As Ah Huo's heart knot was untied, his eyes became brighter and brighter, and the aura on his body skyrocketed.


huge long sword phantom appeared from behind Ah Huo, and the powerful sword aura forced all the enemies around Ah Huo to fly backwards.

The Dragon Lock Array that trapped Ah Huo was immediately broken, and the many Qi Cultivation Realm masters who formed the formation were also counterattacked, spitting blood from their mouths and their breaths declining.

"How... What's going on?"

Liu Ruyan was shocked, and desperately swung her long sword to form a sword and slash towards Ah Huo, wanting to stop Ah Huo's aura from continuing to rise.

What is my true heart?

It is to kill all the ruthless and unrighteous people

in the world! It is to resist all the injustices

in the world! It is to protect the people I love the most around me

! This is my Ah Huo's righteous sword!

"You can die!"

Ah Huo looked at the pair of dog men and women in front of him indifferently, and his thoughts were clear, and there was no hindrance.


phantom of the giant sword behind Ah Huo turned into countless tiny swords, like a small river, sweeping towards the willow like smoke.


After a while, she was chased by the sword, and her body was stabbed with thousands of holes, and she died so that she could not die again.

"Meng Wu, you can't kill me! I am your biological father!"

Meng Hongtian didn't dare to turn his head back when Liu Ruyan was chased and killed, and fled in panic, but in the eyes of Ah Huo, who moved the sword, this distance was about the same as not running.

"Meng Hongtian, I don't want to kill you! You go to my mother's grave to apologize!" Ah

Huo moved his sword and pierced Meng Hongtian's dantian, he screamed miserably and fell from the air.

In the Qishan tribe, there are many people who bullied Ah Huo back then, and they were all cleaned up by Ah Huo's sword.

When the people in the tribe saw Ah Huo, who was like a god descending from the heavens, they all curled up and squatted on the ground, not daring to resist at all.

After a long time, Ah Huo solved all the people to be solved, took all the swords back into his body, and then grabbed Meng Hongyun, who had passed out on the ground, and ran towards the back mountain of the Qishan tribe.

On the back mountain, overgrown with weeds, in front of an unnamed stone tablet, Ah Huo stopped and threw Meng Hongyun to the ground.

"Mother, I'm back!"

Ah Huo knelt on the ground, closed his eyes, and tears rained down.

At that time, the old people in the village buried Qi Xiaoping here, and there was no tombstone, this nameless stone tablet was moved by Ah Huo himself when he was eight years old.

After a while, Meng Hongyun woke up and found that his dantian was broken, and let out a scream like killing a pig.

"Ah... You dare to abolish my dantian! Why don't you just kill me

!" "Noise!" Ah

Huo looked at Meng Hongyun with cold eyes, and Meng Hongyun was so frightened that he immediately shut up.

"Kowtow to my mother!, or I'll kill you right now!" said

it nicely, but Meng Hongyun didn't really want to die, hesitated for a while, and still knelt down on Qi Xiaoping's grave.

"Xiaoping! I'm sorry for you Xiaoping! Actually, it was all because of Liu Ruyan's slut, he didn't let me go to you! I actually couldn't help myself..."

he said while slapping his mouth, looking sincere, people who don't know him well are really easy to be deceived by him.

Ah Huo sneered secretly, you can't help yourself? You haven't come to visit until you die, do you still have the face to say that you can't help yourself?"

"Kneel here! Before I leave, you are not allowed to move!"

In this way, Ah Huo pulled Meng Hongyun to kneel in front of Qi Xiaoping's tomb and spent a night in the desolate back mountain.

At night, a vicious wolf wanted to attack them, but Ah Huo showed a slight hint of sword energy, and he scared the evil wolf into running for his life.

In the morning, the sun is rising.

Three figures came from outside the mountain and slowly walked to the tombstone.

"I knew you were going to come along.

Chen Mu touched his nose in embarrassment and coughed lightly.

"No, didn't I tell you, I'll come to you if you don't contact me.

No, I haven't seen you for a day and a night, so I'm not going to come to you!" Ah

Huo stood up, glanced back at Chen Mu, and didn't dwell on his appearance any longer.

"This must be your mother, right?"

Ah Huo didn't speak, but nodded.

Chen Mu, Chen Duo, and Styx all respectfully bowed to the nameless tombstone.

"Ah Huo, why don't you move Auntie's ashes to Chen Village, won't it be safe here?"

Chen Mu suddenly proposed.

Ah Huo was silent for a long time and sighed.

"Well, I don't think my mother has much to cherish here. At

that moment, Ah Huo started to dig out Qi Xiaoping's urn and take it with him.

After a while, Chen Mu released his spaceship, which soared into the sky, carrying the four people away from the Qishan tribe.

Meng Hongtian just watched Ah Huo and the four of them talk, and he didn't even dare to come out of the atmosphere on the side, until the four of them left, he stood up and kicked the nameless stone tablet on the ground fiercely.

"Qi Xiaoping, Qi Xiaoping, look at the good son you gave birth to!!!"

he cursed a few words, and then glanced at the direction of the Qishan tribe, he knew that he had no strength, and he would only be bullied when he went back, so he had to turn around and run towards the mountain.

Although the dantian was broken, after all, Meng Hongtian once had a true spirit realm cultivation, and his physical body was strong, and he could still beat ordinary demon beasts.

He has no dantian, and he has no chance with the strong in this life, but no matter what, it is better to die than to live, even if it is a dog, he has his way of life.


Chen Village, Chen Mu's home.

Today, Chen Mu personally cooked and made a few specialty dishes for everyone.

"This is sweet and sour pork ribs, drunken duck, braised fish, steamed prawns, fried egg fruit..."

People in this world are obsessed with cultivation and martial arts, and there are very few people who study cooking, so the way of cooking is generally primitive, and they don't even know how to stir-fry, steam, and other cooking methods.

Therefore, any simple dish brought by Chen Mu from the earth can surprise many chefs.

"It's over! Amu, after eating the dishes you cooked, I feel that what everyone else is cooking is not a dish

! If I can't eat it in the future, how do you want me to live!!"

Chen Zihu was the most exaggerated, looking like he was going to die or live.

"Hehe, it's a pity that you're not a woman, otherwise you still have a chance.

Chen Duo said, skimming the dark night next to him, but only received a white eye.

At the dinner table, Ah Huo suddenly stood up and toasted everyone with a glass of wine.

"Amu, Duoduo, and Styx, after asking Tiange this time, I plan to go out with my master to travel the world and hone my sword heart, and it is likely that I will not come back for several years.

This glass of wine is my farewell to everyone. "

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