Chen Mu was secretly surprised, he didn't expect that Lan Duo was so old that he could learn the layout of the talisman array so quickly, it seemed that his comprehension was still good.

It's a pity that Lando is too old, although Chen Mu purchased the elixir through Hou Sailei's connections, so that Lando broke through to the Earth Rune Master, but in the future, he still wants to go further, it is almost impossible.

"Well, that's good.

Chen Mu praised and continued to walk towards the inner circle of Chen Village.

"Dongjia, you said before that I would select some qualified young people in the village to cultivate the talisman, and I did find two.

By the way, Lando mentioned the matter of accepting apprentices to Chen Mu.

"Oh, haha, that's good, is it all our Chen's?"

"Yes, one of them is your adopted sister-in-law, Chen Tang.

"Okay, then it's hard work for you to teach them well.

Chen Mu was a little ashamed of Chen Tang's righteous sister, he didn't have much time to care about her, Chen Duo was usually communicating with her.

After entering the inner circle of Chen Village, he went straight to the third uncle's house, where a banquet had already been set up, Chen Mu and Chen Duo were tired for so many days, they had a good meal and enjoyed the joy of reunion.

The Chen clan has several automated rune printers from Chen Mu to provide stable funds, as well as cultivation resources such as the Chen Cultivation Tower, the Five Elements Forging Technique, and so on, and the clansmen's progress is advancing rapidly.

Now most of the clansmen of the Chen clan have been promoted to martial artists, and there are already more than 20 people in the Qi Cultivation Realm, Chen Zihu and Chen Hongjie have broken through to the late stage of the Qi Cultivation Realm, although they are a little slower than Chen Mu's four people, but they are also completely unimaginable strength before.

During the time that Chen Mu left, a lot of things happened in Chen Village, but Chen Cun did not participate in the struggle for hegemony in the outside world, and only stuck on Wuyan Mountain, and other forces knew Chen Village's strength, and they did not dare to persecute Chen Village.

The call for expansion in the clan is now very high, and with the current strength of Chen Village, it is enough to become the top middle tribe, and even if it is a few more years, there is no problem at all in being promoted to a high tribe.

"Chen Mu, during your absence, the cubs in the village are very competitive, and last month we discovered a tungsten iron mine in an unknown area, and now it has been occupied by us.

Chen Village is thriving, Chen Hongjie is full of spirits, and he talks to Chen Mu about the things in the village like a treasure.

Tungsten pyrite can be purified to produce ferrotungsten, which is harder and more resistant to high temperatures than ordinary iron, and is an excellent material for making weapons and protective gear, and is very expensive to sell in the outside world.

With tungstenite, Chen Village has another huge source of income.

"Okay! Then we

have three mines, right? It seems that there are still too few people in our

Chen Village, and we have to absorb some more vassal tribes!" "The maintenance, mining, guarding, and so on of the mines all need manpower, even if the vassal tribes of Chen Village plus slaves already have three or four thousand people, but now there are not many people who can be allocated, and Chen Village can only increase more manpower if it wants to continue to develop."

"Yes, Chen Mu, I think it's time for us to expand.

Chen Hongjie looked at Chen Mu with blazing eyes, and this sentence seemed to have been held in his heart for a long time.

Chen Mu looked at Chen Hongjie and laughed.

"Third uncle, I knew that you would mention this to me when I came back this time

! I think it's no problem! Then tomorrow, let's discuss the specific expansion plan again?" "Okay! Then let's

talk tomorrow and drink to our heart's content today." Come on!"

Chen Hongjie was in a good mood, picked up the wine glass and took a big sip, very happy.


On the day he returned to Chen Village, Chen Mu basically spent time catching up with the villagers.

In addition to the people of the Chen clan, the patriarch of the Weng Shan clan, Ge Bu and others also came to visit Chen Mu, and Chen Mu chatted with them, and time flew by.

Early the next morning, Chen Mu was not in a hurry to find Chen Hongjie, but came to the talisman room.

After Chen Mu left, the talisman making room in Chen Village was all used by Lando, and it was also expanded, and various facilities were improved a lot.

"Lando, during my absence, has there been any progress

on your puppet?" "Tuo Dong's Hongfu, the puppet I am making now has been able to reach the strength of the mid-stage Qi Cultivation Realm, but compared to your puppet No. 1 of the owner's family, it is still far behind!"

Landor said, directing a puppet to come out of the talisman room.

Chen Mu looked at the puppet made by Lando, and saw a lot of traces of imitating himself on it.

But unfortunately, the core of the talisman puppet made by himself is a combat procedure supported by a talisman core.

Lando has never learned program thinking, and he doesn't understand how programs work, so these puppets can't do as strong combat power as their own puppet No. 1.

However, after Chen Mu took a closer look, he found that this puppet was also equipped with the rune core No. 1 that he had eliminated, and Lando was actually imitating himself to write a battle program.

Although Lando's imitation is very superficial and cannot bring much improvement in combat power to the puppets, Chen Mu sees the possibility of procedural thinking in this regard.

In the past, Chen Mu always felt that people in this world didn't seem to understand what physics and program logic were, but Lando's living example made him understand that he had imprisoned himself.

However, for most people, there is really no need to understand what physics is.

Because as long as they cultivate themselves and resonate with their spiritual power, they will naturally be able to fly to the heavens and the earth, prolong their lives, and be omnipotent, so why should they learn what physics is? What is science?

The spiritual power on the earth is exhausted, and human beings cannot cultivate themselves, and they have no other way but to improve themselves through external forces.

But this is not exactly the same, but Chen Mu has a feeling that for people with scientific thinking, it will be much easier to comprehend the rules of heaven and earth than people in this world.

Procedural thinking is a kind of scientific thinking, full of rationality and logic, and if it can be taught to others to learn, it may be able to create a new school of cultivation.

However, for Chen Mu, it is not his intention to start a sect, at least he has no plans for this in a short time, he is just thinking about it now, at least he has to wait for him to become one of the powerhouses on this continent, and then consider this issue.

"Lando, let someone clean up this room, I'm going to build a teleportation array here!"

Chen Mu's faint words sounded in Lando's ears, but it was no less than a thunderclap.

"Biography, Teleportation Array, can you even build a Teleportation Array?"

Lando looked at Chen Mu in disbelief, although he knew that Chen Mu would definitely improve after going to ask the Heavenly Pavilion, but Chen Mu had only been studying for more than a year after all.

Although Lando's own strength is not high, he has a wide range of knowledge and knows that if he wants to arrange a teleportation array, he must at least have a divine soul realm above the real realm.

After more than a year, from an earth rune master to a spirit rune master,

Lando was so shocked that he couldn't close his mouth.

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