The two prison guards worked very hard and diligently. After all, they had to eat for free in the evening, so they had to work hard to let Jiang Chen know their sincerity. Jiang

Chen was really tired after working for an hour or two and standing there for a while.

He looked at the time and it was just past noon, so he came to the lounge in the kitchen, where there was a small bed, and lay on it to take a nap.

Half an hour later, Jiang Chen woke up and heard a slight sound coming from the kitchen outside.

He rubbed his sleepy eyes, opened the door and saw that it was Jiang Xue who was wolfing down the food.

Her small mouth was full of food, and there were one or two grains of rice hanging from the corners of her mouth. Her eyes were shining and she was full of joy. When she saw Jiang Chen coming out, she smiled embarrassedly.

After eating the food on the plate in a whirlwind, Jiang Xue put the plate aside and said,"Old classmate, why is your cooking so delicious?"

"I thought the stir-fried cabbage I made yesterday was your specialty, but I didn't expect your tomato and egg, and green pepper and potato shreds were so good.���The taste is even better!"

"Aren’t you awesome?!"

Jiang Xue stared at Jiang Chen with a pair of big watery eyes full of admiration.

Her family background was relatively good, and she had tasted a lot of delicacies from land and sea since she was a child. She would visit Michelin restaurants abroad several times a year, but compared with Jiang Chen’s cooking skills, there was simply a world of difference.

Before Jiang Chen could even speak, Jiang Xue couldn’t wait to run up to him, looked at him with eager eyes, and asked,"Old classmate, what’s for dinner?"

"Are they still these dishes?"

Jiang Chen thought for a while and said,"It seems that there is nothing else to use except these ingredients, so we can only eat these."

Now Jiang Chen has accumulated enough points to unlock any three home-cooked dishes in the system mall.

However, the food for prisoners in prison naturally cannot have big fish and meat.

Like stir-fried pork, braised pork elbow, braised pork, sweet and sour carp... these delicious meat dishes, he definitely won't have the chance to make them.

"Can you cook any dish?"

Jiang Xue said expectantly,"If that's the case, leave everything to me and I'll get the ingredients for you! I can buy them for you no matter what they are."

"When the time comes... just remember to save a portion for me, okay?"

Jiang Chen looked at Jiang Xue with suspicion. The prison system cannot be easily changed. Besides, the food budget for prisoners is quite limited. How can they afford to buy delicious food?

In Jiang Chen's opinion, Jiang Xue was just talking casually and he didn't take it seriously. He nodded and replied,"Okay, I'll cook whatever ingredients you prepare for me.""

"Good, good, good! As expected, new clothes are worse than old ones, and old classmates are still the best! Then I'll leave first?"


Looking at Jiang Xue's charming and graceful back, Jiang Chen smiled faintly and didn't take her words to heart.

Even if she really had a strong background, it would be impossible for her to ask the people above to allocate more funds to the prisoners.

However, with the blessing of the system's cooking skills, Jiang Chen could make even the simplest meals extremely delicious. Even if all the three meals a day were simple meals, it didn't matter!


Wang Xiaolong was lying on the bed in the dormitory, taking a nap. He even made extremely satisfied sounds in his dreams.

He still had seven or eight packs of instant noodles.

If he ate one pack every day at noon, it would last him a week. After finishing the instant noodles, he would try to get some hot and sour noodles and sausages.

When he had nothing to do, he would make a pack of hot and sour noodles and a sausage. It was like a god's life. Even if he was in prison, as long as he had enough connections, he could still be successful.

After a few minutes, Wang Xiaolong opened his eyes. He got off the bed and stretched. He looked at the time. It was almost one o'clock.

He had to go to work again.

There were two worst things about being in prison. The first was that the food was not good, and the second was that he had to work every day. The most important thing was that he didn't get paid! The most important thing was that he had to work a fixed amount every day. He could only leave work after he finished the work. He didn't even have the opportunity to slack off.

After a while, the back door was pushed open, and Zhang Xiaohu and several other brothers walked in.

Remembering what he had promised them last night, Wang Xiaolong opened the quilt, took out the instant noodles he had hidden in advance and handed each of them a pack.

"Xiaohu, Dazhuang, take it. I tell you, this instant noodle is……"

Before Wang Xiaolong could finish his words, Zhang Xiaohu burped. He smiled a little embarrassedly and said shyly,"Brother Long, you should keep the instant noodles for yourself."

"We ate a lot in the cafeteria today! Let me tell you, the new chef is really good at cooking!"

Zhang Xiaohu had just finished speaking, and before Wang Xiaolong could respond, Ma Dazhuang continued,"Yes, yes, Brother Long, I tell you, it's a pity that you didn't go there today."

"Those tomatoes and eggs, green peppers and shredded potatoes, really, I’m drooling just thinking about them now!"

"Let's work faster later. If we finish the work earlier, we can queue up earlier and get more for dinner!"

Ma Dazhuang's proposal was immediately recognized by Zhang Xiaohu. He nodded and said,"Yes, yes, that makes sense!" Have fun reading books on May Day! Recharge 100 and get 500 VIP points!

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