At dusk, Chen Mu returned home.

After Chen Mu came back this time, he found that the white turtle was no longer as sleepy as before, and his spirit was much better.

He will run around now when he has nothing to do, and he will go to the stream in the back mountain to catch fish to eat, and his hands and feet are very nimble.

When Chen Mu just came back yesterday, he told the white turtle about his experience for more than a year, and also introduced his spirit Xiaolan to the white turtle.

The white turtle seems to like Xiaolan very much and has been making him happy, but Xiaolan is ignorant and ignorant and soon gets along with the white turtle.

In the courtyard, Ah Huo practiced his sword as if no one was around, constantly doing monotonous sword swinging movements, as if he would never get tired.

Chen Duo was playing with the white turtle and Xiaolan, while the dark night sat at the stone table, watching the setting sun in a daze.

"Dark night, you don't seem to be happy, do you have something on your mind?"

Chen Mu sat down next to the stone table and said with concern.

Styx turned his head to look at Chen Mu and nodded.

"Well, it seems that my cultivation of the Colorful Heavenly Gong has encountered a bottleneck, and I find that I can't understand the emotions mentioned in it.

Thinking about people is like a rainbow, and missing a person is colorful, sweet and sour, joyful and sorrowful.

I can understand the meaning of this sentence, but I can't understand it, and I can't understand it.

"That's because you haven't tried to fall in love with someone yet.

Chen Mu smiled incomprehensibly, looking like a person who had come over.

"Oh, have you tried, who have you fallen in love with?" Styx

raised an eyebrow and stared at Chen Mu.

Chen Mu's face flushed, but he didn't know how to answer.

Although I have little actual combat experience, I have watched a lot of TV dramas! Do you know Korean dramas? I know a lot!

Chen Mu secretly slandered himself, and after holding back for a long time, he burst out with a sentence.

"I... That's what I read in the book. "


Styx rolled her eyes, not wanting to pay any more attention to Chen Mu.

At this time, Ah Huo finished practicing his sword, and he also walked to the stone table and sat down.

"Amu, I'm going to go back to my hometown tomorrow.

Ah Huo's decision did not surprise Chen Mu, he had already seen that Ah Huo had another purpose for coming back this time.

"Okay, then I'll go with you tomorrow.

Chen Mu responded.

"No! I wish I had to deal with it myself this time.

Ah Huo's tone was undeniable.

Chen Mu was silent for a moment, knowing Ah Huo's temper, and no longer insisted.

"Okay then, go and get back quickly, remember to keep in touch with me, and if you don't contact me, I'll go find you." "


Ah Huo nodded gratefully to Chen Mu.


"Xiaohuo, the Righteous Heart Sword needs a righteous heart, but your heart is angry, and you will never be able to cultivate to perfection like this. In

the wild jungle, Ah Huo was moving forward while thinking back to what Cao Lingxiao had said to him.

At noon, he came to his destination, in front of a huge valley.

Inside the valley is a large human tribe settlement, with about 10,000 people in it, and people are constantly coming and going, and it looks very lively.

"Hey, boy, are you looking for someone?" The

leader of the guards of the Qishan tribe noticed the sudden appearance of Ah Huo, and specially led a team of guards over to ask.

Ah Huo was wearing a white cloth coat with a long sword at his waist, and he looked like a young man.

If you are in Middle-earth, this kind of costume is very common, but in the wilderness, it is definitely not ordinary people who can appear in the wild like this.

Ah Huo quietly looked at this place where he grew up, with a trace of nostalgia in his eyes, but more than that, it was pain.

"I'll find Meng Hongyun and take me to meet him!"

The guards all drew their sabers and glared angrily at Ah Huo.

"Bastard! The name of the leader of my Qishan tribe, how can you call it directly?

Get out of here! Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!" If

it weren't for the mysterious origin of Ah Huo, the leader of the guards would have ordered the other party to be killed on the spot.


leader of the guards felt a flash in front of him, and the saber in his hand was instantly cut in two.

"If you don't want to die, let me in!" Ah

Huo looked at the leader of the guards quietly, as if he hadn't moved his hand at all.

A cold sweat broke out on the head of the head of the guard leader, but as the head of the guard, he was usually used to being powerful, so how could he easily give in.

"Just, even if you are strong, my Qishan tribe is not bullied, please report your name. "

Meng Wu.

Ah Huo's expression was indifferent, and he was already a little impatient in his heart.

The leader of the guards was stunned for a moment, feeling as if he had heard the name, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

"Okay, then wait a minute, I'll go in and report!"

"No need! I'll go in by myself, you'd better not stop me, or you'll be prepared to die."

After finishing speaking, Ah Huo's body was as fast as lightning, and several leaps rushed towards the gate of the tribe.

"Stop him!" The

head of the guard turned grim, although he knew that his subordinates were not the opponents of the other party, but he could not afford to punish him for poor protection.

At that moment, two stunned young men in the escort team really shouted, holding big knives and rushing towards Chen Mu.

Poof! Knock knock!

Blood splattered, and the two figures approaching Ah Huo fell to the ground, their lives and deaths unknown.

Then an astonishing sword aura rose from Ah Huo's body, and with a bang, the gate of the Qishan Department was pierced by a sword, and Ah Huo's body was surrounded by sword qi, and he rushed towards the center of the tribe at a speed.

Ah Huo's sword aura was too strong, and no one dared to stop him on the road, but after a dozen breaths, Ah Huo came to the center of the tribe, the hall of the leader of the Qishan tribe.

"Who's coming, report your name!" In

the leader's hall, a powerful aura rushed into the sky, resisting Ah Huo's sword aura from afar.

"Meng Hongyun, it's me back!" At

the door of the hall, Ah Huo stopped and looked at the man who came out of the building.

"Are you...?"

Meng Hongyun looked at the white-clothed young man in front of him, trying to search in the memory in his mind, but he couldn't find a figure that could coincide with him.

The thin child who was helpless back then has become a powerful and incomparable True Spirit Realm swordsman in just seven or eight years.

This is unimaginable to most people, and it is no wonder that Meng Hongyun can't remember it.

At this time, many people from the Qishan tribe surrounded them with weapons, looking at Ah Huo, an uninvited guest.

"Is it you?"

In the crowd, a delicate woman walked up to Meng Hongyun's side, looking panicked.

"Lord, I know him, he is Qi Xiaoping's cheap..."

Before she finished speaking, a fierce sword aura flew towards her, frightening her soul and shocked.

Meng Hongyun snorted coldly, his hand lit up with an earthy yellow light, and he struck at the sword qi with a punch.


Meng Hongyun took a step back, his face was ugly, and he found that the other party's strength was stronger than he imagined.

"Qi Xiaoping? You are Meng..."Meng

Hongyun frowned, and thought for a long time before remembering.

"Ah, yes, are you Meng Wu?" Ah

Huo didn't answer, looking around, his tone cold.

"Where did Liu Ruyan go?"

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