Lao Li took out his pager and said,"005, 005!"

"What instructions have you received? What instructions have you received?"

" don't need to come to hand over your shift at noon today, we will cover for you for a few hours, you can come back at 5 pm."

Hearing the strange sound here, the police on the other side of the pager was stunned, obviously did not react.

Don't they go to hand over their shifts and eat at noon?

The police canteen adheres to the rule of eating well at noon, and the lunch tastes good. Most people solve it by themselves in the afternoon and morning. If it were normal, the two of them would probably be impatient and keep urging to hand over their shifts, right?

What happened today?

What stimulated them?

"I won't tell you anymore, it's almost gone... Leave some food for me!"

After hanging up the pager, Lao Li quickly ran towards Jiang Chen's canteen window with Lao Zhang beside him. Fortunately, they were fast enough and there was still some food left when they came.

However, the amount was not much, only the thick soup at the bottom of the basin was left, which still exuded an enticing aroma.


Jiang Chen asked, holding a spoon,"Why, you don't plan to eat in the officers' cafeteria?"

""Little brother, stop talking!"

Lao Li was a little excited. He held the plate impatiently and pointed at the bowls in front of him and said,"Give me one portion of each dish."

"OK, but please be patient, there isn't much left. Come earlier next time."

""Slurp... No problem, hurry up and do it!"

Jiang Chen took a big spoonful of each dish and put it on their plates. Both of them were full of excitement and quickly sat down at the table next to them.

Lao Li preferred to eat stir-fried cabbage. He carefully picked up a piece and observed it carefully for a moment. The dish was fresh and green, rich and fragrant, and delicious.

After being stir-fried, the cabbage exuded a faint fragrance, which was particularly easy to arouse people's appetite and was quite good with rice.

He quickly put the stir-fried cabbage into his mouth. The cabbage itself had a light sweetness. It had to be stir-fried at the right temperature to make its light sweetness come out perfectly.

Jiang Chen had a good control in this regard. If the cabbage was stir-fried for a while longer, it would become old and the taste would definitely not be so good. If the time was too short, the cabbage would have a faint raw taste and could not satisfy people's appetite.


Lao Li suddenly opened his eyes and couldn't help but shine. The taste was simply amazing!

How could it be so delicious?!

He didn't care about his image, he just lay on the plate and ate with relish, he couldn't stop eating.

Not long after a dish was finished, the two were still reluctant to leave, they rushed to the cafeteria window, but the bowls were empty.

The food inside was cleaned up, even the rice which was not very tasty was cleared away.

They looked at each other, helpless and disappointed.

It was the first time they had such delicious food!

Jiang Chen's cooking skills were amazing, right?!

It was comparable to a five-star wine chef!

Bah bah bah!!!

Chefs in five-star hotels probably couldn't compare with him.

The simpler and more ordinary the home cooking, the more it tested a chef's skills and techniques. Everyone can make fried eggs with tomatoes, stir-fried cabbage, green pepper and potato shreds.

But Jiang Chen can make it more memorable than delicacies from land and sea, and he is probably the only one.

"Lao Li."

Lao Zhang swallowed and said,"Why do I feel a little hungry?"

"Me, me too."

Lao Li touched his head and said,"How about this, you tell them that we are also on duty with them tonight."

"Maybe I can have another free meal here tomorrow at noon!"


Old Zhang's mouth twitched slightly. He has been a prison guard for more than ten years. Is this the first time he wants to get a free meal?

Fighting for food with the prisoners in prison!

However, this idea seems to sound good.

He thought about it and replied:"No problem, but in this case, do we have to work for 24 hours in a row?"

"What are you afraid of?"

Old Li replied,"It's not that hard to do our job anyway. It's just watching them. What are we going to do when we have these delicious foods?"

"That makes sense, that makes sense!"

Seeing this, Jiang Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

He put away a few basins and went to the kitchen to clean them up. Lao Zhang and Lao Li quickly ran to his side.

"Little brother."

Lao Zhang grabbed the basin and said with a smile:"Leave it to me, leave it to me!"

"No, this is my job.……"

"It doesn't matter, we are all colleagues."

Lao Zhang put the basin into the washing sink, and while washing it, he looked up and said,"Please save a meal for each of us in the evening. To be honest, your cooking skills are really great! It's much better than what we eat in restaurants outside!"

"Yes, yes, yes, especially the scrambled eggs with tomatoes, green peppers, shredded potatoes, and bok choy...every dish is delicious."

"You have to leave some for us. From now on, we won't eat in the police station cafeteria anymore. We can just eat here, okay?"

Seeing their expectant and hardworking faces, Jiang Chen really couldn't bear to refuse.

"OK, I promise you"

"Thank you, little brother!" The two said in unison.

Then they worked even harder, not only washing the pots and pans, but also mopping the kitchen floor.

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