Each sewing machine was running in an orderly manner, making clear sounds. All the prisoners in Prison No. 2 showed unprecedented enthusiasm.

Everyone was working enthusiastically, and they were secretly competing with each other. No one wanted to be slower than others.

They knew very well that as long as they were faster, they could line up earlier. Even if they were one minute earlier, they might be able to eat more.

The new chef was simply a god. Obviously simple home-cooked dishes, in his hands, were delicious and memorable. I am still drooling when I think about it now.

The two prison guards outside the door heard the noise in the workshop, touched their chins and said,"Should we go in and take a look? I always feel that the people in Prison No. 2 are very abnormal today!"

"I think so too."

The two of them turned around and pushed open the door of the workshop. The scene that came into their eyes made them stunned.

The two stood there blankly, unable to speak for a long time.

They have been working in this line for several years, and have never seen prisoners who work so seriously, actively and diligently.

It's okay to come early, the most important thing is that everyone is still working hard! It

's completely different from the other two prisoners who are slacking off.

The most exaggerated one is Ma Dazhuang. He is as his name suggests. He is tall and sturdy, with a strong physique. He works very fast, and his legs keep stepping on the sewing machine.

Faintly, you can see that there is white smoke floating out, and he is about to step on sparks!

Xiao Zhao coughed twice, and he slowly came to Ma Dazhuang with the baton in his hand and said,"No. 39, you can slow down, there is no need to work so fast?"

Ma Dazhuang said without raising his head,"Officer Zhao, I want to slow down too, but those animals don't give me a chance!"

The others are working just as fast. If Ma Dazhuang doesn't keep up, he will probably have to wait in line at the end. He doesn't want to eat leftovers.

Xiao Zhao glanced around the workshop and found that it was indeed the case. He was so confused that he couldn't be more confused. What's going on? You won't be paid for this job, and... you have nothing to do after you finish the job?

When you return to the dormitory, you can only lie down, or chat with your friends in prison and brag. There's nothing interesting about it, right?

"No. 39."

Xiao Zhao patiently asked Ma Dazhuang:"Can you tell me what happened in your No. 2 prison today?!"

"Why do you all seem so motivated? You seem to be working very hard!"

Ma Dazhuang said as he worked without even raising his head,"If we finish the work at hand sooner, we can go to the canteen to line up earlier. The prison food is so delicious!"

Xiao Zhao:"???"

He was already confused, but now he was even more confused.


Are you sure there is nothing wrong with your ears?

The food in prison is so delicious?

Didn't he use sarcasm here? Is he telling the truth?

Not long ago, a prisoner used the steamed buns he had for lunch to break the lock and escaped from prison quietly because the food in prison was too bad.

And now you... work hard just to line up for food early?

You don't have to torture yourself like this, right?

Is there a collective mental disorder in their No. 2 prison?

It shouldn't be!

"Officer Zhao, please stop talking. I have to work quickly, otherwise I can't keep up with their progress."

Xiao Zhao stepped aside, looked at Lao Liu next to him with an incredible look and said,"I seem to... I don't understand them anymore."


Seeing that it was almost half past one, Wang Xiaolong reluctantly got up from the bed, closed the door, and walked towards the workshop.

In Wang Xiaolong's opinion, even if Zhang Xiaohu and Ma Dazhuang went to the workshop, they would definitely slack off like before, or just chat and brag.

How could they really work?

He whistled and came to the door not long after. Just a glance, he was dumbfounded, and his body stiffened there.

He rubbed his eyes hard and looked carefully several times before he was sure that what he saw was not an illusion.


Why did all the people in Prison No. 2 come early?

The most important thing is that they are still working hard!

No, didn't we all agree to slack off together? Why did you suddenly curl up?

You curl up!

Is it good for you to work so hard?

Anyway, there is no salary, so you can't play like this?

The most important thing is that everyone has come, and he is the only one left behind. He came here happily, which makes him look stupid!

Will I have to be as stubborn as them tomorrow?

"What are you looking at on the 15th? You need to learn from the other people in your prison No. 2 and see how actively they work. Then look at yourself!"

"Why don't you hurry to your work station?"

Wang Xiaolong nodded without hesitation and came to his work station immediately. Seeing that they were all busy, he couldn't slow down even if he wanted to.

He thought he could lie down in prison, but who knew he would meet another group of squanderers?

What on earth is this for?

After a while, the people from Prison No. 1 and Prison No. 3 also came to the work workshop and saw that the prisoners in Prison No. 2 were working so fast.

They were all numb!!!

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