Seeing that Ma Dazhuang didn't believe it, Zhang Xiaohu continued,"Think about it carefully, kid, did we have this kind of treatment before? As long as the food we cook is not bad, it's already a blessing."

"How could it be like today? Giving us such delicious food? Smell this... sizzle!"

"Saliva, watch your saliva! It's almost wet my pants."

Swallowing his saliva again, Zhang Xiaohu smiled a little embarrassedly and said,"Anyway, I think there is something fishy going on. How could I have such a meal under normal circumstances? Either someone from above came to inspect, or... it's just the calm before the storm."

"Maybe we can have delicious food this time, but who knows what will be arranged for the next meal?"

After listening carefully to Zhang Xiaohu's analysis, Ma Dazhuang felt that what he said made sense, and his good mood was gone. He thought that the people in the prison had a change of heart and were willing to improve their meals.

But if you think about it carefully, even if it is really improved... there is no need to hire such an awesome chef, right? Even before he ate it, just smelling the fragrance made him drool uncontrollably. After waiting in line for a while, it was finally Ma Dazhuang's turn.

Looking at the big spoonful of tomato and egg on the plate, he carefully put his nose forward and sniffed hard. The sour and sweet smell instantly occupied his nasal cavity, making his abdomen churn wildly, and immediately... His appetite was aroused. It smelled so good!

Then Jiang Chen served him a portion of stir-fried Chinese cabbage, shredded green pepper and potato, and a big bowl of rice. The rice still didn't look very good today, but a good cook cannot cook without rice. Even if Jiang Chen's cooking skills were great, he couldn't make delicacies from land and sea with the rice they gave.

But as long as the dishes were delicious, they could ignore the taste of the rice.

Ma Dazhuang carried the dinner plate and quickly ran to the table. Looking at the delicious dishes, he was so moved that he almost cried! It was the first time he had such a delicious meal after being in prison for two years.

No matter what the higher-ups think, he had to eat this meal first.

He slowly picked up a piece of egg, golden yellow. The egg was shining with a light under the light, and the light red tomato juice evenly and completely wrapped the egg, which was fresh, tender and tempting.

He slowly put the egg into his mouth, and the sour taste of the tomato instantly bloomed in his mouth, and every taste bud was fully mobilized. He closed his eyes and chewed gently.

Then the fragrance of the egg and the sour taste of the tomato blended perfectly. The two flavors, one deep and one shallow, one before and one after, were simply an ultimate enjoyment to eat.

After a while, he picked up another piece of tomato. It looked like a very ordinary ingredient, but for some reason, it was different in his mouth than outside.

He retained the original taste of the tomato. It has a sour taste, but it also seems to have a little bit of sweetness. However, this sweetness does not overwhelm the main taste. It is particularly sweet and fleeting.

This allows you to taste the deliciousness of the tomato itself while feeling a delicate and different taste.

He had never eaten such delicious dishes even in a five-star hotel before! He also tasted the shredded potatoes with green peppers. The spiciness of the green peppers and the mellow fragrance of the shredded potatoes were perfectly blended together, and the impact on the taste buds in the mouth was self-evident.

The prisoners in the prison have long forgotten everything. Even if the quality of the rice is not very good, everyone completely ignores it.

They ate and exclaimed in admiration

"Isn’t this so delicious?"

"I don’t know if I can have such a delicious meal next time?"

"Brothers! Tell me... are we lucky today?"

"Never mind, just eat this meal first! Even if this is the taste of my last meal, I'll accept it!"

"Right, right, right. If you can eat such delicious food every day, who would want to be released from prison? What's wrong with being in prison for ten or eight years?"

Some people ate the first plate in a rush, and still felt that it was not enough, so they hurriedly wanted to get a second plate in front of Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen was quite sincere in the first plate, and gave everyone a full portion, but the second plate was different.

He perfectly interpreted what was called the shaking hand magic, shaking a full spoonful of vegetables, and finally only a small mouthful was left on the plate.

But even so, the prisoners still had no complaints. They dared not!

In the past, let alone such delicious dishes, even normal meals were a luxury for them.

Now that there are delicious things, who would have the nerve to complain about it?

Seeing that someone had already eaten a second time, Zhang Xiaohu, Ma Dazhuang and others were not willing to be outdone. They wanted to swallow the plates.

After eating, they hurriedly lined up for the second round. Everyone looked at the remaining dishes in the basin, their eyes were green, and they rushed to eat, impatient, for fear that others would snatch them away.

The two prison guards standing at the door were actually a little envious when they saw this scene.

Their stomachs also made a gurgling sound unconsciously.

This was the first time for them... They actually felt that the prison food seemed to be very fragrant

"Lao you think we should have lunch at noon?……"

"Yes, yes, yes!"

Old Li next to him stared at the window where he was getting food, nodded and said,"Tell the people in Group 2 not to come to replace us at noon. We will work four more hours today and hand over after dinner!"

"OK, no problem."

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