"Well, it's just a small teleportation array. "

Chen Mu once heard a philosopher say that if you want to get rich, you must first build roads.

Therefore, the idea of returning to Chen Village to build a teleportation array took shape in his heart very early.

Although he was only building a small teleportation array, the materials needed for this construction cost him almost 100,000 points of Wentian Pavilion contribution value, which shows how much money it costs to build a teleportation array.

In the wilderness, most of the high-level tribes do not have teleportation arrays, because in addition to resources, talents, technology, and so on are indispensable.

At the beginning, Chen Mu spent 20,000 contribution points to exchange for the small teleportation array in the Library Pavilion, which if it was in the outside world, others might not be able to buy it if they wanted to.

Soon, Lando ordered someone to empty the room that Chen Mu said, leaving Chen Mu and Lando here.

With a flick

of his hand, dozens of different spiritual power materials were placed on the ground in a specific order, and then Chen Mu summoned the Nine Heavens Flame Pen and danced in the air.

There were all kinds of symbols flying out of the Nine Heavens Flame Pen, rubbing on the ground and walls, and gradually, a huge and complex pattern took shape, connecting various spiritual power materials to form a whole.


! Chen Mu waved his hand again, and a large number of high-quality spirit stones were embedded in the patterns in the room, and then a light blue pillar of light rose from the ground, dazzling with brilliance, and the teleportation array finally took shape.

This small teleportation array can only teleport a few people at a time, and it consumes a lot of spirit stones for each activation, so it can't be used as a regular mode of transportation.

However, it is already very good to be able to do this, so that it will be much more convenient for Chen Mu to go back and forth between Chen Village and Wentian Pavilion in the future, which is also an important reason why Chen Mu agrees with Chen Hongjie's external expansion.

External expansion will definitely face a lot of war, Chen Mu is worried that he will be in danger if he is not in Chen Village, and now that he has a teleportation array, he can at least feel much more at ease.

After the teleportation array was completed, Chen Mu took out four more strange jade stones from the ring, and then put these jade stones in the center of the teleportation array, pinching the magic trick in his hand, the light of the teleportation array surged, and wisps of breath were absorbed by the four pieces of jade.

This teleportation array has not been connected to any teleportation array, so if you want to teleport here in the future, you must bring the spatial coordinate stone in Chen Mu's hand.

The spatial coordinate stone is a coordinate, and it is also a token, this is a security means deliberately left by Chen Mu, if there is no spatial coordinate stone, even if you know the coordinates of Chen Village's teleportation array, you can't teleport over.

"Alright, Lando, this room will be closed in the future, and there will be no special circumstances, and there is no need for people to know that there is a teleportation array here.

Chen Mu put away the four coordinate stones and specially instructed Lando.


Lando replied respectfully.


At noon, Chen Mu came to the hall of Chen Hongjie's house.

Today, the hall of Chen Hongjie's house is much more magnificent than before, with animal skins under each seat, and tables, dishes, and so on are all high-quality goods transported from Middle-earth.

After Chen Mu entered the hall, he found that Chen Zihu, Chen Jianfeng, several leaders of vassal tribes, etc., the more powerful people in Chen Village had come here.

Chen Hongjie arranged a luncheon and asked Chen Mu to sit on his right hand, and then everyone talked about business while eating.

"Chen Mu, I came to you today to talk about expansion.

If you have any ideas, you can just say them, and we'll make a decision after that. "

People from the outside world don't know, but everyone in Chen Village knows very well that Chen Mu is the soul of this village.

Therefore, Chen Hongjie never poses as an elder, he usually consults Chen Mu's opinions when making important decisions, including now, he basically regards Chen Mu's ideas as the most important strategic advice.

"Well, in that case, I'll give you my opinion.

Chen Mu took a sip of tea and straightened out his thoughts.

"First of all, since I want to expand, I plan to skip the middle tribe and directly become a high tribe. Chen

Mu's words were directly shocking, everyone was shocked by Chen Mu's courage, and even Chen Hongjie was a little trembling.

"But Chen Mu, with our current strength, it's not enough to become a high-level tribe, aren't

you and Ah Huo going to ask Tiange and them to stay in the village in the future?"

Chen Hongjie was worried at first, and then showed joy later.

Generally speaking, cultivators with the True Spirit Realm are in the tribe, and they are qualified to rank among the high-level tribes.

But in reality, at least two or three True Spirit Realm cultivators are needed for such a tribe to dare to declare itself a high-level tribe.

Of course, there are only a few high-level tribes in the True Spirit Realm, and they are the weakest high-level tribes, and they tend to decline quickly.

"Don't worry, since I have made this decision, I will naturally let everyone have the strength to defend themselves.

Chen Mu smiled confidently, took out the No. 2 rune gun and one rune cannon in his hand from Na Jie, and explained it to everyone present.

"We took some time and focused on building two teams: the gun team and the gun team.

Coupled with the elite cavalry trained by the third uncle, I believe that as long as these teams are formed, there are not many high-level tribes in the entire wilderness that can defeat us.

Chen Mu seemed confident.

He still has Fu Puppet No. 1 not taken out, and he is going to leave this to Chen Hongjie and Chen Zihu alone to control as a killer feature.

Chen Mu's new talisman immediately amazed everyone, and they no longer questioned Chen Mu's decision.

"Okay, then I'll train the spear team and the artillery team first, and when the two teams are formed, I will officially declare myself a high tribe.

Chen Hongjie was overjoyed and readily agreed.

"Then I'll talk about the second point, after becoming a high-level tribe, we will expand in the direction of the Yanzhu tribe.

Naturally, there are my selfish motives here, but the direction of the Yanzhu tribe is very prosperous, and it is also very beneficial to our development!

This decision of mine cannot be denied, and if anyone has an opinion on my decision, they can put it forward now.

After Chen Mu finished speaking, he looked around, and the people in the hall did not dare to come out.

"Amu, don't worry, I have already discussed the affairs of the Yanzhu tribe in the village, and everyone is very supportive of dealing with them, but now the strength does not allow it.

Chen Hongjie hurriedly got up and explained to Chen Mu.

Chen Mu nodded and took another sip of tea.

"My thoughts are on these two points at the moment, and I won't interfere with other specific expansion details!

If there is anything you want me to help with, you can come to me again.

Chen Hongjie nodded and looked at Chen Zihu.

"Zihu, then it's up to you to tell me about the expansion steps you planned before. After

Chen Zihu had a family, he was much calmer, and he usually helped Chen Hongjie manage the affairs of the clan, and he was basically in charge of diplomacy.

"Okay, then I'll tell you about my plan, the Yantai tribe next to me has been frequently attacked recently, and it is already in danger, and it has long wanted to be merged into our Chen Village, so I plan to use the Yantai tribe as a springboard first..."Chen

Zihu's expansion plan is very detailed, clear, and interlocking, and analyzes the situation in the entire Wuyan Mountains very thoroughly.

After listening to it for a while, Chen Mu was impressed by his plan and was much more relieved about the expansion of Chen Village.

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