Ma Dazhuang and Zhang Xiaohu were talking to each other, and they were getting more and more excited. Thinking back to the delicious food at noon, their mouths watered, and they were salivating. They wanted to rush to the workshop right now, finish the tasks assigned by their superiors, and then rush to the canteen to line up.

Wang Xiaohu was a little confused. He held two bags of instant noodles in his hands, and his arms were a little sore, but he didn't see them take them.

Was it lunch?

Was it really so delicious?

As exaggerated as they said?

Not really?!

No matter how good the food in the prison is, it probably tastes just like that. They must have exaggerated.

If you have been eating bran and vegetables for a long time, and suddenly have a meal of steamed buns, you will definitely think it is a delicacy from the mountains and the sea. I guess the chef who came this time is just performing normally. His skills in making dark cuisine are not as good as Lao Wang's, and he is definitely not as good as they described. As for being so delicious that they can't stop praising him?

"So you didn't bring back any leftovers from lunch?"

Zhang Xiaohu smiled awkwardly and said,"Brother Wang, are you kidding? The food at lunch tasted so good, how could we have any leftovers? We didn't even have time to fill our stomachs."

"Yes, yes, yes, I told you that today the two prison guards ate with us."


This made Wang Xiaolong even more confused. The prison guards ate with them?

This is outrageous. It's outrageous.

If they didn't eat good food, they could fight with the soybean milk and fried dough sticks they had every day.

He could understand that they were shocked when they suddenly ate a normal meal.

But the food in the police station cafeteria seemed to be pretty good. Those policemen... also followed them to make trouble?

This shouldn't be the case!

"I won't talk to you anymore, Brother Long."

Zhang Xiaohu couldn't help but say,"I have to go to work early, finish today's work tasks and line up in the canteen in advance. The new chef's cooking skills are amazing."

"I'll try to get him to call me more."

"Yes, yes, yes, I have to hurry up and follow them. If I don't work hard, I feel sorry for the lunch."

After saying this, Zhang Xiaohu and Ma Dazhuang turned around and left the dormitory, leaving Wang Xiaohu alone standing there, still not reacting.

He looked at the two packs of instant noodles in his hand, and suddenly felt that the taste was not fragrant.

In the past, he ate instant noodles in the dormitory, and he felt so happy when he saw other people's envious eyes.

But now... no one is interested!

This made him a little uncomfortable.

Looking at their appearance, it seems that they are not bragging. Is the lunch really so good?

Wang Xiaolong touched his chin, puzzled. Normally, they would start work at 1:30, but today Ma Dazhuang and Zhang Xiaohu went half an hour earlier.

He would not go over, and would lie on the bed and rest for a while.

He leaned on the pillow with his legs crossed, humming a little tune, picked up the magazine, and read it leisurely.

When I see the exciting parts, I really want to make a big splash!


Zhang Xiaohu and Ma Dazhuang were very proud. In their opinion, their ideas were particularly brilliant. Other inmates must not have thought of coming to work early so that they could line up for meals after finishing.

There are three prisons here in total. Prison No. 3 holds people who have been incarcerated for one to two years, while Prison No. 2 holds people who have been sentenced to two to four years in prison.

As for Prison No. 1, those who are incarcerated are people who have been incarcerated for four years or more!

Everyone is imprisoned in different prison areas, and there are certain divisions for eating and daily activities, but the work is all done in a large workshop.

It is more than two or three hundred square meters.

Ma Dazhuang and Zhang Xiaohu came to the door of the workshop and greeted the guards on duty. Both guards nodded slightly.

Then Ma Dazhuang heard one of the guards say in a confused tone:"What's going on? Why are the people in Prison No. 2 so motivated to work today?"

"You're right! In the past, they were lucky enough to come on time at 1:30, but today they all came early?"

"No, no, no, besides the two of them, there is another Wang Xiaolong who didn't come."

The two were stunned when they heard this.

Some ominous premonition suddenly came to their hearts.


No way?

Could it be that they have to roll up even if they run into the prison?

They quickly pushed the door open and rushed in. The scene they saw made them all dumbfounded.

Everyone was pedaling the sewing machine desperately, working enthusiastically, completely different from the previous dullness.

Some of them had even completed two-thirds of the progress of today's work tasks.

Seeing Zhang Xiaohu and Ma Dazhuang come in, they raised their heads and smiled, their eyes full of pride.


It's not that exaggerated.

The sewing machine is almost Is it going to smoke?

No, no.

They have to work faster, otherwise they will be the first to get there, and they won't have the chance to taste Jiang Chen's dishes tonight.

These guys will definitely be greedy. After finishing the first plate, they will want a second plate. When they go over, there will only be leftovers. They have to work faster.

They also ran to their respective work stations, lowered their heads, concentrated, picked up their clothes, and without saying a word, just one word: work!

Work hard!

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