The six-grade talisman pen was what Chen Mu had always dreamed of, but he didn't expect it to finally come true with the help of Ming Lao.

At the beginning, in order to help Chen Mu break through the real realm, the fire spirit hidden in Chen Mu's natal talisman was seriously injured and has been dormant.

But when Chen Mu mastered the Nine Heavens Blazing Sun Pen, the Fire Spirit seemed to have sensed it, and automatically rushed out of his natal talisman and entered the Blazing Sun Pen.

During this time, under the conception of the Nine Heavens Sun Pen, the spirit of fire seems to have recovered a lot, and sometimes it will even rush out of the Sun Pen, looking around outside, looking like a curious baby.

The spirit of fire has its own consciousness, and Chen Mu is not good at using it as an artifact, so he named it Xiaolan.

"Xiaolan, come here, I'll take you out to play. Chen

Duo likes to be with Xiaolan very much, and will take him out for a walk when he has nothing to do, after a long time, Xiaolan is often tired of Chen Duo, but he doesn't pay much attention to Chen Mu, the master.

Chen Mu didn't bother to take care of the two of them, he studied Rune Core No. 3 every day this month, and it was finally completed today.

Originally, in his plan, Rune Core No. 3 should have taken at least half a month to complete, but he didn't expect that with the help of the Nine Heavens Burning Sun Pen, he could transform the rune structure much faster than before, so he was able to complete it so much earlier.

The computing power of Fuxin No. 3 is dozens of times that of Fuxin No. 2, which can be regarded as an epoch-making product.

With Rune Core No. 3, many of Chen Mu's previously unattainable ideas have become easier to implement, such as Rune Radar Detector, Rune Combat Assistant, External Rune Intelligent Battle Armor, and so on.

In the past, there was not enough computing power, and even if these products were manufactured, they had no practical value at all.

It's like in modern society, although many large-scale 3D games are very realistic, but few people in the market will have such a high-configuration computer, then this kind of game will become very niche, and few people can afford to play, then no matter how perfect you are, you can't become popular, and in the end, such a company can only end up bankrupt.

But when the computing power is sufficient, and then the corresponding products are manufactured, it will be logical and unstoppable.

However, for Chen Mu, he is the only one who has scientific and technological thinking, and all the design, development, and manufacturing must be completed by himself, so it will take a long time for these things to be realized.

Fortunately, he is still young, and as long as he takes his time, he will always realize his dream of changing the world with technology in the future.

On the table, there are now four pieces of rune core No. 3 side by side, rune core No. 3 is bright silver, and the material used on it is a rare ore, the empty stygian stone.

The Void Stone itself has spatial attributes, and it is one of the commonly used ores for making rings, and Chen Mu relied on the characteristics of the Void Soul Stone to compress space, and increased the number of Yin and Yang runes in the logical operator to billions, which successfully created Rune Core No. 3.

The spatial characteristics of the Void Immortal Stone make the spiritual power transmission of the Yin and Yang runes more flexible, so it can achieve a computing speed dozens of times stronger than that of Rune Core No. 2.

Chen Mu was satisfied with picking up a piece of Rune Core No. 3, thought about it carefully, and set his eyes on the 'Chess Game Cracker' next to him.

The chess game cracking instrument, since it cracked the chess game before the apprenticeship, has not been used again, and it has been covered with a thick layer of dust.

The biggest progress of Fuxin No. 3 is the computing power, and the chess game cracker is a good experimental object, at the beginning, the chess game cracker took several days to crack the chess game of Ming Lao, and now the computing power has improved, to crack the new chess game, it should be much faster, right?

With a wave of his hand, a huge amount of spiritual power shrouded the past, sweeping away the dust on the chess game cracker.

Then he disassembled the instrument, took out the rune core No. 2 inside, and replaced it with rune core No. 3.

After replacing the rune core and restarting the machine, Chen Mu immediately felt the difference, the loading speed of the instrument was much faster, and it was more sensitive to use.

Chen Mu took out a chess book from the ring, opened it, found an endgame at random, and entered the content into the chess game cracker.

Didi... Hum....!

He started the crack, and immediately a large stream of data floated on the screen, listing all the possibilities of playing chess.


less than a stick of incense, the result of the endgame has already come out, much faster than Chen Mu imagined.

"Hmm! It seems that Fuxin 3 is more suitable for this kind of prediction operation, and the speed of operation in this area will be improved a lot.

Chen Mu made an estimate, although they are all computing power, but different structures will also make the rune core have their own strengths, and this rune core No. 3 is obviously more suitable for this kind of prediction operation.

"The master said that fate is like a chess game, and the fate of living beings is like a step by step in a chess game, so can I transform the chess game cracker into a fate cracker to speed up my comprehension of the fate rune?"

He suddenly had a whimsical idea, he wanted to capture fate through calculations and grasp the vein of fate.

After the Divine Soul Realm reaches the real realm, it is difficult to improve again, but if you can understand the rules of heaven and earth, you can improve the realm faster.

Therefore, every soul master after the reality will try to follow his own rule path.

Some people comprehend metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, some comprehend wind, rain, thunder, electricity, and clouds, and some comprehend time, space, life and death, and so on.

If you can comprehend the meaning of these rules, your soul will be accepted by the consciousness of this world, and it will be easier for you to break through the realm and become stronger.

However, in real life, there are very few people who can comprehend the meaning of the rules in the real world, because it is difficult for the spirit of the real world to touch the essence of this world.

Generally speaking, only when we reach the next realm of reality: the transformation realm, can we truly begin to comprehend the power of rules, so as to borrow the rules of heaven and earth to enhance combat effectiveness.

However, with the guidance of those who came before you, it would be much easier to understand the rules.

The essence of the two runes of fate and time and space that Chen Mu got from Ming Lao is actually the two rules of heaven and earth, fate and time and space.

If he could comprehend one percent of these two runes, it would be easy to break through to the Nine Realms of Reality.

After careful consideration, Chen Mu felt that it was not necessary for the two runes to cultivate at the same time, and he was now mainly focusing on the fate runes.

Since fate is similar to a chess game, there must be rules as well.

What Chen Mu has to do now is to convert the laws of fate in the outside world into program algorithms, and then use Fuxin No. 3 to calculate and crack them, and explain the most essential content to himself, so that the speed of his comprehension of the rules of fate will be much easier.

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