Ah Huo's words silenced the scene.

After a long time, Chen Mu was the first to speak.

"Okay! As the so-called good man has ambitions in all directions, Ah Huo, if you have this plan

, I will definitely support it! Come! I salute you with this glass of wine, I hope you will succeed in the way of the sword, and come back in the future to help me dominate the wilderness! Haha..."

After Chen Mu finished speaking, he picked up the wine glass in his hand and drank it all.

"That's... I respect you too!" Chen

Duo also picked up the wine glass, his eyes a little red.

Since the age of six, Ah Huo has appeared in her life, although she was a little afraid of Ah Huo at first.

But after a long time, she found that Ah Huo was very good, and he was a little stupid, as long as anyone was good to him, he would put his heart into him.

Now that he was leaving, Chen Duo felt empty, but he didn't know what to say.

"Duoduo, take care of yourself! I'll miss you.

Ah Huo poured a glass of wine, looked at Chen Duo, and drank it all.

Chen Duo silently drank the wine in her hand, and the choking taste made her frown.

"Then I will also give you a glass, I wish you a bright future!" Styx

raised his glass and toasted Ah Huo, breaking the sad atmosphere between the two.

Next, Chen Hongjie, Chen Zihu and others also toasted a glass of wine to bid farewell to Ah Huo.


It is said that in the wilderness, there is a mysterious force called the Savage Temple, and they usually ignore the disputes of mortals.

However, they did not allow the strong people above the Jiedan Realm to participate in the tribal hegemony, and if anyone dared to violate this prohibition, the temple would send an envoy to severely punish the tribe where the violator was located.

Therefore, in the wilderness, the most powerful force is the high-level tribes, although some high-level tribes also have cultivators in the Yudan Realm to guard them, but unless they encounter a moment of life and death, they dare not take action easily.

Ever since Chen Mu earned a large amount of contribution points through the Floating Light Glimpse Disk in Wentian Pavilion, he had been inquiring about the relevant information of the Yanzhu tribe through the channel of Tingfeng Tower.

The Yanzhu tribe is one of the eight strongest high-level tribes in the wilderness, and it is said that in the past few years, they have been fighting with the Xuantian tribe, which is also one of the eight high-level tribes, and they have won more and lost less, occupying a lot of territory of the Xuantian tribe, and there is a faint tendency to become the largest tribe in the wilderness.

Chen Mu's father, Chen Haoran, began to serve as the leader of a vanguard unit of the Yanzhu tribe three years ago, and made great achievements.

Although the intelligence did not say what Chen Haoran's specific life was in the Yanzhu tribe, since he was able to be appointed as the leader of the vanguard force, it was thought that he had been reused, so Chen Mu was also a lot more relieved.

In the past, Chen Mu's strength was insufficient, and he didn't dare to rashly look for his father, for fear of self-defeating.

But now, he has a certain ability to protect himself, so he has begun to make arrangements to get in touch with his father.

The reason why my father was willing to be a slave in the Yanzhu tribe was not only because his fate was at stake, but also because he wanted to protect Chen Village and protect the two children, Chen Mu and Chen Duo.

Chen Village is thriving day by day, as long as the two teams of the gun team and the artillery team are formed, even if the Yanzhu tribe sends a large army in the future, at least it will have the strength to fight, so there is no need for my father to stay in the Yanzhu tribe now.

However, the Yanzhu tribe must still have the means to control slaves, and it is not so simple to save their parents, and they still need to think in the long run.

Chen Mu and the four of them stayed in Chen Village for another three days.

In the past three days, Ah Huo, Chen Duo, and Styx spent time guiding the newly formed two Chen Village squads, the gun team and the artillery team, so that the gun team and the artillery team had a certain combat effectiveness.

At present, the strength of the villagers of Chen Village is still a little worse, but the resources that Chen Mu brought back from Wentian Pavilion have made the overall strength begin to grow rapidly, and I believe that as long as it takes a few more months, Chen Village will have another big transformation.

Chen Mu also upgraded the defense talisman array of Chen Village, the mechanism fortress became more intelligent, and Fu Shu No. 1 formed a patrol line in the village, so the defense became more flexible and changeable, and could deal with more complex situations.

Now that he had a teleportation array, Chen Mu was not in a hurry to use all his research things at once, and after making some simple upgrades, he set off with Ah Huo and the three of them to return to the Heavenly Pavilion.

Anyway, if you want to come back in the future, you can come back at any time, but every time you come back, you have to spend a lot of spirit stones, and Chen Mu feels very painful about this, but this is a necessary expense, and he can only swallow it.

When he asked the Heavenly Pavilion this time, Chen Mu did not use the spaceship, but the small teleportation array in the talisman room.

Before returning to the wilderness, Chen Mu had already thought that he would use the teleportation array when he returned to the Heavenly Pavilion, so he had already obtained the coordinates of the teleportation array of the Heavenly Pavilion.

Next to the mountain gate of the Heavenly Pavilion, there is a large teleportation array open to the public, as long as the coordinate information is known, everyone can connect the teleportation array there.

In the room where the teleportation array was located, Chen Mu printed the coordinate information onto the teleportation array pattern through the divine soul, and the light blue light pillar on the teleportation array surged violently, and then established a connection with the teleportation array in the Wentian Pavilion.

"Who's coming?" asked

a man's voice from within the pillar of light.

Although the teleportation array of the Wentian Pavilion is open to the public, if you want to teleport to the past, there will be law enforcement disciples to verify your identity, and it is not something that everyone can use.

"Disciples Chen Mu, Chen Duo, Styx, and Prayer for Fire, return to the school, and ask Senior Brother to let them go!" After Chen Mu

finished speaking, he took out the identity nameplates of the four of them and activated them, and four spiritual power inscriptions flew out of the nameplate and entered the teleportation array.

On the identity nameplate of the Wentian Pavilion, each person has a unique spiritual power inscription, and the disciples of the Law Enforcement Hall can verify their identity as long as they verify the inscription.

Half an hour later, a voice came from the other end of the teleportation array.

"The identity verification has passed, and the formation door has been opened!" Chen

Mu turned around and nodded with the others, taking the first step and stepping into the teleportation array.


This teleportation was much more uncomfortable than the one in the entrance exam, and the mind was spinning and completely out of control.

In a trance, he noticed that a voice seemed to be calling to him in the distance.

He tried to concentrate and try to hear what the distant sound was, but there was a transparent film between his consciousness and the distant sound, which seemed close at hand, but he couldn't get close.

He was still trying, but his consciousness suddenly fell, and then he came to his senses.

When he opened his eyes again, he was greeted by misty mountains in the distance and open mountains around him.

And at his feet, there was a huge formation pattern, and more than a dozen law enforcement disciples in white clothes were distributed around, and several of them were looking at him with interest.

After a while, Stygian Night, Ah Huo, and Chen Duo appeared beside him one after another.

"Okay, you pay the fee, and you're good to go. The

squad leader among the law enforcement disciples indifferently stretched out his hand to Chen Mu.

Chen Mu nodded clearly, he had known with other disciples before, and knew that using this large teleportation array was not free, and everyone had to pay a fee according to the teleportation distance.

After all, this teleportation array consumes spirit stone energy every time it is activated, and if you don't have to pay a fee, everyone uses it as a daily means of transportation, and no matter how rich the Heavenly Pavilion is, it can't withstand such a burn.

He immediately took out a handful of spirit stones from the Na Ring and handed it to the law enforcement disciple, and then led Chen Duo and the others to leave together.

"Hey, wait a minute, you don't have enough spirit stones!"

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