chen Mu's strength is so terrifying!" "Why is the skin of Chen Mu's fist purple just now? I haven't seen this kind of soul complexion? Is it the effect of

soul skills?" "Yes! I don't seem to have seen anything like this in fist soul skills, and I don't know where he learned it." "


The onlookers were talking, and they didn't understand how Chen Mu won.

"Alright, let's not see the excitement, you all disperse!" Elder

Lin Jin walked out and drove away the crowd of onlookers.

After all, the Mission Hall was not a martial arts training ground, and if He Xiao wasn't the Hall Master of the Rune Palace, it would be impossible for Elder Lin Jin to let Chen Mu and Ge Yu compete here.

"Xiao Mu, let's go too!" Ming

Lao pulled Chen Mu and walked towards the outside of the mission hall together.

"Xiao Mu, the two runes I passed on to you, you can go back and slowly comprehend them in the future!

The path of cultivation should be relaxed and moderate, and you can't blindly practice behind closed doors, and you can experience all kinds of situations in the world more often, which will often make it easier for you to progress.


Chen Mu replied respectfully.

"This time you can win this purple thunder pen, in fact, it all depends on your own efforts, I should have given it to you.

But I don't think its properties are suitable for you, so I'm giving you this 'Nine Heavens Sun Pen' now.

You have the natal five elements chaos talisman, and you have absorbed the spirit of fire, so it stands to reason that you can exert its power well.

Ming Lao stretched out his hand, and a talisman pen that exuded a flaming aura flew out and levitated in front of Chen Mu.

"Master, isn't this okay?I took your talisman pen, so what do you use?"

Although Chen Mu had always wanted to get a powerful talisman pen, he didn't want to affect Ming Lao because of this, after all, if it was a talisman pen that he was used to, it would have a great impact on his strength after losing it.

"Hehe, don't worry! I actually have other uses for this 'Nine Heavens Blazing Sun Pen', and now the newly obtained 'Purple Thunder Tongtian Pen' can completely replace it.

Then He Xiao's rune path is related to flames, so he has always coveted my rune pen, and I already have a suitable rune pen to use, so you can take this with confidence. Seeing

Ming Lao say this, Chen Mu finally relieved and took the 'Nine Heavens Blazing Sun Pen' from Ming Lao's hand.

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