Jiang Xue walked to the microwave with great anticipation, opened it and took out the rice. She looked at the food with great happiness and satisfaction, and the fatigue on her beautiful face disappeared.

Jiang Xue was already hungry two hours ago, but the criminal caught today was very special and important.

The case he was involved in was also very strange and bizarre. Finally, the suspect was caught and had to be interrogated.

This made her starve for more than two hours, and now she could finally eat.

She took a spoonful of rice and put Jiang Chen's fried potatoes into her mouth.

It was so delicious that she wanted to cry!

Suddenly, she felt that life was worth it.

Jiang Chen pulled the chair over, took out a novel at random, stood at the door, and watched quietly. After Jiang Xue finished eating, she could go home from work today.

Outside the window, the sunset was all over the sky, the sunset glow was burning, and the orange light was like flowing water, slowly flowing past, and the fallen leaves in front of her were dancing and rustling.

The air was filled with the faint scent of leaves, the temperature was just right, the breeze was refreshing, and life was quite pleasant.

Jiang Chen only needed to cook every day, and there would naturally be someone to help him with purchasing ingredients and washing dishes.

He could buy points from the system and buy anything he wanted. He could read books, play games, and use the computer after work.

Very good!

"Old classmate."

Just as Jiang Chen was absorbed in reading the novel, Jiang Xue's voice came to his ears again. She leaned forward and their faces were only two centimeters apart, close enough to hear each other's breathing.

Jiang Chen turned slightly, and the bright sunset light quietly hit her soft face. She seemed to have a halo blooming on her body. She looked very beautiful.

However... the grain of rice on the corner of her mouth was a bit of a spoiler.

"The food you cooked is delicious, but... the portion is too small."


Jiang Chen's face was full of question marks?

The portion is too small?

That day at Jiang Chen's house, he saw how much Jiang Xue ate, so he specially left some more for her. Whether it was rice or vegetables, it was twice as much as an ordinary prisoner.

But she actually thought it was not enough?

Are you serious or joking?

This is more than what he, a grown man, eats?

"You haven't eaten enough yet?"

Jiang Xue nodded vigorously, blinking her bright eyes, and said aggrievedly:"Not only am I not full, I'm still very hungry now. I'm probably only 50% full."

"It's all because of that prisoner today. The interrogation took too long, which caused me to consume a lot of energy. That's why I'm so hungry?"

Jiang Chen touched his chin and asked,"What were you doing during the interrogation? What made you so tired?"


Jiang Xue was stunned for a moment, then smiled a little embarrassedly and said,"These are not the key points. Although I slept for two hours during the interrogation, um...it doesn't mean that I didn't work hard, right?"

"You were sweating profusely just now.……"

Jiang Xue said:"I can't wait to eat the food you cooked, so I ran a little faster! I told you not to pursue these details, okay? In life, eating is the most important thing, right?"

"If I can't eat good food, I can't concentrate on work."

"Did you leave me any extra food? I really can't eat enough!"

Jiang Chen sighed and said,"There's no more in the kitchen. Do you think they can leave you any?"

That's true. Jiang Chen's cooking skills are so superb. Those prisoners who have been through the dark cuisine and suffered a miserable life before probably want to swallow the plate. It

's not easy for Jiang Chen to leave such a big plate for her.

He glanced at Jiang Xue with confusion.

Some girls are really amazing creatures. No matter how much you eat, you can't get fat. They are curvy, graceful, and beautiful like stars. Is n't it infuriating?

"send me home"

"Send you home?!"

Jiang Xue followed Jiang Chen happily and asked curiously,"Why do you want me to send you home?"

"Aren't you hungry? I'll give you a meal when I get back!"


Jiang Xue was very excited. He grabbed Jiang Chen's sleeve and said,"My old classmate, you are so kind. I knew I had the right person."

"Don't thank me yet, I want to collect money."

"No problem, it's just money, right? How about you cook a meal and I'll give you 600 yuan?"


Jiang Chen, who was drinking water, spurted out the contents of his mouth and stared blankly at Jiang Xue beside him, not quite reacting.

Isn't it... that you are so arrogant?

"Isn't it too little?"

Seeing Jiang Chen didn't say anything, Jiang Xue continued:"If it's too little, I can give you more."

""Well, it's barely OK."

When Jiang Chen saw Jiang Xue's car, he finally understood why she thought it was normal to cook a meal for five or six hundred yuan.

It seemed that she was a rich second-generation, otherwise how could a newly recruited police officer afford a luxury car worth millions.

The evening breeze was gentle and the sunset was picturesque. Jiang Chen sat in the co-pilot seat, watching the skyscrapers passing by in a flash, closing his eyes and feeling this brief and pleasant tranquility.

When Jiang Xue returned home, she opened the door and curled up on the sofa. She picked up the fruit that Jiang Chen had placed on the coffee table and started to eat it.

She smiled a little embarrassedly and said,"Sorry, I'm really hungry!"

"Do it quickly, and I'll give you the money right after you finish."

"OK, I'll make you some stir-fried pork today."

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