In every room in the prison, there is a person with a wide network of influence. Apart from the prison guards, they are the most famous people in the prison.

The person in Prison No. 1 is called Lao Qiang. No one knows his full name. People all call him by this code name.

When Lao Qiang saw the scene in the factory, he stood there woodenly, like a puppet. He was stunned and speechless.


Could it be that he woke up too fast from his nap?

Why did he suddenly have hallucinations?

The other brothers behind him also felt that it was a little unreal.

In the past, when it came to slacking off, the people in Prison No. 2 were definitely much better than those in Prison No. 1 and No. 3.

Prison No. 1 will sentence people to more than five years in prison anyway. If they work hard, they may be able to get a reduced sentence and be able to go out early. They work more seriously.

As for the people imprisoned in Prison No. 3, they were not detained for a long time. As long as they work hard, they may be released early.

Prison No. 2 is different. They are usually only detained for two to three years, and the impact is not too big.���Big, no matter how hard you try, you can only go out a while earlier.

Therefore, they have always been synonymous with laziness and lying down.

As a result, today, my goodness... the sewing machine is smoking!

Are they all like running a 100-mile race?

"No. 108, what are you looking at?"

Xiao Zhao said, holding the baton,"Why don't you learn from others quickly? Your work progress today has fallen behind that of Prison No. 2. Hurry up and work."

Lao Qiang nodded, and with some confusion and reluctance, he led the brothers behind him to their respective work posts.

Looking at those people in Prison No. 2, MMP... they have completed 1/3 of their work tasks.

As expected, no matter where you are, you are afraid of encountering a group of lazy people.

Lao Qiang couldn't understand it. It's okay to be lazy at work outside, but you can't let me live in peace even when you are in jail?

As expected, people who are lazy are the most hateful!

Why do you want to be lazy?

Can't we all lie down together?

Ma Dazhuang is strong and has fast coordination of hands and feet. It only took him less than two and a half hours to finish the work that usually takes more than three hours.


Ma Dazhuang stood up and said,"I have completed my work today!"

Xiao Zhao walked over and took a look. After carefully checking for a while, he found that all the clothes he had sewn were qualified. He nodded with satisfaction, patted Ma Dazhuang on the shoulder and said,"You performed well today. Keep it up in the future!"

"You can go to the reading room to read a book now, or go back to the dormitory!"

"Don't mess around, okay?"

""Yes, sir!"

Ma Dazhuang's face was full of excitement. He had finally finished his work, so he had to go to the canteen to queue up. Today he was the first one.

Why waste time going to the reading room?

There were no good books in it.

Seeing Ma Dazhuang leave the workshop, the eyes of the others were red, and they worked harder.

They were so envious and jealous!

Such a delicious dish, Ma Dazhuang was the first one to eat it today!

Just thinking about it made him feel unhappy.

Zhang Xiaohu here also sped up the progress. After about twenty minutes, all his work tasks had been completed.

Wiping the sweat from his forehead, Zhang Xiaohu came to Wang Xiaolong, put his right hand on his shoulder and said,"Brother Long, I won't accompany you now. I have to go to queue up too."

Wang Xiaolong's mouth twitched slightly.


Are you guys serious?!

I thought you were just talking casually?

We agreed to lie down together, but you rolled up?

Not only did you work fast but you also did a good job. Just for a meal, do you have to?

You destroyed our revolutionary friendship for several months?


Seeing Zhang Xiaohu preparing to leave, Wang Xiaolong grabbed his right hand and said,"Isn't that a bit exaggerated?"

"Brother Long."

Zhang Xiaohu said:"You have never eaten the dishes made by that chef. If you tasted the taste, you would know whether I am exaggerating or not."

"Forget it, I won’t talk to you anymore, I have to go first."

He left the workshop after saying this, while the enthusiasm of the others became higher and higher.

They all completed their tasks one after another, and soon only Wang Xiaolong was left, still working hard at his workstation.

Originally, everyone was lazy before, so it didn’t matter if he was a little slow, but everyone was vying to show off, which made him embarrassed to work slowly.

Xiao Zhao just stared at Wang Xiaolong, even though he didn’t say a word, but that kind of eyes was very obvious!

Everyone else has finished, and you look at yourself?!

Wang Xiaolong sighed, and after half an hour, he finished his work progress. He held his forehead, stood up from the chair, and left the workshop with his sore legs.

After they left, Xiao Zhao looked at the other people in Prison No. 2 and said,"You two prisons should learn from Prison No. 2."

"Look at their work enthusiasm and passion, aren't you ashamed?"

"The people above said that as long as you all behave well, just like in Prison No. 2, you can get a reduction in your sentence."

""Everyone, work harder!"

Lao Qiang and the others couldn't figure out whether the people in Prison No. 2 had taken the wrong medicine today.

Why did they do that?


Wang Xiaolong wanted to go back to the dormitory, but he remembered everyone's bragging about Jiang Chen's cooking skills and decided to go over and have a look.

Is it really as exaggerated as they say?!

How can food be so delicious?

Can you get addicted to prison food?

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