After Jiang Xue left, Jiang Chen cleaned up the kitchen, then returned to his room, turned on his computer, and found a movie he liked.

He leaned back in his chair, put his hands behind his head, and there was a can of Coke next to him. He also bought some snacks from the supermarket downstairs.

After watching a movie, he almost finished the Coke.

He looked at the time and it was exactly ten o'clock in the evening. After cleaning up and washing up, he lay down on the bed, pulled the quilt over him, and fell into a deep sleep.

Jiang Chen likes this job very much. The daily work content is not complicated. The most important thing is that there are prison guards in the prison to help, and from time to time, he can earn some extra money from Jiang Xue.

At the same time... he can also get good reviews in the shortest time, and then exchange rewards from the system. It is simply perfect.

The only drawback is that there is no weekend off.

But there is no job in the world that can completely satisfy people. As long as it is roughly the same, it will be fine.

Jiang Chen slept soundly tonight.


Jiang's house.

Pushing the door open carefully, Jiang Xue quietly poked her head out from behind the door. Her beautiful and deep eyes moved back and forth, searching for traces of her father in the house. She didn't get home until half past ten tonight, which was far beyond the stipulated time to go home. Her father would definitely hold her responsible.

Seeing that the huge hall of the villa was empty and the lights were off, Jiang Xue breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, fortunately.

It looks like her father has fallen asleep.

She tiptoed to close the door carefully, and was about to turn around and go to the second floor when the lights suddenly came on, and an old man in his fifties, dressed in a suit and tie, was sitting on the sofa.

Although he was wearing glasses, he didn't give people the impression of being gentle at all. Just sitting there, he gave Jiang Xue a sense of oppression.

It was his father!

Jiang Xue smiled awkwardly and said,"Dad, why aren't you asleep so late?"

"You also know it's late, right?"

Jiang Tianzheng asked,"What's going on? Why are you an hour and a half late?"

"I'm going out to eat."

Jiang Xue slowly came down the stairs and sat next to Jiang Tianzheng. She held her arm and looked at him with pitiful eyes and said,"Dad, I tell you that the work of the police is very hard."

"We caught a criminal today and interrogated him for several hours! I was a little hungry when I got off work, so I went to have a midnight snack."

"Where are we going for a midnight snack? Why does it take so long?"

Jiang Xue shook his hand and said,"Dad, I'm telling the truth!"

"Don't do it again, come back early tomorrow."

Seeing that her father's attitude had softened a little, Jiang Xue nodded and said with a smile:"I knew that you were the best, Dad. You must be very worried about your precious daughter. She worked so hard in the police station and came home a little late. How could you bear to punish her?"

"You are the greatest, most amazing and most glorious father in the world!"

Jiang Tianzheng said seriously:"Work hard? Do you mean eating or sleeping?"

"I don't know what you were thinking. I originally wanted to train you to be the successor of the company, but you insisted on going to the police academy. Your monthly salary is only...……"


Jiang Xue interrupted him and said,"Can we stop talking about that and talk about something more interesting? I just have something important to discuss with you."


Jiang Xue smiled and said,"Well... can you give me a few tens of thousands of extra pocket money every month? I want to give extra meals to the prisoners in the prison!"

Although she could occasionally go to Jiang Chen's house and ask him to help her cook, it was still not a good thing for a man and a woman to be alone in the same room every day. Besides, she could only eat one dish at a time when she went to his house.

If she could also help the prisoners solve the food problem, then she could also have delicious food and several dishes in the police station every noon.

Anyway, for her father, tens of thousands of yuan a month was not a lot.

But if she went to buy vegetables... it would definitely be a lot of money. If there was any extra money that could not be used up, she would give it directly to Jiang Chen, just as if she was helping him make extra money.


Jiang Tianzheng stood up suddenly.

His eyes were as big as copper bells, and he looked at his daughter in disbelief! What was she talking about?

To give extra meals to the prisoners in the prison?

No way? Is she crazy?

He admitted that he could make a lot of money a year, and ordinary people could not make that much in dozens of lifetimes, but it did not mean that his money was blown by the wind. He also had to go to give extra meals to the prisoners in the prison?


Jiang Tianzheng didn't understand and said,"If you want to use the money for other things, I have no objection. But you are giving the prisoners extra meals for no reason.……"

"Dad, you are the best."

Jiang Xue grabbed his sleeve, sat on the sofa, looked up at Jiang Tianzheng, and said seriously and sincerely:"The prisoners in the prison are very pitiful. They eat clear soup for three meals a day. I want to add some meat to them occasionally... Our chefs who cook prison meals are great!"

"Today he made a plate of stir-fried pork. Dad, you have no idea what it tasted like and the color was like. I ate several bowls of rice in one go! I haven't eaten in the police canteen these days. I've been eating the same food as them."

"It tastes so good, I'm drooling just thinking about it now!"

Jiang Tianzheng:"……"

Who am I?

Where am I?

What did I hear?

Although he knew that his daughter never played by the rules, he was still a little shocked when he heard her words.

You are a police officer in the police station.

You are thinking about those two prison meals all day long?

No, what kind of devil is this?

Jiang Xue looks innocent, why are some operations always so exaggerated?

"Dad, can you promise me? Just give me an extra 50,000 yuan a month, it's not a lot!"

Jiang Tianzheng was a little helpless, waved his hands and said,"Okay, okay, I'll just promise you."

Who told him that he only has such a precious daughter, who else should he spoil if not her?!

"Thank you, Dad. I know you are the best. I wish you good fortune, longevity and prosperity."

"I'm going to bed!"

Jiang Tianzheng shook his head and smiled bitterly as he watched his daughter's graceful figure gradually going upstairs. He was already 21 years old, but how could he still talk and act like a child?

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