As a home-cooked dish, braised pork is loved and sought after by many people, but it is difficult to make it soft, glutinous, fragrant, fat but not greasy.

The braised pork in many restaurants is not authentic, or the meat is too fat, or too soft, and it melts directly before you can taste it just after you put it in your mouth. The most perfect ideal state of braised pork is fat but not greasy. If the heat is too light, it will be too fat.

If it is too heavy, it will be too soft and rotten, and it will not have any chewiness when eaten, and naturally there will be no pleasure of eating fat.

Therefore, an authentic braised pork is a test of the chef's cooking skills.

Jiang Chen has superb knife skills. An ordinary kitchen knife flies up and down in his hand, with heavy knife shadows and cold light flashing. In a blink of an eye, he cuts the washed meat into even-sized pieces. The pot in the prison kitchen is big enough. Jiang Chen added water in advance, put the pork belly in, added green onions, ginger, and cooking wine to remove the fishy smell of the meat itself.

After about forty minutes, when the pork belly is cooked and fragrant, pick it up and put it aside for filtering.

Turn on the fire in another pot to fry the sugar color. Although most dishes have requirements for color, fragrance and taste.

However, braised pork is particularly important. If the sugar color is not good, the appetite of braised pork will be at least halved.

Add a little oil to the pot, and put in the rock sugar immediately after heating. Stir back and forth continuously. The speed should not be too fast or too slow, just keep a constant speed.

When the rock sugar is completely melted and small yellow bubbles start to appear from the bottom of the pot, the step of frying the sugar color is completed.

Then pour the pork belly into the pot, turn the heat to medium, and stir quickly to coat each piece of meat with sugar color. The rich, spicy and fresh aroma has spread in the kitchen.

Jiang Chen's appetite was constantly aroused. He gently moved forward, feeling the stimulation brought by the aroma of braised pork, and couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

Even if he hadn't tasted it yet, just smelling this aroma made Jiang Chen sincerely satisfied.

Then add the ingredients and continue to stir-fry.

The methods of making braised pork in red sauce vary from place to place. Some people like to add quail eggs or chicken eggs to the braised pork, but Jiang Chen prefers potatoes.

Put the potatoes of the same size and shape that have been cut in advance into the pot.

If the amount of braised pork is relatively small, you can put the meat in the pot into a casserole and simmer it for a while.

However, Jiang Chen's conditions are limited. He has to cook for more than a hundred people at the same time, and he can't get so many casseroles.

Moreover, he has enough confidence in his cooking skills. He can also make the braised pork to perfection by simmering it in a large pot.

Pour the beer that has been opened in advance into the pot, cover the lid, and turn down the fire slightly. Next, you just need to wait quietly. The delicious, soft and sticky braised pork that goes well with rice is ready.

After about twenty minutes, the lid of the pot began to twitch slightly, and from time to time it slapped the edge of the pot, making a subtle sound of ping-pong.

The rich aroma kept popping out, which attracted Jiang Chen himself. He looked at the time and it was about time.

He quickly opened the lid of the pot. The thick soup of the braised pork was still rolling inside. The potatoes and pork belly were evenly and delicately stained with a light golden color, which looked fresh and tempting. The red sauce pork belly was soaked in the oily yellow soup, and the fragrance came in waves. The surface of each piece of braised pork was smooth and delicate, which made people drool.

He picked up a piece of meat and slowly put it into his mouth. The pork belly was red, shiny, and trembling.

He put it into his mouth, keeping the elasticity of the meat itself, which was more chewy, but the greasy smell was completely removed, so that people would not feel greasy.

The meat was soft, glutinous, elastic, and especially easy to chew. The sweetness was neutralized by the sweetness, which made people unable to stop.

Its meat was strong enough. After a long time of stewing, it became soft and rotten, like tofu.

The meat was full of sauce when it was put into the mouth, and it splashed all over the mouth after a bite, and the soft and glutinous meat moved between the lips.

Jiang Chen swallowed it gently, and the meat slid from his throat into his stomach like a roller coaster, leaving only a mouthful of meaty aroma.

It's delicious!

Jiang Chen himself couldn't help it and wanted to have a bowl to try it first. As for the prisoners, let them wait in line.

He quickly got a bowl of rice and ate it with the braised pork.

It's so delicious!

Whether it's the potatoes stewed in it or the pork belly itself, it's endless aftertaste.

He ate three bowls of rice in one breath, and then put the bowl and chopsticks on the plate with satisfaction. There was about half an hour left before dinner. The remaining two dishes were relatively simple, one was hand-shredded cabbage, and the other was cabbage soup, which would be ready in a short time.

I wonder how the prisoners in the prison will react when they see that there is braised pork to eat today?

…… trial room

"Comrade, I hope you can cooperate with us. Leniency to those who confess and severity to those who resist. I believe you should understand this principle."

"As long as you tell us the location of your accomplices now, we will do our best to help you get a reduced sentence.……"

The strong man sitting opposite Zhang Xiaoyu, with his hands folded in front of his chest, had a defiant look on his face, and didn't take what they said to heart at all.

"I won’t tell you!"

He squinted his eyes and said,"Do you know what’s the most important thing when you’re out there?"

"I tell you that the most important thing is loyalty. As a loyal person, how could I betray my brothers?"

"All those things in the museum were stolen by me alone. I don’t care if you sentence me to ten or eight years in prison!"

"Anyway, if you want to get words out of me, you'd better give up. See the scar on my back? I was stabbed more than ten times by someone and I didn't say a word."

"Your ideas are just childish and are simply daydreaming!���

Zhang Xiaoyu held her forehead with a helpless look on her face. This guy is really as hard as a rock.

They have been interrogating him for several days, but he insisted that he had stolen the cultural relics worth tens of millions of yuan alone. He was unwilling to give out the gang behind him!

Zhang Xiaoyu felt helpless and glanced at Jiang Xue next to her. She found that she had been staring at her watch and swallowing her saliva during this period, as if she was very hungry.


Can she restrain her foodie nature?

If the two of them can get something out of this criminal, it will be a great achievement!


After calling out to Jiang Xue, who didn't respond, Zhang Xiaoyu raised his voice and called out,"Xiaoxue, didn't you hear me?"

"Is it time for dinner? Okay, we'll come back this afternoon to review it!"

PS: Five more chapters with 10,000 words are here. Please give me flowers and votes! More chapters when there are data! Thank you all readers! Have fun reading books on May Day! Recharge 100 and get 500 VIP points!

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