Smith was wondering if there was something wrong with his ears.

This was simply nonsense!

Didn't the other party understand how valuable a Michelin three-star chef really was?

For many people, a Michelin three-star chef was someone they might never have the chance to meet in their lifetime.

And yet she did it?!

She asked him to be a personal assistant to his family chef?

She didn't take him seriously at all!

Smith's expression was very serious.

He said coldly,"Let me tell you, young lady, I don't have the time or energy to joke with you here!""Three Eight Zero"

"Besides, I feel that what you just said completely hurt my dignity!"

"I hope you can be more careful when you speak next time."

Seeing the other party's angry face, she smiled and continued:"Just one day, how about 100,000 yuan?"

""One hundred thousand?"

Smith sneered.

This was just one month's salary for him.

Giving him one more month's salary and trying to bribe him, as a chef?

This is nonsense!

"Absolutely impossible."

Jiang Xue held out two fingers again.

The chef's body trembled!

Smith hesitated for a moment, somewhat unsure whether his guess was true.

Just go over to help for a day and get two hundred thousand directly.

To be honest, it really shocked him.

This is definitely not a small amount of money.

Smith coughed twice, pretending to be calm and said:"Sorry, no matter how much money you give me now, I can't……"

"How about 300,000 yuan?"

Hiss - no matter how professional you are, you will be stunned for a moment when you hear 300,000 yuan.

This is really not a small amount!

No matter who you are, 300,000 yuan must be carefully considered.

He smiled awkwardly and said,"Miss, this is not about money at all.……"

"Do you think I gave you too little?"

Jiang Xue's family may lack everything except money.

In her impression, there has never been a clear concept of money.

As long as she wants to buy something, she just needs to ask a word and her father will buy it for her.

Smith hesitated for a moment and finally asked,"Miss, it's okay if you want me to help you."

"But can you tell me who you want me to help next?"

"It shouldn't be too much to answer my question, right?"

It's true that money makes the world go round. When he spoke to Jiang Xue now, his attitude was much more respectful than before.

He didn't dare to show any dissatisfaction, for fear of offending Jiang Xue.

Jiang Xue was also very satisfied with his performance just now. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!) Only those who know the times can become heroes, right?

She smiled and said,"It's not too much, of course it's not too much."

"The person I want you to help is my family’s cook!"

"Just such a small thing?!"

"it should be no problem?!"[]

"He used to cook for prisoners in prison, and his cooking skills were pretty good."

Smith was stunned again.

Who am I? Where am I? What did I just hear?


Is there anything more outrageous than this in the world?

If Jiang Xue hadn't offered that particularly tempting price before, Smith might have flipped the table right now........

In his opinion, what Jiang Xue said was the biggest insult to him.

"let me tell you……"

Smith took a deep breath and said,"You can't joke about this kind of thing!"

He could accept being asked to help, but asking him to help a cook who originally cooked for the prisoners was an insult to Smith.

He didn't deserve this!

Smith felt very uncomfortable.

He clenched his fist and said,"Miss, I admit that the price you just gave me is generous enough."

"Under normal circumstances, I might have been tempted and violated a principle as a chef."

"But what you just said really makes me very sad!"

"It's impossible for me to promise you now."

""Miss, I hope you can think it over carefully!"

Jiang Xue was a little helpless. It seemed that he had expected this situation.

After all... it was normal for ordinary people to be unable to accept Jiang Chen's situation.

She slowly extended another finger.

When he saw this scene, his body suddenly shook, and his eyes were full of horror.

It seemed that he had guessed what Jiang Xue meant, even though she hadn't spoken yet.

"Isn't this number enough?"

Jiang Xue asked very sincerely:"I am inviting you with enough sincerity!"

"As long as you agree, I can give you 400,000?"

"Do you want to think about it carefully?".

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