Zhang Xiaoyu:"(ー_ー)!!"

I was spitting and interrogating you righteously for a long time, but you were still daydreaming and all you could think about was food?

Not really, right?

If the police canteen had delicacies from land and sea, exotic delicacies, I would understand your behavior.

The food in key units is at best mediocre. Sometimes the chefs don't perform well and the food is totally inedible, either too salty or too bland. Is it necessary for you to think about it so much and be obsessed with it?

"There are still more than ten minutes."

Zhang Xiaoyu said:"Can you pay more attention? We have been interrogating for several days. If there is no result, the team leader will make trouble for us."

"Everything depends on fate!"

Jiang Xue said helplessly:"We can't hit him, and we can't scold him. Didn't he just say that his mouth is harder than iron? What can I do if I can't get the answer?"

The strong man opposite sneered, and the arrogance on his face became even stronger. He said coldly:"You two are sensible and just convict me directly. It's no problem to sentence me to 20 or 30 years."

Hearing this, Jiang Xue showed envy from the bottom of her heart and said:"If you are sentenced to 20 or 30 years, you are too happy, right?"

Doesn't that mean that I can eat the delicious food made by Jiang Chen for most of my life, which is simply the most ultimate enjoyment in the world.

Zhang Xiaoyu:"……"


Why does she never speak in a straight line?

At this moment, the bell rang suddenly. Jiang Xue stood up quickly and checked the time. She rushed out with the folder in her arms without saying a word.

No way?!

Jiang Xue used to love to eat, but not to this extent?

She stood up helplessly and looked at the prisoner who was looking at her with a provocative look. She felt a little scared. She thought that she would not get a result today.

When she came out of the interrogation room, she was surprised to find that Jiang Xue did not run to the cafeteria, but ran directly to the prison kitchen.

What's going on?!

Is her head dizzy from hunger?

"Jiang Xue."

She waved her right hand and greeted loudly,"You just ran to the wrong place, not over there?"

But Jiang Xue completely ignored what she said just now, and ran faster than before, her feet were about to smoke.

Touching her chin with her hand, Zhang Xiaoyu fell into deep thought. Jiang Xue had many suitors in the police station, but she was never willing to look at them more, and she didn't even have the chance to have a meal alone on weekdays.

Jiang Chen just arrived yesterday and went to work with her. She was willing to pay for Jiang Chen to give the prisoners extra meals...

The relationship between the two must be complicated.

No, I have to go and see.

She followed Jiang Xue carefully. Today she wanted to find out why she had been doing this for the past few days. What was so abnormal? After a few minutes, she arrived outside the prison kitchen.

As soon as she stood at the door, a strong and fragrant aroma suddenly came over her, making her body stiffen. She quickly closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

The aroma of the braised pork made her, who was already a little hungry, even hungrier.

How could it smell so good?!

She didn't even need to eat it. Just by smelling the aroma, she was sure that the food in the prison kitchen was definitely better than the police station cafeteria.

She kept swallowing her saliva, and then she heard Jiang Xue's voice coming from the room.

"Hurry... Hurry and give me some more... I want more!"

"I can't help it... So beautiful, really so beautiful!"

"I have to hurry so that no one will find out!"

"Now this is a secret between us and no one else can know it?"

"It's so hot... so full!"

Zhang Xiaoyu's eyes were wide open like copper bells. She couldn't help swallowing her saliva and stood blankly at the door. She suddenly felt that the original fragrance was much lighter now.

Isn't it... so exciting?!

Could it be that the two of them have developed to the point of being frank with each other at a lightning speed?

Not really, right?

Although Zhang Xiaoyu's instinct told her that it would be best to leave quietly in this situation and pretend that she knew nothing.

But the fragrance in the room was too strong, making her completely out of control, and she pushed the door open directly.

Without the barrier of the door, she came to the kitchen full of meat fragrance, which made Zhang Xiaoyu unbearable. If she hadn't been concerned about her image and tried to restrain herself, her saliva would have flowed all over the floor.

"Xiaoyu... wu... why are you here too?"

Jiang Xue's voice attracted Zhang Xiaoyu. She opened her eyes and found that she was holding a plate and eating with oil dripping from her mouth. There were still a few grains of rice on the corners of her mouth.

A large plate of braised pork was placed in front of her, shiny and trembling, with rich soup and attractive color. It made people unable to look away after taking a look.

"Me, I want one too……"

Zhang Xiaoyu couldn't wait, like a wolf seeing its prey, and rushed to the pot of braised pork with lightning speed, and said hurriedly:"You have such a good thing, why don't you call me...hiss...quick, give it to me!"

Jiang Chen didn't say anything, and took out the plate next to him and handed it to Zhang Xiaoyu.

He couldn't wait to take it, and quickly scooped a full spoonful of braised pork, and then paired it with white rice.

Slowly and extremely enjoyably, he picked up a piece of braised pork and put it in his mouth. The meat was soft and fragrant. He took a bite gently, and the rich soup burst out and immediately filled his mouth. It was fresh, fragrant, soft and tender.

Fatty but not greasy, with endless taste. His meat was stewed just right, retaining the glycerin taste of fat, but not a bit greasy.

Paired with a mouthful of white rice, this is simply the most extreme enjoyment in the world!

It's so delicious!

Who would be willing to go to the police canteen if they can eat such prison food every day?

If he were a prisoner, he probably wouldn't want to get out of prison! Isn't it good to be in prison for ten or eight years?

No need to worry about work pressure, and have delicious food every day?

It's just a human���Heaven!

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