A few minutes later, Jiang Tianzheng finished washing up and returned to his room. His wife was already lying on the bed, but she was not asleep.

The two of them were childhood sweethearts who had known each other since childhood and had a deep relationship. They officially got together as soon as they graduated from high school. After graduating from college, Jiang Tianzheng chose to start a business.

His wife had always supported him silently behind the scenes, and even though she failed several times, she never thought of giving up. The two of them had gone through many ups and downs. When they were thirty years old, Jiang Tianzheng's career finally took off, and they finally achieved success.

The two lived a harmonious and happy life. The only flaw was that in the year when Jiang Xue was born, his wife fell ill and could no longer have children. The two of them only had one daughter, Jiang Xue.

"What were you two talking about just now?"

As soon as he entered, his wife asked,"Why did I seem to hear Xueer ask you to give her more pocket money? I remember that this child used to be very frugal, and she couldn't spend 30,000 yuan a month at all!"

Jiang Tianzheng took off his glasses and said,"I'm also wondering, why is she giving extra meals to the prisoners in prison, saying that they can only eat radishes and cabbages for every meal, and she feels very sympathetic to them and wants to buy them some meat."

"What else... There is a new chef in their prison, and his cooking tastes great. Now she is thinking about meals all day at work."


The wife was also a little confused, with surprise on her still charming face.

Their precious daughter... doesn't really do things according to common sense?

Originally thought that she worked in the police station, thinking about upholding justice, punishing evil and promoting good, and protecting the safety of the people in the future.

Unexpectedly, she was thinking about meals, and... meals for the prisoners!

This is a bit outrageous!

Jiang Tianzheng sighed and said,"Do you think that the pocket money I give her every month is too little, so she can't eat delicious food? So she is interested in prison meals? This won't work."

"She has been a foodie since she was little, so she shouldn't be so tasteless, right? Don't we often take her to star-rated hotels?"

The wife thought for a moment and said,"Forget it, you know her personality, and she will probably be a flash in the pan, and she might forget about it after a few days.""

"She wants to try everything."

Pulling the quilt over, Jiang Tianzheng lay on the bed, thinking about what his wife said, he felt that it made sense, and said with a little comfort:"Yes, then let's go to bed early."



The next day.

The sun was shining brightly with a clear blue sky.

The next morning, Jiang Chen got up, washed up, and just opened the door to go to work when he saw Jiang Xue's luxury car parked at the door from a distance.

As soon as he stepped out, the girl quickly stuck her head out and said happily:"Hurry up, let's go to the supermarket to buy ingredients to add extra meals to the prison today! Make big fish and meat!!!"

Seeing her face full of joy, Jiang Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He didn't know what Jiang Xue's purpose was in becoming a policeman before, but now he is sure.

Jiang Xue's willingness to continue staying in the police station is probably 90% related to the food he cooks. This girl is a big foodie!

However, as a cook, it is indeed a great sense of satisfaction to see that the food he cooks is eaten up by others, without even a grain of rice left, and they admire it from the bottom of their hearts.

"No problem."

Jiang Xue started the car as soon as Jiang Chen sat on the passenger seat. She looked ahead seriously and couldn't help asking,"I just asked my dad for an extra 50,000 or 60,000 yuan? That should be enough to buy meat for a month, right?"

Cough, cough, cough!!!

Jiang Chen coughed twice. A rich woman is a rich woman after all. In order to give the prisoners extra meals, she actually asked her dad for an extra 50,000 or 60,000 yuan a month?

Adding the money transferred to her yesterday, that's more than 100,000 yuan in expenses. I guess the money she has in the police station is not enough for her to buy a lipstick, right?

"What's wrong with you? Are you dissatisfied with the small amount of money? Then I'll go back and ask my dad for some more."

Jiang Chen waved his hand and asked,"No, how much pocket money did your dad give you in the past month?""

"Don't mention it."

Jiang Xue leaned back in her chair and said,"It's all because I was too sensible and frugal when I was young. He thought I was useless and had no talent for spending money, so he only gave me 40,000 a month. But fortunately... I am a family-oriented person. I can't spend it all. All the clothes I bought were cheap ones that cost one or two thousand yuan each."

"So I can save a few thousand yuan every month. What I transferred to you last night is my pocket money that I saved for a year."


Jiang Chen's face was full of black lines.

What do you mean only 40,000 yuan a month?

Sure enough, the disparity between people is very large!

Jiang Xue continued to sigh:"There are too few girls like me who care about family. Whoever marries me in the future will be very happy! Don't you think so, old classmate?"


Jiang Chen laughed and said nothing.

The vegetable market was particularly lively in the morning. Looking around, it was crowded with people. It was

Jiang Xue's first time to come to the market. She found everything strange. Her eyes were shining and full of excitement.

She followed Jiang Chen like a little follower, helping to get the ingredients and listening to Jiang Chen bargaining with the boss. She had never bought vegetables before, so she even found bargaining interesting.

"Boss, is your cucumber delicious?"

The boss smiled and said,"Of course it's delicious. If it's not, I won't charge you!"

"OK, give me 20 kilograms of bad food first!"


He was stunned for a while and said,"Young man, if you don't want to buy it, just go to the side. Don't disturb me doing business."

People nowadays are not honest.

Didn't he say that if it's not delicious, it's free?

Jiang Chen continued to wander around the vegetable market with Jiang Xue, who was confused. Although it was made for the prisoners, Jiang Chen had to eat it himself, so he had to be careful in choosing the ingredients.

60,000 yuan a month, that's about 2,000 yuan a day.

One or two thousand yuan...

You can buy more than 100 kilograms of pork every day, which is enough to make stir-fried pork for 100 people, and you can't use it up at all.

Of course, the rest of the money will flow into Jiang Chen's pocket, just as his hard work fee.

It's really great to have a little rich woman as a friend!

Some people are happy, and naturally some people are unhappy.

The unhappy person is Jiang Xue.

Jiang Chen doesn't know how to be gentle with women. Most of the ingredients he bought were given to Jiang Xue. Of course, he would occasionally show his manliness.

For example, onions, ginger, garlic and other very hard and technical work must be done by Jiang Chen himself.

A good man who doesn't know how to relieve his stress is definitely not a qualified cook!

After taking two steps, Jiang Xue finally couldn't bear it anymore. She was so tired that she was out of breath and said to Jiang Chen:"Old classmate, can't you help me? Look at me, I am so delicate and tender, carrying dozens of kilograms of pork by myself, can you bear to watch from the side?"

"Of course I can't bear to watch it!"

Jiang Xue's beautiful face blossomed into a smile, revealing a mouthful of white teeth, and said:"I knew I was right about you, come and help me!"


Then, Jiang Xue saw Jiang Chen close his eyes and get in the car!!!

Jiang Xue:"???"


Big brother... what are you doing?

So you said you couldn't bear to watch it, so you just closed your eyes and didn't watch it?!

Damn, what kind of straight man is this? ? ?

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