Suddenly, dozens of iron arrows flew out from all directions and shot towards Ah Huo.

Ah Huo frowned, and a spirit talisman flashed in his hand, and immediately a translucent film rose up on his body, blocking all the iron arrows.

"You waste, you're not dead yet?" In

the crowd, a charming-looking woman stepped out of the crowd, commanding dozens of warriors with crossbow arrows in their hands, and surrounded Ah Huo in a semi-encircled shape.

"Miss!" The

delicate woman who had just complained to Meng Hongyun immediately ran down and hid behind Liu Ruyan.

"Very well, you're all here, so I don't have to look for you everywhere. Ah

Huo's long sword came out of its sheath, flew up, and threw itself at Liu Ruyan.


Ruyan also used a sword, and the long sword danced, blocking Ah Huo's attack.

"Hongyun, what are you doing? Don't come to help me!" Ah

Huo's swordsmanship is extremely exquisite, although Liu Ruyan is also a true spirit realm, he is not Ah Huo's opponent at all, and he was beaten dangerously.

Meng Hongyun was still puzzled by Ah Huo's identity, and finally came to his senses when he heard Liu Ruyan's shout, took out a big ring knife from the Na ring, and fought Ah Huo with Liu Ruyan.

"Meng Wu, if you have something to say, there is no need to fight each other with swords! No matter what, I am also your

father!" "Shut up! I don't have a father like you!"

Ah Huo accelerated the offensive in his hand, and Meng Hongyun and Liu Ruyan joined forces, and they couldn't help Ah Huo at all.

"Qi Mountain belongs, quickly give me a lock dragon array!" Liu

Ruyan gave an order, and dozens of Qi Cultivation Realm masters of the Qishan tribe rushed out and surrounded Ah Huo in the middle, and the spiritual power between them was connected, forming a mysterious array.

These Qi Cultivation Realm masters have obviously practiced and cooperated for many years, and their movements are neat and consistent, and they advance and retreat in a certain degree.

With the help of the big array, Liu Ruyan's aura skyrocketed, and he immediately reversed the situation and suppressed Ah Huo to the downside.

"Meng Wu, you are hard-hitting, but unfortunately you are too impulsive!

With your qualifications, we may not be your enemies for a few more years, but you will not have such a chance again. "

Liu Ruyan's moves are vicious, and he wants to put Ah Huo to death.

"Meng Wu, you unfilial son!

I'll give you one last chance, immediately kneel down and tie your hands, otherwise don't blame me for not thinking about the love of father and son!" Meng

Hongyun saw that Ah Huo didn't give himself face at all, and shouted angrily.

Ah Huo looked coldly at the unrepentant father in front of him, and the only remaining illusion in him was completely shattered.


"Mom, I'm hungry...!" Meng

Wu, who was only five or six years old, snuggled up to his mother's side in a dilapidated wooden house, muttering weakly.

"Well, Xiao Wu, bear with me a little longer, and when I sew up all these animal skins, we will have something to eat. The

skinny Qi Xiaoping took the needle and thread, stitched the animal skin on her hand into a close-fitting animal skin coat one by one, and occasionally let out a burst of coughing sounds, looking extremely tired.

Half a year later, Qi Xiaoping overworked and never woke up on a rainy night.

Early the next morning, the young Meng Wu cried heartbreakingly, which attracted the attention of the neighbors.

Many people in the tribe knew that Meng Wu was Meng Hongyun's bloodline, but Meng Hongyun was romantic, had many descendants, and he later married an extremely jealous wife, Liu Ruyan.

Since Liu Ruyan got started, all the women who have lived well with Meng Hongyun have not had a good life, including Qi Xiaoping.

Qi Xiaoping is just an ordinary tribal woman, and under Liu Ruyan's repeated suppression, she has now ended up depressed.

The old man in the tribe behind made the decision and sent Qi Xiaoping's body to the mountain for burial, and Meng Wu became a child who grew up eating a hundred family meals.

Not long after, in an accident, Meng Wu rescued a swordsman by the river, and the swordsman taught Meng Wu a set of swordsmanship before leaving in a hurry.

At the age of eight, Meng Wu became a martial artist and shined in the tribal competition, causing Liu Ruyan's dissatisfaction.

"Do you think that if you become a martial artist, you can show off your martial arts in front of me?

Your mother is a slut, and you are also a slut!

Let me tell you, you will never have a chance to turn over!" The

young and impulsive Meng Wu was seriously injured by Liu Ruyan and locked up, but fortunately he was alert enough to find a chance to escape from the Qishan tribe.

After leaving the Qishan tribe, he experienced the warmth and coldness of the world, and was finally adopted by a tribe, but that tribe was attacked by horse bandits, and the whole village was slaughtered overnight, and he became a slave and was sold as goods.

Before he was caught in the Red Wolf Tribe, he had already gone through several buyers, because the kendo inheritance he learned was very subtle, he found an opportunity to break the seal in his body, escaped, and met Chen Mu later.

After meeting Chen Mu, there was no Meng Wu in this world, only Ah Huo, or Qi Huo.


Above the valley where the Qishan tribe is located, on a steep mountain wall, three figures lie here, each holding a dark crosshair in their hands, watching the battle within the Qishan tribe from afar.

"Brother, Brother Huo, he doesn't seem to be able to beat them, let's go help him.

Chen Duo hurriedly put away the crosshairs and prepared to jump off the valley.

"No, Duoduo, you have to believe Ah Huo, he is much stronger than you think.

Chen Mu grabbed Chen Duo's shoulder and didn't let her go.

"But... However, what if Brother Huo accidentally misses?

No, I'd better go down more at ease. Chen

Duo struggled to go down.

"Duoduo, don't mess around!" Chen

Mu's voice implied anger.

Chen Duo glanced back at Chen Mu, pursed his lips, and didn't insist any longer.

Chen Mu rarely gets angry, once he really angers him, the consequences will be very serious, and Chen Duo does not dare to touch this bottom line easily.

"Don't worry! Ah Huo is measured in his work, I guess the reason why he went back to his hometown alone should be related to his cultivation of kendo.

If you go down rashly now, if you disturb his Dao heart, then it will really be a big mistake.

Chen Mu patiently explained a few more words, picked up the crosshair, and continued to observe the battle below.


On the other side, Ah Huo, who was fighting with Liu Ruyan, was flowing through scenes of the past in his heart, and he kept thinking about it in his mind.

What is it? What is evil

? If I kill them, will I still be righteous?

Qiang! Dangdang Dang!

The sharp sword qi pressed against his throat, and the cold touch sent chills down his spine.

The big ring knife that was as heavy as a thousand pounds slashed head-on, and he raised his long sword to block, but Meng Hongyun pressed forward step by step, completely trying to kill him.

"Little guy, justice is never spoken by mouth! It is killed with a sword!" In

a trance, he remembered a sentence that the master who taught him the sword of justice and himself had inadvertently said.

The core of the sword of justice should be the heart

, the

heart of justice, and

the heart of justice

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