Jiang Xue looked helpless. She carried dozens of kilograms of pork and came to the trunk of the car angrily under the gazes of many aunties in the vegetable market, and then put the things in. After getting in the car, she looked at Jiang Chen who was concentrating on reading a novel next to her, and she felt uncomfortable.

Jiang Xue was also a beauty in the police station, and there were many people chasing after her, okay?

It would be fine if he didn't help her when she came to the vegetable market with him, but when he saw that she was tired and panting and turned a deaf ear to her, was he a gentleman? He is really an invincible steel titanium alloy straight man.

It's a headache!!!

But seeing that he cooks delicious food and looks handsome, she reluctantly spared him!

She stepped on the accelerator and increased the horsepower to the limit, and arrived at the police station not long after.

Seeing the two of them get out of the car together, the other comrades in the police station were confused.

What's going on?!

Why did they come together?

Jiang Xue is young, beautiful, and has a good figure. In addition, she comes from a wealthy family. If she can get such a rich woman, she will have a successful career and a family. It would be so exciting.

Therefore, many people in the police station are very attentive to Jiang Xue, but this girl is very nervous, and she only thinks about food.

When faced with other people's overt and covert advances, she always pretends to turn a blind eye.

This makes the courtship journey of the majority of male colleagues in the police station particularly difficult and full of thorns.

But the cook in this prison only got his first day at work... and he enjoyed the service of Jiang Xue as a full-time driver?

It's not easy!

When Jiang Xue got off the car and came to the trunk and took out the pork and other ingredients, people were even more stunned.

What, what's going on?!

Why did Jiang Xue buy so much pork?

A luxury car worth millions of dollars, used to carry pork?

Why are they getting more and more confused?


Putting all the ingredients on the ground, Jiang Xue said to Jiang Chen:"Can you give me a hand?……"

Before he could even finish his words, the other male police officers took the initiative to show their friendship.

"Xiaoxue, let me come"

"How can you do such a small thing yourself? Did you buy it for our comrades in the police station? I will send it to the kitchen immediately!"

"Yes, yes, yes, they bought so much meat, they must be preparing it for us as a snack."

Seeing a large number of male police officers coming forward, Jiang Xue waved her hands and said,"No, no, don't get me wrong, I bought it for the prisoners. They only eat radishes and cabbages all day, it makes me sad... I'm going to prepare this meat, and I'm going to let Chef Jiang make braised pork for them at noon."

Jiang Chen now belongs to Jiang Xue alone, we can't share him with everyone in the police station, otherwise everyone will come together and squeeze him dry, then what will we eat?

Although she knows that paper cannot cover fire, gold will always shine, and sooner or later everyone will realize how awesome Jiang Chen's cooking skills are.

But it's better to keep it a secret for a day!

Dear police officers:"ˉ\_(?o?)_/ˉ"

They were all dumbfounded.

I know your family is rich, but you wouldn't do this.

Paying for extra meals for prisoners? Isn't that too extravagant?

The point is that it's not necessary! Why do they eat so well?

Putting them in prison is to punish them, not to let them go on vacation.

"Rich woman!"

At this moment, Xiaoxue's best friend Zhang Xiaoyu ran up to her and grabbed her arm, blinking her bright eyes and said,"Please support me. I have become thinner due to hunger these days. Can you give me some extra food?"

"Stop it, I'm telling the truth."

Jiang Xue said,"It's time to go to work soon. I have to help deliver the ingredients to the kitchen. Don't follow me!"

Faced with other police officers offering their courtesy, Jiang Xue refused decisively. If she really asked them to help deliver the ingredients to the prison kitchen, the secret would surely be discovered by everyone.

Jiang Chen would feel very tired, and the most important thing was... he might not have the chance to give her a snack at night in the future.

She really likes to eat. Jiang Chen fed her well last night!

Jiang Chen, who was walking in the front, had a calm face. Seeing Jiang Xue following behind with some effort, he held his forehead with his hand and said,"You really need to exercise more. You are not as strong as the aunt next door in my village. She can carry 200 kilograms of manure in one breath. Look at you... Girls in the city are really not good. What can you do if you marry someone with thin arms and legs?"

Listen, listen!

Is this human language?!"

The rest of the policemen were shocked. A beautiful woman with a good figure, young and beautiful appearance, and a rich family, you still need to carry manure after marrying her?

This idea is too outrageous.

Watching the two people disappear from their backs, the rest of the policemen have not yet reacted from their confusion.


Fatty Zheng touched his head and asked,"Why do I feel like Jiang Xue is acting strange recently? I haven't seen her come to our cafeteria for two consecutive days."

"Yes! Jiang Xue's reaction was indeed strange. She couldn't wait to eat before it was time to eat. Recently, the situation was too abnormal."

"That's right, we really need to investigate it!"

Among all the people present, only Lao Li and Lao Zhang understood the reason why Jiang Xue didn't eat recently.

After tasting the delicious food made by Jiang Chen, who would be willing to waste time in the company cafeteria? Isn't that just torturing yourself?

The two of them have decided to help cover the shift at noon today. Thinking about the delicious food, they couldn't help but drool.

With such tempting and delicious food, what's the point of working a few more hours?


Finally, the ingredients were put in the kitchen. Jiang Xue leaned against the wall next to her, her proud figure rising and falling like waves and peaks.

This young girl really has it all.

She has beauty, sex appeal, and money.

No wonder she is so popular in the police station!

Wiping the sweat off her face, Jiang Xue asked,"Are we really going to make braised pork for lunch today?"

Although Jiang Chen had already told Jiang Xue in the car that he was going to use the meat for braised pork, she still wanted to confirm it.

Jiang Xue especially likes braised pork. She can have several large pieces in one meal, which is perfect for eating with rice.

She had just eaten breakfast, but now her stomach is growling again.

"Don't worry, I won't lie to you."

Jiang Xue's eyes were full of stars, and she looked at Jiang Chen with great admiration and said,"Old classmate, although you are a straight man and don't have much money now, I think you are a good person!"

"Then I'll go to work first. Please leave me some more time for lunch today."

""Okay, no problem."

After Jiang Xue left the kitchen, Jiang Chen took out the ingredients, cleaned them one by one, and put them neatly.

Now that he has bound the system and gained a lot of relevant cooking knowledge from it, Jiang Chen's love for cooking is getting higher and higher.

Every time he cooks, he will enjoy it wholeheartedly! Have fun reading on May Day! Recharge 100 and get 500 VIP points!

Recharge now (Activity time: April 29 to May 3)

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