"If you

want food, there is a communication rune on the stone table to contact the Law Enforcement Hall, and someone will naturally bring food when the time comes.

We don't offer you anything other than food, so take care of yourself. After

finishing speaking, the law enforcement disciple who brought Chen Mu up walked along the mountain road and left alone.


The days of retreat flew by, and more than five months passed in the blink of an eye.

During this period, many major events took place in the outside world, the most sensational was the great expansion of the cabinet this year, and a total of six disciples were recruited into the cabinet, which became the biggest event in the past hundred years of Wentian Pavilion.

Among these six people, four of them are Chen Mu's acquaintances, namely Styx, Chen Duo, Yin Zhan, and Zheng Fengdao.

Chen Mu was not surprised by such a result, after all, there were seven colorful heavenly skills in the dark night, Duoduo had the Heart Sutra of the Immovable Ming King, Yin Zhanneng fought with Ah Huo, and Zheng Fengdao had a strong perceptual talent.

Each of them is extremely talented, and there is no reason why the examiners of the cabinet should not admit them to the cabinet as long as the test is clear enough.

Chen Mu's days in the Black Wind Cliff were quite comfortable, no one came to disturb him, and he felt that he had made great progress every day.

In the past five months, he thought that he would not be able to leave the Black Wind Cliff anyway, so he simply combed through his previous research results, and thus had some new ideas.

He found that he seemed to have fallen into a misunderstanding, he had always focused too much on studying things that would help him in battle, but he had neglected the essence of runes and science, which was insight into everything in the world.

Although the knowledge of physics, chemistry, biology and so on in this world is very different from the earth in my previous life, the spirit of science remains the same.

A spiritual material may never appear on the earth, but it also has parameters such as melting point, density, hardness, etc., as long as you can master these parameters, you can maximize the effect of spiritual materials.

For the people of Panhuang Continent, the runes are their science, and the principles of heaven and earth that they understand are embodied through runes.

The runes of the fantasy world and the science of the earth can be used to analyze the underlying principles of heaven and earth, and they are two different paths that lead to the same end.

Therefore, if you want to go to the top, you should spend more time on the research of the underlying principles, rather than the study of the upper level applications.

Chen Mu had actually thought of this before, but at that time, the conditions did not allow it, he wanted to survive, fight, and obtain resources.

And although he was a programmer in his last life, he didn't master many scientific principles, and more was only in the application stage.

But now it's different, he now has the time, resources, and has also created Rune Core No. 3, with the computing power of Rune Core No. 3, he can completely explore the scientific principles of this world from scratch.

The reason why scientists are great is never how deep their knowledge is, but their ability to explore the unknown.

Even if the strongest scientist on the earth came to this fantasy world in his previous life, if he didn't know how to explore the unknown, he probably wouldn't even be able to live.

Because the air, material composition, and mechanical principles of this world are different from those of the earth, and even the periodic table of elements is completely different.

The explosives, alloys, and aircraft manufacturing technologies that scientists have mastered on Earth, their chemical formulas, and mechanical formulas, most of them will fail in this world, and if he insists on applying them, he may not even know how he died.

Therefore, in this world, Chen Mu's advantage has never been computer technology, but scientific thinking, scientific thinking that knows how to keep exploring, learning and improving.

After figuring out these points, Chen Mu did not spend any more time researching battle talismans, but began to create various facilities that could assist him in exploring the underlying principles of this world.

Matter analyzers, energy detectors, mechanical principles analysis libraries, and more.

Although these facilities cannot give him a short-term increase in combat effectiveness, they are of great significance to his future.

If there is no scientific thinking, Chen Mu can also embark on a good path of talisman by relying on the inheritance of Fu ancestors.

But with scientific thinking, he is equivalent to having an accelerator, and other runes can only break through the shackles of runes step by step through the perception runes.

However, Chen Mu can find another way, borrowing the powerful computing power of Fu Xin No. 3 to assist himself in deconstructing the principle of heaven and earth through data and logic, which is much easier than the progress of ordinary Fu masters.


At night, inside the stone house, there were a few bright light talismans pasted on the wall, and Chen Mu was still doing research.

In his hand, he held a translucent instrument the size of a human head, like a magnifying glass, which he pointed at a piece of rune paper on the table, and then activated the rune paper with his spirit.

With a pop, the rune glowed green, and then transformed into a translucent knife.

Inside the stone house, there are now two or three tall devices, the shells of which are wooden, but there are many metal, liquid structures inside, engraved with runes, emitting a glowing green light, which looks esoteric and mysterious.

As the rune paper transforms into a knife, a virtual screen emerges from the surface of these devices, and a large amount of data streams are displayed, constantly flowing, flickering, and jumping.

Chen Mu stared intently at the data flowing on the screen of the device, occasionally adjusting the angle of the translucent instrument, and kept thinking in his head.

After a stick of incense, the translucent knife energy seemed to be exhausted, and slowly dissipated into the air.

The non-stop flow of data on the screen finally stopped, and Chen Mu also exhaled heavily, put down the translucent instrument, and sat on the edge of the bed to rest.

"Spiritual power transforms into a knife, which seems to be a very ordinary use of energy in this world, but it is a mass energy transformation technology that has been difficult to break through in earth technology, energy into matter.

However, the transformation of the Rune Paper Transformation Knife is not complete, it only has some physical properties, and it cannot be maintained for a long time.

If you can convert energy into real matter, this kind of technology has already left the realm of human beings and stepped into the realm of the creator, right?"

Chen Mu's mind was still thinking, and his body subconsciously sat down cross-legged, gradually entering the cultivation state of [Rune True Solution].

During these days, he was indulging in research, and Chen Mu only left a small amount of time to cultivate his divine soul, but his divine soul had made rapid progress, and he had already stepped into the double realm of reality two months ago.

Since he began to study the principles of heaven and earth, he found that it was much easier to comprehend the rules of fate, so when cultivating the divine soul, it was extremely comfortable and he broke through very easily.

This made him more determined about the effectiveness of scientific research and devoted more energy to it.

Compared to this, his spiritual power realm lagged behind a lot, but he had only reached the peak of the early stage of the True Spirit Realm, and he felt that it should be a few months before he broke through to the middle stage.

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