"The Nine Heavens Blazing Sun Pen is also considered to be the top among the six-grade magic weapons, you must use it carefully. It must not be exposed at will outside, as it is easy to attract the covetousness of others.

Ming Lao reminded.

"Okay! Master Xie gave me the pen.

Chen Mu happily put away the talisman pen, and then said goodbye to the master, went to find Chen Duo and a few people, and returned to Baolai Peak together.

"Brother, I have now broken through to the True Spirit Realm. Hehe, it's amazing!" On

the way back to Baolai Peak, Chen Duo couldn't wait to show off to Chen Mu.

"Hmm! That's pretty impressive.

Chen Mu couldn't help but sigh, it was really good to be rich in resources, Duoduo was only twelve years old, and he was already a master of the True Spirit Realm.

"By the way, in about two months, I'm going to go back to Chen Village. Do you want to go back with me?"

Chen Mu asked Styx and Ah Huo, as for Chen Duo, she definitely wanted to go back together.

"I'll go back.

Ah Huo was the first to answer.

"I... Then I'll go shopping with you. "

The night doesn't matter.

Chen Mu grinned.

"Well, in two months, we'll go back together as a wilderness quartet, and everyone will get ready.

After returning to Baolai Peak's residence, Chen Mu began to tinker with his research again.

This time in the battlefield practice in Absolute Sword City, he had a lot of thoughts and experiences, and he needed to sort them out and record them all and keep them for later study slowly.

The research on Fuxin 3 also continued, and he also brought back a lot of valuable materials, which was very beneficial to the progress of the research.


Two days later, Hou Tian came to visit, and by the way, he handed over the balance of the sale of the fourth phase of the floating light disc to Chen Mu.

"Master Mu, now the market response of "The Legend of Sword and Fairy" is very good, I feel that it has great potential, and now it is fully equipped with the conditions to promote it to the national market.

So I'm here this time to talk to you about the details of this next step of cooperation, I don't know what your opinion is?"

The battle of Absolute Sword City made Chen Mu make a lot of money, and now he has enough contribution value, in fact, he no longer has to rely on the income of the floating light disc to live.

But no one is too lazy, and making a glimpse disc is a lot of fun for him, so he doesn't want to give up easily.

"There is no problem in continuing to work together, but I am prepared to do so.

In the future, I will only be responsible for the main disk of the floating glimpse disk, and then I will leave the production line for the production of the sub-disk to you.

After the production line is handed over to you, I know that your cost will increase a lot, and if the product is to be promoted to the national market, your operating cost will also increase, so I can give you another 20% of the profit, and from then on we will divide it into 64. "

After entering the national market, there will definitely be more competitors, and there may even be piracy, which needs to rely on the Bafang Chamber of Commerce to deal with it, so Chen Mu is willing to give up another 20% of the benefits.

Hou Tian smiled, his honest face full of sincerity.

"Master Mu is quick to speak, then I won't hide it.

In fact, I also guessed that Master Mu would hand over the production line to us, after all, your time is precious, and it is a waste to waste on this.

But the cost of cracking down on piracy is too high, according to the instructions above, I can only do fifty-fifty with you, I wonder if you can think about it again?"

Chen Mu pondered for a while, and then slapped the table.

"Okay! Five-five is five-five, but it must be clearly written in the contract, I don't care how you sell it, anyway, I will charge as much as I have in the market. If you do not control piracy well, you are responsible for all the consequences. "

Okay! I agreed to your conditions! Since Master Mu thinks there is no problem, I will ask people to draw up a contract now, and we will all sign it later, okay?"

Hou Tian agreed very happily, as if he had already thought that Chen Mu would say this condition, and his efficiency in doing things was surprisingly high.

"Hmm... OK. I

don't know why, Chen Mu always felt a little cheated, and sure enough, Hou Tian, who seemed to be the most honest, was the most shrewd one in business.

Not long after, someone came to Chen Mu's residence with the contract, Chen Mu looked at it carefully, and after thinking that there was no big problem, he signed and pressed his fingerprint to officially start fulfilling the contract.

"Brother Tian, these four pieces are the main plate of the first four episodes, you can use it to make a sub-plate and sell it first.

I expect to be able to produce a fifth episode next month, and I'll get back to you when the time comes. "

For Chen Mu, he alone is worthy of the entire team, and the plot, picture, rune structure, etc. are all handled by him alone, so he takes fifty percent of the income, and he deserves it.

"Okay, then I won't bother Master Mu anymore, if you have any questions, you can contact me again at any time.

Hou Tian stepped away, and suddenly seemed to remember something, and stopped again.

"Oh, by the way! Liang Yu asked me to say hello to you, he has already received the spirit stone that you entrusted to him, and he has also obeyed your instructions and moved out of Absolute Sword City.

On the third day after he moved out of Absolute Sword City, Absolute Sword City was attacked by alien demons, and now it has fallen.

So he's grateful to you, and if it weren't for you, his whole family would probably have befallen him.

Chen Mu knew that the Absolute Sword City had fallen, and he was also a little embarrassed.

"It seems that the alien demons are really going to start a big war this time, Brother Tian, do you know what the empire is dealing with now?"

Hou Tian shook his head and sighed.

"The empire has been stable for too long, and it has long lost its blood.

It is said that the ministers of the court are now arguing with each other, and they are unwilling to send the main army to the border.

Now the biggest obstacle to the attack of the alien demons on the empire is the king of Zhenxi, who is known as the 'wall of the empire'.

The Wei family has guarded the western frontier for thousands of years, and it is not so easy to be defeated, so although the alien demons have been fighting even victories recently, they have not shaken the foundation of the empire, and the people of the empire are still in a relatively optimistic attitude.

Chen Mu nodded, and he also had some estimates of the situation in his heart.

"Understood, then I won't send Brother Tian. In the future, if you have time, you can also come to me here to chat.

Hou Tian arched his hand and left Chen Mu's courtyard with the person who sent the contract.


A month later.

Since he had the Nine Heavens Blazing Sun Pen, Chen Mu was now much faster at drawing runes, and the effect of the runes he drew had also become stronger.

The rune pen is different from other magic weapons, its circle is very small, after all, the rune master who studies the rune path is not even one thousandth of the cultivators, and this is still in these prosperous places of Middle Earth, like the wilderness, the proportion of rune masters is not even one ten-thousandth.

In a small circle, there are very few refiners who naturally make talisman pens, so although Chen Mu is very willing to spend money and vigorously buy them in the market, he only got a third-grade talisman pen in the end.

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