He first ate the fried potatoes cleanly in a whirlwind of speed, then picked up the bowl of tomato and egg soup.

This time he learned his lesson and didn't smell it slowly like before. He quickly put it to his mouth and took a light sip.

Tomato and egg soup is a very ordinary home-cooked dish that goes well with rice and is refreshing and refreshing. Before Wang Xiaolong came in, he liked it very much.

However, Jiang Chen's cooking skills are quite good. The tomato and egg soup he made is much more delicious than the ones outside. The unique light fragrance of tomatoes is perfectly integrated into the soup.

Generally speaking, it is difficult for eggs to retain their original freshness and fragrance after being cooked. Even if some can be retained, the taste will be lighter.

It will even conflict with the sour taste of tomatoes. Therefore, most of the time, the tomato taste of tomato and egg soup is slightly stronger.

However, Jiang Chen's soup is very different. The light sourness of tomatoes and the freshness of eggs can coexist perfectly, and neither of them dominates.

Sour and delicious, refreshing and sweet. Fried potatoes are a little greasy, but with a bowl of tomato and egg soup, it is a living god's enjoyment. It's really delicious!

What virtue do they have in the prison to invite such a chef to cook for them?!

With such awesome cooking skills, he can definitely be a chef in a five-star hotel.

No, no, no!

Even if he goes to Michelin, he can easily apply for a three-star chef.

In his hands, simple home-cooked dishes have become delicacies from mountains and seas.

Wang Xiaolong made up his mind that he must work hard at noon today, otherwise he would feel guilty and not be worthy of such delicious food.

It seems that this prison is right!

Think about what those people outside can eat? It's nothing more than ordinary food!

Or the prison food of these people in prison is more delicious!

After enjoying the dark cuisine for a while, now it is finally sweet after bitterness.

After finishing the white rice in the plate, Wang Xiaolong still felt unsatisfied, so he ran to the window and asked Jiang Chen to get him another plate of rice.

The rice still tasted the same as before, a little rough and very ordinary, but with such delicious dishes, it could be eaten in several large bowls. After they had eaten and drunk their fill, they put the plates neatly in the designated locations, without even a grain of rice or a drop of soup left. The fried potatoes in the evening were even more delicious than the shredded potatoes with green peppers in the day.

What good things had they done in their previous lives to be locked up in such a prison?

While putting the plates away, everyone kept praising Jiang Chen's cooking skills.

"Your cooking skills are amazing!"

"Really, I am about to cry, I am so moved! I didn't expect that there are such talented chefs in prison?"

"Chef Jiang, if you keep working here, I’d like to retire in prison!"

After everyone finished eating, they left the cafeteria reluctantly and returned to their dormitories. There was no need for prison guards to supervise them, as everyone was very self-conscious. If they didn’t perform well, they would be put in solitary confinement and wouldn’t be able to eat Jiang Chen’s meals.

Who knows if he will stay here forever with such great cooking skills?!

In the face of such delicious food, you have to cherish it. You can say that one less meal you eat!

Jiang Chen didn’t need to help with the next tasks such as washing dishes and cleaning the stove.

Lao Zhang and Lao Li could do it for them, and they enjoyed it and didn’t feel tired at all.

After they were done, Lao Li said with a smile:"Chef Jiang, remember to save a portion for us two tomorrow?"

""Okay, no problem."

At this moment, Lao Li's pager rang, and the person on the other end asked,"Lao Li, you've been working for sixteen or seventeen hours straight. Do you really not need us to come over to take over?"

Before, both of them were looking forward to eating Jiang Chen's delicious food again, and they didn't pay much attention to the fact that they had been working overtime. Only after the reminder on the phone did they remember that

"Okay, okay, we’ve finished our meal, it’s time to go back, come over and take over the shift!"

"Come on, I'll be right there."

The two of them walked out of the kitchen, stood at the door and said to Jiang Chen,"Chef Jiang, please leave the things I told you before to us. We're going back first!"

"OK, see you tomorrow."


After the two of them left, Jiang Chen changed out of his work clothes and opened the system page.

He checked the points inside. He didn't expect that he had earned more than one or two thousand points in just one day.

Looking at the things sold in the system mall, Jiang Chen's eyes lit up. He really didn't expect that his resources were so rich.

There were many things for sale, and almost all daily necessities could be bought in it.

What's outrageous is that even houses and cars can be bought.

And the price is not very expensive.

A luxury car only needs several hundred points.

Doesn't that mean... now I am equivalent to a multi-millionaire.

His system is really good.

But after a careful look, Jiang Chen didn't find anything in it that he particularly needed.

He would talk about it after he thought it over.

""Old classmate, old classmate!"

Jiang Chen heard Jiang Xue's voice from a distance. He looked up and saw Jiang Xue in uniform panting with a layer of fine sweat on her forehead. She ran up to him out of breath.

"Did you leave any food for me?"

"Heat it up in the microwave. Why did you come here just now?

Jiang Xue stood up tiredly and said,"We are working on a big case recently and have made some progress recently, so I am a little late."

"Okay, eat quickly. It's time for me to get off work after you finish eating."


Jiang Xue said with a bright smile:"Thank you, old classmate!"

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