After a cup of tea, eleven disciples were recommended, among which Chen Duo and Styx were among them.

The hall master of the Heavenly Sword Hall seemed to have some intentions, but after thinking for a while, he still gave up and did not recommend a disciple.

"Okay! It seems that the potential of the new students in the past few years has been quite good, and they have been able to nominate eleven disciples. The

Heavenly Pavilion Lord nodded with satisfaction and said in appreciation.

In previous years' cabinet selection, it was already very good to have four or five disciples being recommended, but this year, there can be eleven, which is indeed relatively rare.

"By the way, I remember that in this year's sect training, there was a disciple who broke the record of the demon hunting list and obtained millions of demon hunting merits, but why is there no such person among the people you recommend?"

asked the Heavenly Pavilion Lord suddenly asked.

There was silence in the hall for a while, and He Xiao, the master of the Rune Hall, was the first to speak.

"Pavilion Master, that disciple's name is Chen Mu, and he is a disciple of my Rune Palace.

He does have some ability, but it may be because he was born in a wild country, and he usually acts savagely and unruly.

Today, he injured the disciples of the Law Enforcement Hall for the trivial matter of paying the teleportation fee.

I didn't think he deserved to be in the cabinet, so I didn't recommend him.

The Heaven Asking Pavilion Lord frowned and turned his head to look at Law Enforcement Hall Master Wang Jun.


Hall Master Wang, is this really the case?" "Pavilion Master, this is indeed the case!

However, the cause of this matter is still because the Hall Master He has increased the cost of teleporting back from the wilderness tenfold. "

Wang Jun has always been fair, and he deliberately told the cause and effect of the matter.

"Eh! Hall Master Wang is afraid that I have misunderstood, in fact, I have not only increased the teleportation fee of the wilderness!

The reason for this decision is mainly because the recent situation on the front line is unfavorable, and I am afraid that there will be strange demons and spies infiltrating the cabinet, so the security protection of entering the cabinet from outside Middle-earth has been improved, which will inevitably increase the cost, so this move will be made.

He Xiao hurriedly explained.

An Ruhai, who was sitting below, opened his mouth and wanted to say a few words for Chen Mu, but he didn't know how to explain, so he finally sighed and didn't speak.

The Heavenly Pavilion Lord pondered for a moment and made a decision.

"The matter that Lord He considered is indeed reasonable, and even if this is the case, it is just a matter of Chen Mu participating in the cabinet election.

Wang Tang Master, the law cannot be abolished!

He punished Chen Mu to go to the face of the Black Wind Cliff for half a year to sharpen his temperament.


Wang Jun nodded in response.


Baolai Peak, inside the Chen Mu courtyard.

What happened in the teleportation array today made Ah Huo and Styx feel very uneasy, so they all stayed here with Chen Mu to see what the Law Enforcement Hall would do.

At dusk, they finally ushered in the people of the Law Enforcement Hall, and at the same time, Ah Huo, Styx, and Chen Duo's masters actually followed together.

"Disciple Chen Mu, I have seen the Lord of the Wang Hall, the Lord of the Cao Palace, the Lord of the Prison Hall, and Elder Leng.

Chen Mu bowed and saluted, although he had always been bold, but when he saw so many big people coming together, he was inevitably a little apprehensive in his heart.

"Chen Mu, you have no respect for your elders and injured the disciples of the Law Enforcement Hall, today the Pavilion Master personally ordered you to go to the Black Wind Cliff for half a year, are you willing to receive the punishment?"

Chen Mu was a little surprised when he heard this, he didn't expect that this incident would actually alarm the Pavilion Master of the Heavenly Pavilion.

However, the punishment of facing the wall of the Black Wind Cliff is not a painful thing for Chen Mu, who likes to study and think, anyway, he is usually in his own home, and most of the time is in retreat to do research.

He had already been mentally prepared before, but he was afraid that this time it would not be good, and now that the punishment was so easy, he didn't bother to argue anymore and responded.

"The disciple is willing to receive the punishment!"

"Okay! Don't leave the Wentian Pavilion during this time, someone will come and pick you up tomorrow to go to the Black Wind Cliff."

Wang Jun saw that things were going so well, and he also secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

On the other side, Ah Huo, Chen Duo, and the master of the dark night, each talked with them for a while, and informed them about the cabinet selection.

Ah Huo turned around and officially said goodbye to Chen Mu and the others.

"Amu, Duoduo, and Styx, the master said that the cabinet may not be suitable for me, and my kendo needs to be comprehended from the various states of the world, so I have to leave now. Goodbye!"

After Ah Huo finished speaking, he was led by Cao Lingxiao to the sky and slowly disappeared into the sky.

Probably because they had said goodbye before, the three of them were relatively calm.

"Brother, it's all my fault! If I hadn't been too impulsive in the morning, causing you to injure a law enforcement disciple, you wouldn't have been punished to face the wall, and now you can't even participate in the cabinet assessment. Prisoner

Zhen had just told Chen Duo what had happened in the Great Hall, and she felt very guilty.

"It's okay, entering the cabinet is nothing more than getting more cultivation resources, but there will also be more constraints, and it is actually not very attractive to me.

I'm not short of cultivation resources right now, and I already have a clear goal to move forward, as long as I give me time, I'm sure it won't be worse than your cultivation in the cabinet."

So you have to work hard, don't let me pull you down.

Chen Mu spread his hands indifferently, with a smile on his face.

"That's right, Duoduo, you don't have to worry about this monster at all, we'd better pass the cabinet assessment now. "

In the eyes of the dark night, Chen Mu is indeed a monster, even if his cultivation is fast, he can always research all kinds of magical inventions.

As a result, she often has a sense of urgency, afraid that she will be left behind by Chen Mu if she is not careful, so she is very justified when she comforts Chen Duo.

Chen Mu and the three of them chatted for a while, and then Chen Duo and Styx were taken away by their respective masters, and they were all arranged for special training to cope with the cabinet assessment in a few days.

It didn't take long for all the people in the courtyard to leave, leaving only Chen Mu alone.

Seeing that his companions had a bright future, Chen Mu was also in a good mood, and went back to his room to pack up his research facilities and prepare for moving to Black Wind Cliff.

When I returned to Chen Village before, all kinds of talismans in the ring were emptied, and now there is a lot of space for the ring, so Chen Village simply took away all the equipment that could be used, after all, this time I had to stay in the Black Wind Cliff for half a year.


The Black Wind Cliff is a Jedi on the edge of the Wentian Pavilion.

There is no grass here all year round, and birds and beasts never approach here, and it is lifeless and lifeless.

Under the leadership of the disciples of the Law Enforcement Hall, Chen Mu came to the top of the Black Wind Cliff.

He looked around, and the cliffs were surrounded by gray clouds, and even the sun in the sky could only see a vague cluster of light.

Ahead is a cliff, bottomless, but a gray mist keeps rising, which is extremely weird.

Next to the cliff, there was only a simple stone house, which had a stone bed, a stone table, a stone bench, and nothing else.

Being locked up in such an environment is more uncomfortable for many young people with out-of-character personalities than killing them.

But after Chen Mu just looked at it, he took out the rune ink, rune paper, and some books, and placed them neatly on the stone table, ready to stay for a long time.

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