As a classic Sichuan dish, stir-fried pork goes well with rice. As soon as Jiang Chen got home, he put the ingredients he bought on the road in the kitchen, washed them all and set them aside.

Jiang Xue, who was originally watching TV intently, saw Jiang Chen go in and start to get busy, and immediately lost interest in the following plot.

Watching Jiang Chen cook is a great enjoyment. Whether it is the control of seasoning or the exquisite knife skills, Jiang Xue had only seen it in movies and TV dramas before.

She quickly jumped off the sofa and stood blankly at the kitchen door, her bright big eyes flashing, looking at Jiang Chen with expectation.

Obviously, I ate a lot not long ago, but now my stomach is growling again.

Don't blame yourself for being a foodie.

Blame Jiang Chen.

Who made him cook so delicious?

Before making stir-fried pork, don't add oil to the pan. Put the pre-cut peppers directly into it, fry them on low heat until they are cooked, and press them with a spoon from time to time during the process of frying the peppers. After the peppers are fried, pour them out and put them on a plate for later use.

The kitchen was filled with the aroma of chili peppers, and it was also pungent. Jiang Xue, who was standing at the door, couldn't stop coughing. She stood at the side and distanced herself from Jiang Chen.

The smell of chili peppers was a bit overwhelming.

But she would still tiptoe from time to time, looking at the scene in the house with expectation.

The next step was to stir-fry the pork belly.

First, clean the pot, pour oil into the pot to lubricate the pot, pour out the soy sauce, put the pork belly that had been cut into uniform sizes in advance, and then add garlic, ginger, dried black beans, and oyster sauce.

The rich aroma of meat and garlic, after being stir-fried, swayed and danced in the air, and the chili pepper aroma that had not yet completely dissipated perfectly blended with them. The stir-fried pork dish had not yet been fully served, but the delicious and tempting aroma had already made Jiang Xue's appetite move.

She couldn't help swallowing her saliva, and her saliva was secreted crazily. She walked around in the living room with an anxious face.

From time to time, she glanced at the kitchen.

Her stomach made another gurgling sound.

It smells so good, so good.

She couldn't wait to have such a good smell. She really wanted it, could you give it to her quickly?! When the pork belly was almost done, pour in the chili and seasonings and stir-fry. The moment the chili was poured in, all the fragrances were orderly, self-contained, and perfectly interwoven.

The bursts of spicy aroma came to the face, making people's appetites grow. Most Sichuan dishes are spicy and especially good with rice.

Of course, before adding the chili, you need to add a small amount of cooking wine to remove the fishy smell and dark soy sauce to color it.

The last step is to pour in the chili, then add chicken essence and sugar.

Of course, the sugar depends on personal taste. Some places will add a small amount of sugar when frying small stir-fried meat, while others will not.

In order to increase the taste of some stir-fried meat, you can also pour a small amount of vinegar along the edge of the pot to add a little sourness.

But the sourness will not be very strong, sour and spicy, arousing people's appetite, making people's stomach worms rushing.

Jiang Chen poured the stir-fried pork into the plate. The green color of the green pepper and the light golden color of the pork belly after stir-frying complemented each other. The small amount of black beans in it was the finishing touch. The perfect connection of several colors was as exquisite as a work of art. Once you set your eyes on it, you can't bear to move away. Jiang Xue almost couldn't walk when she saw this plate of stir-fried pork.

The meals Jiang Chen cooked before were almost all vegetarian dishes, and this was the first dish of meat.

After the stir-fried pork was served, Jiang Xue had a full bowl of rice before Jiang Chen greeted her.

That kind of bowl was specially used by Jiang Chen to eat noodles. Jiang Xue filled it with rice without hesitation, sat at the table and took a deep breath with an intoxicated look on her face.

The spicy taste of the pepper itself and the aroma of the pork belly after stir-frying, they have merged into one, inseparable from each other, and looking at the perfect color, it is hard not to be moved.

Pick up a full chopstick and put it into the bowl, which is extremely delicious.

The pork belly was stir-fried until crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. For some reason, it was also slightly chewy.

The aroma of the chili pepper blended into it, and the moment it entered the mouth, it bloomed perfectly, making every taste bud more active than ever before.

How could it be so delicious?!

It smelled so good.

It smelled so good.

She couldn't wait to eat it up, and didn't care about her image at all.

Just like before, she always gave Jiang Chen a thumbs up while eating, with full of amazement and joy in her eyes.

I didn't expect that I could eat such delicious food in my lifetime.

It would be great if I could eat Jiang Chen's dishes every day.

The current prisoners are too lucky. If she wasn't a police officer, she would probably want to stay in jail for two days after eating this meal.

In a blink of an eye, she ate the plate of stir-fried pork on the table cleanly with a whirlwind of speed, and also had three bowls of rice, and then put down her chopsticks with satisfaction.

She leaned back in her chair with a satisfied look on her face, and couldn't help but exclaimed:"Old classmate, you will definitely be a good husband and a good father in the future. Whoever can marry you will be so lucky!"

"Want to default on your debt?"

"What do you mean?"

Jiang Xue was confused, and looked at Jiang Chen in disbelief and said,"What do you mean you want to default on your debt?"

"Didn't I promise to cook you an extra meal for 500 yuan? I only charge for the labor, and the cost of the materials will be considered as my own."

"OK, OK, OK!"

Then Jiang Xue took out her phone and said,"Let's add WeChat first, and then I'll transfer the money to you."

"No problem."

After adding WeChat, Jiang Chen's phone rang after a while. He opened it and saw that the other party had transferred 50,000 yuan to him.

Hiss - you... are so generous?!

He wanted 500, not 50,000!

"I will come to you after get off work every day, and you can cook a few more meals for me. This is for three months.���Money!"

Jiang Xue stretched her back and slowly left the room. Jiang Chen was still a little confused when he saw her.

It seemed that Jiang Xue's family background was really strong!

She was definitely a super rich second generation.

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