When Wang Xiaolong arrived at the cafeteria, he found that everyone was lined up neatly and quietly. All the people in Prison No. 2 had arrived except him.

The meal was served at 5:30 in the afternoon, and it was only a little after 4 o'clock. Not only had they finished their work ahead of time, but they had also lost interest in the magazines in the reading room.

Even the instant noodles that Wang Xiaolong had always been proud of and that everyone envied had no appeal to them.

This was outrageous!

Everyone lined up in front of the cafeteria window, standing on tiptoe, full of anticipation and excitement. Even though there was still more than an hour left, he heard many people swallowing their saliva uncontrollably.


Wang Xiaolong patted the fat man in front of him and asked,"Is the lunch really that delicious? Is it better than instant noodles?"

The fat man didn't say anything, but looked at Wang Xiaolong with an incredible look, as if he didn't want to answer such a stupid question, and turned his head back.

Isn't that a joke?!

Can instant noodles be compared with Jiang Chen's deliciousness?

There is no comparison at all, okay?


At this moment, Jiang Chen was preparing food in the kitchen. Before leaving at noon, Jiang Xue said hello to him and said that she would buy him some fresh ingredients that had never appeared before for tomorrow's noon.

Jiang Chen just listened to what Jiang Xue said.

Unless her family is very rich and willing to use her personal assets to provide extra meals for the prisoners in the prison.

Otherwise... the people above will not approve extra funds. It is enough for them to have some clean vegetables and rice for three meals a day.

The ingredients for tonight are still the same as at noon, only potatoes, tomatoes, eggs, and cabbage.

But Jiang Chen is going to make a few unique dishes.

He first peeled the potatoes and cut them into pieces, then washed them carefully with water to wash off the excess starch.

Turn on the fire and boil water, put the potatoes in it, and boil them for about ten minutes after the water boils.

Wait until the potatoes are in a state of being cooked, then take them out of the water, and never let the potatoes boil for too long.

Too soft and rotten will greatly affect the taste, and the most important thing is that it is very inconvenient to fry them in the pan, and they are likely to stick to the pan.

Ten minutes later, the aroma of potatoes emerges. Take it out, rinse it in cold water, and pour it into the colander next to it to let the excess water dry little by little.

Heat oil in a pan and light the fire. He wants to fry potatoes, so the amount of oil must be more. Pour about half a pan. When the oil is 80% hot, put the pre-cut garlic in. The rich garlic aroma emerges instantly. You must seize the time and put the potatoes in quickly, otherwise the garlic will be fried, which will not only affect the taste, but also the appearance will become much worse.

It will affect people's appetite.

Any dish is about color, fragrance and taste. Color is the first priority. How important it is is self-evident. If a dish is black and looks like coal.

No matter how much others emphasize the taste to you, you will probably lose interest in tasting it.

Put the potatoes in the pot and let the oil completely immerse them. Use a spatula to stir them from time to time so that each potato in it can be evenly heated.

After more than ten minutes, when the potatoes are completely fried and fragrant, use a spatula to gently probe them. The best state is that they are golden in color and soft and glutinous inside, which is the best taste. They are crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, perfect.

Standing in front of the pot, Jiang Chen took a deep breath, and the aroma of fried potatoes penetrated his nostrils, making him a little hungry.

Then add some bean paste, salt, chicken essence, and other related seasonings, and finally add some chili oil and stir-fry evenly.

The first dish of fried potatoes is almost done.

Jiang Chen first served a small bowl for himself. The potatoes are golden in color and exude a strong aroma.

Under the light, they are still shining with a faint light, which makes people's appetites move and their stomachs surge. The red chili oil covers it, and the two colors set off each other, one yellow and one red, perfectly blended, and a little tender chopped green onion is placed on it, which looks like a work of art.

He couldn't wait to pick up a piece of potato and put it in his mouth. The outside was fried golden and crispy, and he could hear the clear sound of crackling when he shook his teeth gently.

But the inside is soft and sticky, with a hint of the unique sweetness of potatoes, spicy, fragrant, and makes people salivate like crazy.

It's so delicious!

This taste... is absolutely amazing!


Fried potatoes are today's signature dish, and the remaining two dishes are tomato and egg soup and stir-fried Chinese cabbage.

The taste is of course great, but... compared to fried potatoes, it is inferior.

After Jiang Chen finished cooking a few dishes, he looked at the time and it was only five twenty. It would take a while before dinner was served, so he came to the lounge inside, lay down on the bed, casually took out a novel, and flipped through it boredly.

Don't say that working here, life is quite comfortable.

It doesn't take long to cook a few meals a day. It only takes two or three hours in total. The rest of the time, you can play on the computer freely, read novels, and sleep in the lounge.

Although the salary is not very high, Jiang Chen has a system and can exchange anything with the points in it.

That thing is more useful than money.


As the time was getting closer, the prisoners waiting in line outside became more and more anxious and restless, and they all stuck their heads out to look at the window.

Why hasn't he come out yet?

They have been waiting for a long time.

Wang Xiaolong still couldn't understand why everyone was so excited. After a while, the kitchen window was opened and a strong fragrance came out. Have fun reading on May Day! Top up 100 and get 500 VIP points!

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